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Kristi Pawn, Open at 18th and Minnesota

An eager reader invites your captions for this photo of Kristi Noem’s Sioux Falls campaign office at 18th and Minnesota:

Kristi Noem campaign office in former Sioux Falls pawn shop, Sioux Falls, SD, July 2022.
Kristi Noem campaign office in former Sioux Falls pawn shop, Sioux Falls, SD, July 2022.

Somehow I doubt chess of any dimension is taking place in that building. But “pawn” is probably a better assessment of the South Dakota governor’s power on the national political chessboard than her former title of Snow Queen.


  1. mike from iowa

    The place is crawling with supporters. She draws the bigliest crowds ever! Just like drumpf.

  2. Donald Pay

    Boy, that neighborhood has really gone downhill.

  3. She’s “America’s Governor” about like Rudi (noun, verb, 911) is “America’s Mayor.”

  4. Tom

    will there be a petting zoo for her horsey?

  5. P. Aitch


  6. O

    buckobear, your comment makes me think about the people who hitched their wagons to the Trump train. In many of those cases, these were not openly crazy people, but over the time of their involvement with Trump, the more unhinged they became. Association became both a test of potential lunacy AND the environment to nature the worst of those proclivities. Ihope for SD’s sake, for even the Governor’s sake, that she can avoid the sharp departure from reality so many others have fallen into. Maybe that’s the best critique of Trump’s leadership: what respected, rational, intelligent supporter can he claim as loyal to him?

  7. Eve Fisher

    I’ve actually never seen a car in that parking lot – and I drive by it almost every day.

  8. WillyNilly

    I saw Nepotism Noem’s recent commercial with her mother. Guess she can’t showcase the kids anymore. Or they’re too embarrassed to appear.

  9. chris

    Isn’t this property part of T. Denny Sanford’s future mega-tract? Does Patriot Ripple Effect know she is so deeply in cahoots?

  10. All Mammal

    Looks like a place meth addicts go to hock Grandpa’s old war medals.

  11. Francis Schaffer

    It reminds me of ‘The 4 Seasons”.

  12. Bonnie B Fairbank

    I think an off-sale liquor store would dress this property up fine.

  13. What is the purpose of the campaign office anyhow, who works there, duh. Looks deserted. Everybody is on vacation or tending to the cows.

  14. Bonnie B Fairbank

    We were invited to make a caption for the photo, but mine isn’t at all clever and probably not printable.
    Loti – I think it’s a pizza joint where Ravnsborg and Sanford hang out in the basement and bugger little boys, eat their flesh, and drink their blood.
    WillyNilly – I’ve wonder if Booker Noem squirms when he thinks about his Mommy Dearest. He turned twenty in May, and surely knows Byron ain’t his daddy.

  15. Bob Newland

    Queen’s Gambit

  16. Arlo Blundt

    Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

  17. Mike Z

    P-proly A-a W-wing N-nut.

  18. JO

    There used to be a really classy place called “Chuck’s Corner” where any ol’ 18 year old could legally drink .32 beer. My goodness! That neighborhood has gone to hell.

  19. Joe

    In the words of the great Bette Davis, what a dump.

  20. Richard Schriever

    Jo, when I was a yung’un, Chuck’s Corner was still Pinard Drug, with a real live old-fashioned soda fountain where one could get a cherry phosphate and all manner of other delicious soda fountain offerings, as well as your mom’s prescriptions and smokes picked up and walked the 4 blocks back home with, stopping to flirt with the neighborhood girls from school along the way.

  21. chris

    K(r)one’s Korner?

  22. Hey, now, Bonnie, let’s not get too personal… but if you have DNA evidence, please do share.

  23. Chris, that’s an interesting question about ownership. That intersection is near where Sanford wants to create some kind of Minnesota Avenue gateway to its complex to the west. But the Sioux Falls parcel map tells me that the owners of that lot at the SW corner of 18th and Minnesota are “NETOS, ANTONIOS NICK & GEORGIA”. The surrounding lot west and south is owned by DG Developments 2 LLC.

  24. chris

    Yeah Cory, looks like that building behind & lot west & south is the Sanford Hospital motorpool for their vehicle fleet. Good neighbors.

  25. DeeJay Beejr

    The subliminal message here is “trade in your old Pony Girl for a new governor.”

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