Last updated on 2022-04-19
SDPB’s morning news reader Stel Kline, formerly of Schenectady, reports discovering South Dakota isn’t the most welcoming place:

Kline’s last tweet before Kline’s nearly two-month hiatus from Twitter related to the Governor’s chief of staff’s characterization of Kline and other transgender Americans as terrorists.
In possibly related news, Kline’s SDPB colleague Arielle Zionts notices that the Kadoka Press will close after 115 years of publishing if it can’t find anyone willing to report the news in Jackson County:
The Kakoka Press newswriter position/office personnel will continue to be available for one more week.
The Kadoka Press newspaper office is scheduled to close, with the last issue printed on April 14th, if employees are not hired.
“The past two weeks, other Ravellette Publications offices have been compiling news and doing layout for the Kadoka Press in hopes that at least one qualified person would be hired for the Kadoka position,” said Don Ravellette, Publisher.
The Kadoka Press has published weekly issues of the newspaper for over 115 years with Ravellette Publications publishing for the last 33 years.
Please contact the publisher if you would be interested in working for or purchasing the local newspaper. [emphasis mine; staff, “Kadoka Press Office/Newswriter Position Still Has Vacancy,” Ravellette Publications: Kadoka Press, 2022.03.30].
In a March 16 plea for applicants, Ravellette said he’s been “searching high and low for employees for the past two years, and now are faced with no one in the office on a regular schedule to help with writing and pagination.” Neither post includes contact information or a link to a job description or pay offered. But if you apply, be sure to check for strange lights blinking through holes in the bathroom wall.
Hmmm… offer good pay and a welcoming community that is open to new ideas and new opportunities, and you shouldn’t have any trouble recruiting talent.
Hmm, no place to vote, no place to get competent news. No higher education. Little kids buried under no-crt paranoia. Republican authoritative play book. Fascism comes to mind. The GOP needs to evaporate already. Either that or democracy!
Call Sara Frankenstein, the Indian hater and voter suppression hired gun, for references to be the publisher of the Kadoka Press. Ol’ Sara would know what right wingnut’s to breathlessly fill the job of publishing Ol’ Ma NOem’s, Dirty Johnson’s, Tall Thune’s and Chubby Rounds’s weekly drivel about going after those gays and pro Putin story’s along with anything else that is anti-Democratic/Biden. Bring back Johnson’s old heart throb, Marina Butina. That Marina probably has fond memories of the Kadoka area as it is full of the like minded. From her lips to Putin’s ear. The Red Sparrow could fly once again in South Dakota!!
Of course, the right thing to do for Ravelette would be to turn the paper over to the students at Kadoka Area Schools. Let the future publish what it feels like on what they see.
Might be right up the rabbit hole refugee’s alley. He can regale everyone in Duhkota with tales of how 5G ate his brain.
This is so sad. Please move to MN, Stel, we will welcome you with open arms in the Cities. The LGBTQ thrives here and Minnesotans are proud supporters. We love you just the way you are.
Sorry X1000, Stel. My sincerest apologies for the outwardly directed self-hate the ignoramuses of my state misplaced onto you. I wish we could simply pity them for they know not what they do. But they know better. They are afraid of who they are and have no interest in knowledge of self. How you were treated is unforgivable and the truth is, you and anyone else brave enough to love and be themselves are too good for present day South Dakota. To hell with them. Love begets love and Godspeed.
South Dakota is not the most welcoming place. Far from it.
“Welcoming” died in the 1970s/1980s.
CPAC folks unveiled a campaign flag that could be used for noem, thune, and johnson – in fact any republican on the ballot this fall.
It’s a neat little flag that they could easily recognize.
Just print their names on it.
Well…need we wonder why the Kadoka Press can’t find a reporter who will also do lay out and other tasks?? Salary or hourly wage and likely nonexistant fringe benefits are not mentioned in the Ad. Certainly an entry level journalism position but to where does this stepping stone lead?? Faith?? Martin?? It is not bad to start at the bottom but if the bottom is Kadoka, it is an abyss. No wonder every young person considering Journalism as a career in South Dakota is saying “No Thanks”.
Evaporation is very appealing. Headline in the new Kadoka newspaper, the Kadoka Light—-After 133 years the Republican Party evaporates! Starting an online paper is easy and cheap.