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Racial Cleansing: RCPD Arrests Connie Uhre for Attacking Indian Protestors with Pledge

Hey, how’s the Uhre family doing at repairing its public image and recovering from the bad press and boycott that resulted from its open discrimination against American Indians in Rapid City?

Not well. This video from the NDN Collective, which has been leading protests against the Uhres, shows Connie Uhre spraying cleaner protestors with Pledge in her motel parking lot:

Today, during a picket line event – which NDN Collective has been leading three times a week for the last six weeks – Connie Uhre, owner of the Grand Gateway Hotel, approached the boycotters and sprayed Sunny Red Bear, director of racial equity at NDN Collective, directly in the face with a cleaning product.

“This is what we mean when we say that white supremacy is violent,” said Sunny Red Bear, racial equity director at NDN Collective. “No matter how long they lie dormant, peoples’ racist worldviews eventually come out in their actions. Connie Uhre already made her view of Native people clear when she said she’d ban all of us from her business, and when her staff followed through on that ban. Those actions alone were violent. Now that we’ve seen that she was willing to commit a physical act of violence – in public and in broad daylight – I hope that people will begin to understand and believe us when we say how dangerous and REAL racism is.”

“Connie Uhre’s behavior today was not only racist, violent and disgusting – it was also illegal. As Native people we will not sit on the sidelines while our rights are violated,” said Nick Tilsen, NDN Collective President and CEO. “This incident will be added to the federal civil rights lawsuitthat was filed in March. We now call upon the Department of Justice to intervene and hold Connie Uhre and the Grand Gateway Hotel accountable for these racist and illegal acts against our people. It requires aggressive action to dismantle white supremacy. Everybody in this community should be outraged” [NDN Collective, press release, 2022.05.27].

Now hold your phones: there could be a little illegal activity on both sides. Note that around the 45-second mark, Uhre demands that the protestors clean something off the grey van in the frame, and a protestor responds, “You can—it’s your car, isn’t it?” We can’t see in the video what graffiti may have been applied to Uhre’s  vehicle with what material.

But whatever message or muck might have been on the van does not justify spraying chemicals in people’s faces, says the Rapid City Police Department:

Connie Uhre, 75, the owner of the Grand Gateway Hotel in Rapid City, was charged with three counts of simple assault by the Rapid City Police Department for spraying what appeared to be a cleaning agent in the faces of several people outside the hotel.

Uhre’s arrest was confirmed by Warren Poaches, a spokesperson for the Rapid City police. “More information on the crime will be available on Monday,” Poaches told Native News Online.

…”I didn’t think she would do that, being elderly,” Lucie McClellan, one of the victims of the incident, told Native News Online. “I was shocked and am facing three surgeries for my eye.”

McClellan has glaucoma and diabetes and attends the demonstrations with her husband. She’s originally from Ponca City, Oklahoma [Darren Thompson, “Rapid City Hotel Owner Arrested Following Altercation with Native American Protestors,” Native News Online, 2022.05.27].

Perhaps Connie Uhre can argue that South Dakota’s stand-your-ground law applies to shooting household cleaner at protestors. Or maybe she can get Kristi Noem to pardon her when she gets back from Texas and defend her right to bear Pledge.


  1. Lottie 2022-05-28

    Sadly Racism is everywhere and imagine if this elderly gal was packing more than pledge cleaner.
    K.N. could easily be this woman someday. Our crazy world.

  2. Bob Newland 2022-05-28

    Kristi Noem is ALREADY this woman.

  3. grudznick 2022-05-28

    This Ms. Urhe lady is insaner than most. She needs to be wrangled under control by her sons and then locked away at Sioux San for a deep mind bending.

    grudznick does worry about the Perkins breakfast revenues being negatively affected. I call on all of you to go eat a nice breakfast there to support Ms. Sunny Bear and her cohorts have done to an innocent eatery.

  4. P. Aitch 2022-05-28

    The Sioux San Hospital in Rapid City, South Dakota was once a boarding school for kidnapped Native American children and then it became a sanitarium. It has a very sad and tragic history. Many people have died and/or been murdered at Sioux San and there are still many remains unknown.

  5. Mark Anderson 2022-05-28

    Was that a three percenter pledge Cory? Was she a proud girl? Or boy, she could be tranz. It must be a conspiracy, Soros is behind it I know.

  6. DaveFN 2022-05-28

    Not to be lost, and as reported in the Rapid City Journal:

    “After she gets back into her vehicle, one of the demonstrators said, “Maybe one day you’ll love our people.” Uhre can be heard saying, “I do love your people. Not the bad ones.””

  7. All Mammal 2022-05-29

    To further demonstrate the racism in our society, after President Biden whooped Trump in November 2020, an argument broke out in a rv park south of Rapid City between 43 yo Jason Sharp and 19 yo Ocean Eberlein, both of Rapid City. Sharp gave up on using his big boy words and went inside his camper, retrieved his long rifle, took aim and shot the kid twice. The boy’s mom witnessed her son’s murder. Sharp admitted the whole thing. I’m not going to bother mentioning which was advocating for Trump.
    Sharp got a plea deal and will do no more than 20 yrs behind bars. He is white.

    Then on the north side of Rapid City, we have a shot 19 yo, Myron Pourier in a Grand Gateway hotel room. He later died. A guy was seen fleeing the motel’s property on foot, at night, by people who tend to notice race off the bat. 19 yo Quincy Bear Robe is later arrested. No evidence. He fit the description. He declares he is innocent from the very beginning and has not seen the light of day since. He is charged with first degree murder, if convicted, either death or mandatory life sentence. At 19. The only evidence is some witnesses in the dark seeing a hooded Native running across a hotel parking lot.

    The disparity between these cases is typical. Grownass loser has a temper tantrum and goes inside for his rifle with intention and wastes a woke 19 yo. Witnesses and a confession- less than 20 yrs in jail.
    A Native teen shot in a racist hotelier’s establishment, dark figure seen running outside and 19 yo Native gets jammed up for matching the description of dark, running figure. Swears he didn’t kill anybody. Nobody saw it happen- waiting for jury of sneers to decide his fate.

    I sure hope NDN Collective uses some of that $50,000,000 grant from the Busch Foundation to get him adequate representation.

    Safe to say Rapid City has some Jim Crow.
    And that Grand Gateway has rats. With fleas.

  8. Myron Pourier 2022-05-29

    All Mammal
    2022-05-29- can you contact me the father of the victim now deceased murdered Myron Blaine Pourier, Jr. …..

  9. All Mammal 2022-05-30

    Mr. Pourier- I am so sorry you lost your son. The violence our young people witness everyday gives me so much guilt and sadness for not protecting them and fighting harder for them. Myron is all our sons. I live in North Rapid and if there is anything I can do for your family, please don’t hesitate to ask. I don’t have facebook but will try having a friend message you my number….

  10. Bonnie B Fairbank 2022-05-31

    I’m hardly the arbiter of fashion, but I hope la Uhre didn’t tip her hairdresser. Just sayin’.

  11. larry kurtz 2022-05-31

    I was working in Minneapolis in June of 1972 when 10-15 inches of rain or an estimated 800,000 acre feet of water roughly the equivalent of 14.5 Pactola Reservoirs fell in six hours causing the Canyon Lake dam on the west end of Rapid City to fill with debris and fail. The resulting flood was the deadliest natural disaster in state history destroying Teepee Town and killing 238 people mostly poor American Indians. The flood injured some 3,000 and caused some $165 million in property damage.

    Today the town is overrun with people who truly believe public schools are breeding grounds for debauchery and communism. Survivalism and paranoia are served up like gravy taters and Tang.

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