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Haugaard Criticizes Noem’s Frequent Travel; Kristi Campaigns in California June 10

Republican gubernatorial candidate Steven Haugaard is properly razzing his opponent, Governor Kristi Noem, for all of her out-of-state campaigning:

Steve Haugaard for Governor, campaign fundraising email, 2022.05.16.
Steve Haugaard for Governor, campaign fundraising email, 2022.05.16.

That Wyoming dot was apparently a smashing success for Noem and Haugaard’s fellow Republicans in Jackson Hole. Noem’s February appearance at the Teton County Republican Party’s diamond- and pearl-studded Patriot’s Dinner raised hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Haugaard could add a Kristi dot to California for past and coming travels. Noem plans to spike the ball of her likely primary victory in Haugaard’s face by flying to California on June 10 to campaign in Anaheim in front of Orange County Republicans:

Republican Party of Orange County, poster for 22nd Annual Flag Day Salute with keynote speaker Gov. Kristi Noem, in Anaheim, California, 2022.06.10. Retrieved online 2022.05.18.
Republican Party of Orange County, poster for 22nd Annual Flag Day Salute with keynote speaker Gov. Kristi Noem, in Anaheim, California, 2022.06.10. Retrieved online 2022.05.18.

The ticket-order page for Kristi’s California appearance doesn’t list prices for general admission tickets, but you can sponsor a table for $3,000, $6,000, or $10,000. Republican clubs can get a table for $2,500; you can sponsor a table for Kristi Youth to sit at for $1,500. There’s no word on whether donors can chip in for Noem’s jet fuel, but slip the OCGOP a thousand finskies, and you can sponsor the valet service.


  1. Donald Pay 2022-05-18

    The Westin advertises that it is within walking distance to Disneyland, a great place to find Goofy and Daffy Republicans.

  2. Arlo Blundt 2022-05-18

    In Orange County, Cash is King. Governor Noem will be quite comfortable. It is the home county of Richard Nixon.

  3. Mark Anderson 2022-05-18

    Come on, if your quiet about Kristi, she’ll leave the state. She’s got the wandering shoes and she’s sick of Pierre. Going back to the mental ranch, no way, it’s really a farm. If not VP, she’ll settle for secretary of Agriculture, not that she knows much about it. Since she travels so much, transportation is more her line. She does use Alligiant doesn’t she? It doesn’t cost that much. Education would be a shoe in, right? Anyways, she’s wandering and done with So. Dak.

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