Mary Martin, chair of the Teton County, Wyoming, Republican Party, says her Jackson Hole Republicans need a bigger shindig than last year’s inaugural “Patriots Dinner”:
The cost to attend the Patriots Dinner has increased from last year’s inaugural event, where tickets went for between $75 and $175.
“We had that as just a party building,” Martin said. “We could get together and have a good time over some hamburgers and hot dogs. However, we need money” [Sophia Boyd-Fliegel, “Noem to Speak at Local GOP Fundraiser,” Jackson Hole News & Guide, 2022.01.24].
So instead of having a good time, they’re going to charge people $500 a pop to be bored to fears by Kristi Noem.

The South Dakota Legislature is off Friday, so Noem won’t miss any big votes while she’s off boring the conservative minority in ritzy Jackson Hole. But she is skipping town on Legislative Day 30, February 28, to hang out with friendly coastal elites on Long Island. New York City reporter Jon Campbell tweets that Noem will headline a fundraiser for the New York Republican Party on the first evening of its 2022 state convention:

Long Islanders will also pay $500 for Noem’s boring company, but to get close enough for a picture, they’ll have to shell out $1,500 a person or $2,500 for a couple.
Pictures with Kristi in South Dakota are still free, I think; they’re just getting more rare.
At Mrs. Noem’s behest Jackson’s Foster Friess gave $500,000 to a gaggle of religionist organizations in South Dakota. He is a founding funder for the Council for National Policy, the christianic arm of the extreme white wing of the Republican Party.
Wyoming’s Liz Cheney will travel to Jackson in March to explain how Herr Trump was never fit for public office even though Friess helped to fund the plot to steal the 2016 election with Faceberg’s help and John Thune’s complicity.
Liz would verbally undress your Governor in even a casual debate.
Those tickets would be national news.
I would love to see Governor Noem try to debate Liz Cheney. Basically not fan of Cheney’s but in this instance I would love to see Cheney chew up Noem then spit her out in a debate! I’d pay $5 to see that one!
Well….the obvious questions are: How is she getting there?? How big is her entourage?? Are all expenses paid by hosts?? What do the taxpayers of South Dakota fund?? How big is her entourage and security team?. Who pays for that?? What Honorarium will she receive??
Here’s a start:
BCB wondered how to plug SD’s money laundering industry it has created for taxpayers and voters to now have to put a plug in it! (Related trust industry thread). I already suggested a study committee there, like a summer study and something else, a forensic audit the Republican’s have become so risibly infamous for, or something, I have for gotten for the moment.
Jackson Hole’s Republican hell-hole wealth needs plugging. The Cheney’s feed off this political largess and are fairly local to western SD so both states need to get out of the business of international crime and defunding their states’ tax bases, charge the wealthy who have bought up the states’ resources and environmental richness, and turn off the god damn fossil fuel and water export spigots before incineration occurs (or July 4th, which ever occurs first).
I am finally moving permanently from RC to Cali via Colorado. Cory’s line up of recent posts confirms the dismal political future of SD. But keep the faith, good peeps! Especially you dear liberals!
leslie, We all make our decisions about how long we remain in a sinking rowboat. I hope your move turns out well for you. Keep in touch here on DFP.