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Noem Makes Second April Trip to Texas

In completely unrelated matters, while the Legislature’s Executive Board discussed South Dakota’s lagging mileage reimbursement on Monday, Governor Kristi Noem was off campaigning in Texas for the second time this month.

Naomi Narvaiz, Tweet from San Marcos, Texas, 2022.04.25.
Naomi Narvaiz, Tweet from San Marcos, Texas, 2022.04.25.

Noem was in Texas with former (?) advisor Corey Lewandowski on April 8 and 9; she returned Monday to headline the Hays County Republican Party Lincoln Reagan Dinner in the main ballroom at the Embassy Suites in San Marcos, between Austin and San Antonio:

Hays County Texas GOP, poster for April 25, 2022, Lincoln Reagan Dinner featuring SD Gov. Kristi Noem, retrieved 2022.04.27.
Hays County Texas GOP, poster for April 25, 2022, Lincoln Reagan Dinner featuring SD Gov. Kristi Noem, retrieved 2022.04.27.

A measly hundred bucks got commoners in the door; winers could get special bottles, etched glasses, and a hearty handshake from the Snow Queen for four or five figures:

Hays County Texas GOP, poster for April 25, 2022, Lincoln Reagan Dinner featuring SD Gov. Kristi Noem, sponsorship levels and perks, retrieved 2022.04.27.
Hays County Texas GOP, poster for April 25, 2022, Lincoln Reagan Dinner featuring SD Gov. Kristi Noem, sponsorship levels and perks, retrieved 2022.04.27.

Among the VIPs getting access to frequent-flyer Noem was Texas State Senator and candidate for Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, who added a selfie with Kristi to the one she snagged at another fundraiser in Texas in February 2021:

Dawn Buckingham, tweet, San Marcos, TX, posted 2022.04.26.
Dawn Buckingham, tweet, San Marcos, TX, posted 2022.04.26.
Dawn Buckingham, selfie with Kristi Noem, tweeted 2022.04.26.
Dawn Buckingham, selfie with Kristi Noem, tweeted 2022.04.26.

Incredibly, Governor Noem didn’t tweet anything about her latest Texas travel, missing an opportunity to drum up excitement and ticket sales for the Hays County Republicans and to thrill her adoring fans with pictures and the prospect that she might come to their state next.

In more unrelated news, Texas holds its Presidential primary on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Texas Democrats are pushing for an earlier primary date.


  1. Loren

    What is it called, again, when a “lady” sells her “time” for $$$? Yup, that’s our girl. Be proud, SD, be proud.

  2. Ryan

    loren, i don’t mean to defend noem in any way because she is absolute garbage – but if you think “traditional” prostitutes sell their bodies but construction workers don’t, you aren’t paying attention. everyone is a prostitute for something.

  3. Bonnie B Fairbank

    Krist, Kristi. Kristi……you want to ease off on them face fillers, honey. Any more, you’ll look like Howdy Doody. Just sayin’ this for yer own good.

  4. Amy B.

    First of all… anyone who would pay that much money to meet Kristi Noem needs their head examined. And second… I wonder if she’s being a bit more quiet about some of these out of state, non state business trips because of her “recent” reconcilliation with Corey, her being investigated for misuse of the state plane and because (if the Democrats are smart) they will use these examples of her being more involved out of state than in state to their advantage in the upcoming election.

  5. Loren

    Ryan, You may be right, but when a construction worker sells his/her time, they actually produce something. Kristi, on the other hand, seems to just be selling her “companionship.” Very little being produced, at least for SD! ;-)

  6. Ryan

    Loren – something something… handling wood… something something.

  7. Well it’s simple as the madam explains, diamond, sapphire, ruby. Under that, there are a thousand jokes. You know the state she comes from too. Their health issues around this are in the stratosphere. However the snow queen is clean as a whistle.

  8. Kristi Noem is the Ghislane Maxwell of South Dakota—not a prostitute so much as a pimp.

  9. Well, goodness…the gal governor of South Dakota has a side gig that’s paying her well. She is ambitious and monetizing her good fortune…we should all be so fortunate. But…I don’t believe that personal aggrandizement is why she was elected.

  10. bearcreekbat

    I am not positive I understand Ryan’s point but I think I agree with him to a certain extent. It seems offensive to attempt to demean Noem by implying that she is prostituting herself. Indeed, that is an insult to prostitutes. While I recognize that prostitution is illegal in most places in this country, it doesn’t follow that prostitution per se is immoral, unproductive, or somehow demeaning.

    Rather, such moral condemnation demeans and marginizes the free agency of women (or men) to make their own choice about how to live their lives. As long as it is a free and voluntary choice by an adult woman (or man) to engage in legally permissible prostitution (e.g., in Nevada), that woman (or man) does not deserve to be marginalized.

  11. grudznick

    Good points, Mr. bat. grudznick once, long ago, made some voluntary choices that some might find marginalizing, so I cast no aspersions on others who may do the same things.

  12. Mike Livingston

    What is it called when there is a mass gathering of seditionists ‘and one of them want to blame someone else for their participation?
    a) conspiracy
    b) collusion
    c) I cant’ remember

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