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Department of Health Hoping to Save Money on Spokesman’s Replacement

The Bureau of Human Resources tweets today that the South Dakota Department of Health is looking for a new Communications Director:

SD Bureau of Human Resources, tweets via @careerssd, 2022.02.23.
SD Bureau of Human Resources, tweet via @careerssd, 2022.02.23.

The job listing says the position closes Friday, so hey, big talkers, hurry up and apply!

The job listing also says the pay range is $67,886.10 to $71,889.84, depending on experience. That range might be negotiable: two directors ago, DOH spokesman Derrick Haskins was only getting $67,328 a year, but the next guy, current DOH Communications Director Daniel Bucheli, has only been doing the job since December 2020, and his current salary is $83,328.00.

Open.SD.Gov, payroll record for DOH comms director Daniel Bucheli, retrieved 2022.02.23.
Open.SD.Gov, payroll record for DOH comms director Daniel Bucheli, retrieved 2022.02.23.

Bucheli’s résumé indicates he had maybe six years of focused comms experience before Noem imported him to preach her covid bushwah and antagonize her critics. So anyone who’s been working in communications for a decade should be able to command a salary well above the range cited in this job posting.

Even at this elevated pay, Bucheli could only bear 14 months on the prairie with Kristi. He’s heading back to the District of Columbia for another job opportunity., maybe with someone who stands an actual chance of winning a Presidential campaign.


  1. 96Tears 2022-02-23 19:09

    I hope the city council in Washington, D.C., gives Noem an award for employing so many GOP/RNC political operatives and getting those deadbeats out of town.

  2. Amy B. 2022-02-23 19:19

    I wonder if she’ll bring someone she meets at the CPAC to fill the job, even though it says the opening closes Friday. We all know she’s not a stickler for rules and what not.

  3. Arlo Blundt 2022-02-23 20:22

    The communications director is generally, in state government, a hire by the Department Secretary as these positions work closely together and the Communications Director speaks for the Secretary. Bischetti, at 83 grand plus benefits (bringing compensation to well over 100,000) apparently was chosen to speak for the Governor on Covid matters as the Department Secretaries have become more and more anonymous during the Noem Administration. There is only so much oxygen when Kristi Noem is in the room. It looks like with Bishetti gone, the Governor will try to downplay Covid information during the election cycle. She does not want to make her position on Covid mandates a leading issue in the campaign. It is a real loser issue with middle aged women, Republican or not.

  4. grudznick 2022-02-23 22:18

    So if they are fast walking this do the HR slobs have a fellow already lined up and just going through the motions? And why, in Satan’s name, does the Health Department need to have a media fellow when there seem to be dozens of others across the government who could just twitter away a few extra press releases with no real effort?

    grudznick grows annoyed.

  5. Porter Lansing 2022-02-23 22:32

    grudz-nichts is exemplary of SD negativity bias.

    Every new thing is automatically bad.

    A big reason SD is 45th in innovation skills.

    Why would people with bright ideas put their brains through a state rampant with negativity bias?

  6. Dana P 2022-02-24 07:50

    How come there are no other Trumpanzees (like Bucheli was) that Noem could just slide into that position? No family members available either?

  7. Richard Schriever 2022-02-24 07:52

    the grudznyets of the world mistake resistance for conservation.

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