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Governor Sees Surplus, Gives $3 Billion Back to Taxpayers… in Michigan

The other part of Steven Haugaard’s critique of Kristi Noem’s “kid in a candy store” budget wonders why the Governor doesn’t hand any of her Biden surplus back to the taxpayers:

Something we didn’t hear anything about today are some tax decreases. Given rising property values and skyrocketing inflation, I think that’s something we should strongly consider [Steven Haugaard, campaign press release, 2021.12.08].

Gee, when a state runs a surplus, a good Governor recognizes that the state has overtaxed its people and gives that money back, right?

Sure, if you elect a Democrat like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer:

The Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association will issue $3 billion in auto insurance refunds — $400 per insured vehicle — to Michigan drivers, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Department of Insurance and Financial Services announced Tuesday.

…Whitmer called for refunds on Nov. 1, saying the surplus in the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association Fund had grown to $5 billion since she signed into law bipartisan auto insurance legislation in 2019 that was intended to lower premiums and give options of reduced medical coverage while significantly reducing medical fee schedules for long-term medical care.

…“These refunds and the recently announced statewide average rate reductions are lowering costs for every Michigan driver,” Whitmer said in the news release. “Michiganders have paid into the catastrophic care fund for decades, and I am pleased that the MCCA developed this plan so quickly after unanimously approving my request to return surplus funds to the pockets of Michiganders” [Paul Egan, “Michigan Drivers to Receive Auto Insurance Refunds of $400 per Vehicle,” Detroit Free Press, 2021.12.07].

Motorcycles qualify for the same refund. Motorcycles. All Kristi Noem gives motorcyclists is pictures of herself in cutoffs and coronavirus. Democrat Gretchen Whitmer gives motorcyclists and other motorists their money back.

Boo, Kristi—yay, Gretchen! Right, Steve?


  1. Donald Pay 2021-12-09 08:11

    The problem is the State of South Dakota does not run a surplus, or break even, so the money it would “give back” to South Dakota taxpayers is money it steals from other sources. South Dakota’s financial situation is in constant structural deficit. The state can only balance its budget with federal funding that is taken from blue states or from the debt owed to the Peoples Republic of China and ultimately our nation’s children. Noem proposes to use the additional welfare check from the federal government on trinkets, so people will vote for her. Haugaard wants to spend the welfare check on real welfare, a cash payment paid to anyone who doesn’t deserve it, so people will vote for him.

    Here’s a suggestion. Start paying your own way. Tax yourself for the needs you have, and stop relying on a federal welfare check to bail you out of your profligacy.

  2. sx123 2021-12-09 09:22

    Republicans talk with one side of their mouths and take govt cash with the other. How many republican farmers have sent govt checks back?

    My opinion is that we need a little capitalism and a little socialism otherwise we’re just doing Darwin, and although nature loves evolution, society can do better than that.

  3. O 2021-12-09 10:54

    The tough part of a surplus is that it takes a bit of vision to use it. Shortfalls are easy — just cut.

  4. Mark Anderson 2021-12-09 15:24

    Donald, and I didn’t say well. Your suggestion has as they say has a snowballs chance in hell. Part of it is the size of the state in relation to population. It’s too big for its britches. Now that western national wildlife park would work wonders wouldn’t it? Just teasing of course. Who knows the answer? It might just be Democratic control would work wonders. Now that’s just a laugh in a state of trumpies.

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2021-12-10 05:44

    Mr. Hover’s point appears to be that Governor Whitmer didn’t initially approve of these rebates. The MI GOP claims the Governor was “forced to sign” the measure in 2019… but no one forces a Governor to sign anything. She could have vetoed the plan just as Noem vetoed hemp and that transgender bill. But Whitmer signed it, and in November she called for bigger rebates than the law required.

    I regularly check my facts, Mr. Hover. Do you? Or do you just stop when you find a convenient, bias-soothing response?

  6. Robert Hover 2021-12-10 11:36

    I could say the sake to you.
    I regularly check my facts, Mr. HEIDELBERGER do you? Or do you just stop when you find a convenient, bias-soothing response?

  7. jerry 2021-12-10 16:36

    Wow. BIG, bold letters Mr. Hoover, how on earth do you do that? Speaking of questions, how about those state snow plow drivers…or lack of them. Maybe pay them higher wages and hire more of them with these surplus dollars.

    “States from Washington to Pennsylvania, including Montana and Wyoming in the Rocky Mountains, are having trouble finding enough people willing to take the comparatively low-paying jobs that require a Commercial Driver’s License and often entail working at odd hours in dangerous conditions.

    “We want the traveling public to understand why it could take longer this season to clear highways during winter storms,” said Jon Swartz, the maintenance administrator for the Montana Department of Transportation, which is short about 90 drivers. “Knowing this helps motorists to plan ahead and adjust or even delay travel plans.”

  8. Mark Anderson 2021-12-10 16:38

    Ohh Robert HOVER, I can capitalize too. Just take a drink and settle down. The facts are never on your side. Have a delusional day.

  9. Mark Anderson 2021-12-10 16:41

    I do like sake but I’m stuck on wine for the moment.

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