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May Day at Noem Campaign HQ: Campaign Manager Canned After Six Months?

KSFY’s Austin Goss, who’s been pretty good at catching stories in Pierre, airs speculation that Joe Desilets has lasted as Kristi Noem’s campaign manager for barely six months:

Austin Goss, tweet thread, 2022.05.01.

Noem named Desilets as manager of her campaign last November 12. Desilets still says he is “Leading Team @KristiNoem” on his Twitter profile. Desilets has tweeted 103 times in the 200 days since his appointment, roughly one tweet every two days, but he has been Twitter-silent since April 22.

Six months is actually a pretty good run for Desilets; on LinkedIn, Desilets says his campaign manager stints in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Florida, Virginia, and Colorado all lasted a half year or less.


  1. Arlo Blundt 2022-05-02

    Oh my…Personnel issues in the Governor’s camp. What else is new???

  2. mike from iowa 2022-05-02

    I knew Chris Hupke before he was aware of anything in his world. His Dad, Leo whom Chris is a dead ringer, was head football and baseball coach at Washington of Cherokee back in early 70s. He has 2 brothers that I am aware of, Ben and Dewey.Duane.

  3. ska sunka 2022-05-02

    Chris Hupke is a Grade A certifiable a–hat.

  4. mike from iowa 2022-05-02

    If he’s tied in with Noem Nothing and drumpf, he is likely worse than an ass hat.

  5. Arlo Blundt 2022-05-02

    Well…Despite her earnest and persistent efforts, the Governor’s nation wide campaign for a higher federal office in 2024 has failed to gain traction and she has fallen back to become just another plodder in the ranks of a 100 other Republican aspirants for Trump’s crown. The time to take action is now and a change of direction at the campaign manager level was indicated when she drew the Junior Varsity assignment of rallying the Party loyalists of San Marcos, Texas. Enough “off the map” trench level work. She is a Fox News “go to” guest and should be treated as such. She has spent a good deal of time, effort and air miles on her campaign and it is time it started paying dividends.

  6. sx123 2022-05-02

    It’s always someone else’s fault. Never the person in the mirror.

  7. Kurt Evans 2022-05-02

    Was Desilets working in collusion with Craig Price or other executive branch officials to push the impeachment of the attorney general? A criminal investigation implicating Desilets would seem to correlate the available data better than a mere nondisclosure agreement.

  8. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2022-05-03

    Kurt, we are all colluding with Craig Price. to impeach Jason Ravnsborg. Noem wouldn’t fire Desilets for that.

  9. Nick Nemec 2022-05-03

    Everything that has happened to Jason Ravnsborg since 9-12-20 is the fruit of his own labors.

  10. Kurt Evans 2022-05-03

    Cory writes:

    Kurt, we are all colluding with Craig Price. to impeach Jason Ravnsborg.

    Noem wouldn’t fire Desilets for that.

    I’m not saying she has. I’m only saying a criminal investigation implicating Desilets would seem to correlate the available data better than a mere nondisclosure agreement.

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