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Happy Holiday Pay? Not in Corrections After Noem Forgets Pledge to Fix

Remember Noem’s big summer purge of the Corrections Department and her big talk about reforms to support guards and other prison workers?

Well, evidently, Noem’s focus has already shifted elsewhere (Las Vegas, San Diego,  Virginia…). In July, when KSFY’s Beth Warden explained that overworked prison guards were being shorted on holiday pay, Noem said she’d fix that problem within a week:

I-Team reporter Beth Warden: “I heard from a Correctional Officer who described missing watching his children open Christmas gifts for a number of years and was working instead. He was told that he would get paid double pay. Well, the shifts increased from 8 hours to 12 hours. When he received his paycheck, he got double pay for 8 hours but not the full 12. How are you going to address these types of situations?

Governor Noem: “I heard that today for the first time it will be fixed by next week” [Beth Warden, “South Dakota Correctional Officers Frustrated by Holiday Pay Issues,” KSFY, 2021.12.20].

Corrections officers tell KSFY’s Beth Warden that Noem has evidently forgotten that problem and her pledged fix:

That conversation was 21 weeks ago. A Correctional Officer is pointing out to our I-team that four holidays later, nothing has been altered as promised.

“We were told that holiday pay would be changed to 12 hours shifts, which is what we work all holidays. But the Governor went back on her word,” said the anonymous officer.

…Another Correctional Officer reached out to our I-Team, saying he was told to stop asking about holiday pay, or he would face difficulties in the workplace.

“Correctional Officers in South Dakota are grossly underpaid compared to the competitive wages of the surrounding states. We work with convicted criminals some with very violent tendencies and severe mental disorders. The stress that officers have to deal with on a daily basis should be reflected with competitive pay and fair treatment,” said the officer.

Another officer stated that an inquiry was made about full-shift holiday pay and was told it wouldn’t be happening, because of the compensation logistic problems it would cause for other state employees [Warden, 2021.12.20].

The Governor’s Office tells KSFY, “The Governor and her administration are reviewing a potential policy change in this area, but it may require action by the legislature.” In other words, another four holidays may pass before prison guards see any rectification of their holiday pay. Ho ho ho.


  1. Dana P 2021-12-21 07:43

    Over promise, never deliver. Lucy and the football again with another occupation in this state.

    Noem never has her eye on the ball of priorities straight. It’s all about hitting up culture issues (abortion, CRT, prayer in schools, freedom…..) and racking up frequent fllyer miles, rather than actually running the shop she was elected to run.

    But they will still vote for her…..

  2. Dana P 2021-12-21 07:44


  3. Eve Fisher 2021-12-21 09:58

    Conservatism: a fancy way of saying, “I lack critical thinking skills, and I don’t want anyone else to have any, either.”

  4. Eve Fisher 2021-12-21 09:59

    Sorry, I posted that to the wrong post. Meant to put that one on the CRT “draft legislation.”

  5. Arlo Blundt 2021-12-21 16:41

    Well…More smoke and mirrors by our confused and lazy Governor and her staff. Of course she could order holiday pay increase for correctional staff. Who is going to question her in the legislature other than the usual powerless suspects? And so what, if they do? Not much is going to change in our chronically inept correctional system.

  6. grudznick 2021-12-21 17:48

    The bossturds. Why are they demanding more holiday pay? They should be lucky to get any holiday pay. No workie workie, no cashie cashie.

  7. Porter Lansing 2021-12-21 17:49

    Pay grudznick more. He’s worked very hard, all year, at remaining ignorant.

  8. larry kurtz 2021-12-21 17:50

    All Qlezmer all the time.

  9. grudznick 2021-12-21 18:06

    Thank you Mr. Lansing. Indeed it would be nice if they paid grudznick more, from all sources. It would perhaps allow me to travel more and by the fast pass to skip those ugly airport lines to Arizona and Florida. Did you know there are fellows who now brawl in the airports, and I’m far too feeble to do the brawling any more. Instead, I like to have them drive me in a fancy bus camper. It takes longer but then someone can cook for me on the way and I can sleep on a bed whenever I want.

  10. Porter Lansing 2021-12-21 18:16

    Hoping all the niceties are your’s this holiday season and on into 2022, Mr. Franken grudz.

  11. Arlo Blundt 2021-12-21 18:41

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone on the site. Love to you all, even John Dale. and remember,”It’s only politics”.

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