Governor Kristi Noem rode in to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on her high horse this week and said “Welcome to freedom.”
James Preston and Friends of South Dakota Voters bought this billboard in Rapid City to remind rallygoers that they don’t have the freedom to get high on or off their horses because of Kristi Noem:

The marijuana leaf could have been bolder to get the message across more quickly to motorists zooming by, but you get the picture.
p.s.: That reminds me: more than a month after the marijuana amendment should have taken effect, the South Dakota Supreme Court still hasn’t issued its ruling on the lawsuit Governor Noem used to kill it, and I still don’t see petitions for the marijuana backers’ Plan B ballot measures.
Noem’s horsey is named Ice Man. Jerry Butler of ‘Only the Strong Survive’ should sue her usurping his nickname.
Then she departed on her new Indian motorcycle, leaving Ice Man in tears with a wet saddle blanket.
mfi, I think NOem dreams of riding an Indian.
She also continues to attack Fauci who is the person trying to move all America to freedom. It’s so easy to find what she’ll say about anything. She just checks in the book of stupid, makes sure it’s as rightward as DeSantis and Abbott and let’s it blow. It’s the trumpie village thingy. I just hope she gets in the senate race with Thune, although it’s too Thune to tell. I know, I know. Then she could really move on the VP thing with trump. Make America grate again.
Mr. Anderson, Don’t forget old Tater down in our sister state, Mississippi. We will see the same thing in a very short time here in South Dakota thanks to NOem, Dirty Johnson and Pothole John and last but not least, EB5 Rounds.
Thankfully, we have the Monument Health Civic Centers to stack kids and their parents (those ceilings are tall man). They just got through giving a bunch of beds away that they had there, time for more.
You know jerry, I’ve had both my shots. Had to wait three weeks to get the first one battling getting in line. Now instead of being free it’s the same old, same old because of trumpian idiots. It’s worse in Florida than anyplace all because of those refusing to vaccinate and our idiot shortstop governor running for President, like trump would let him anyway. He has done nothing since day one leaving each county to come up with their own solution. Now he’s the no mask governor, he’s going to lose just like Duran lost. It’s a patient little virus and it’s hitting Florida big. I’m going to the bar to watch Miami lose to Alabama, I told my wife that and she said where? Its a tiny bar with a pool table where we used to play pool eons ago it seems, I was going to start the weekly meeting up again but who knows when that will happen. Life’s still a beach.
Isn’t there a saying about; ‘It takes a village to raise an idiot’ or is it ‘There is a village which has lost their idiot’ or is it ‘A village of idiots will believe almost anything’. Maybe I am thinking of something else, yet in this time it sure seems as if idiots are in charge, more visible, less aware of their shear lunacy. Is this the beginning of ‘The Dark Ages’? What is next, book burnings?
Francis Schaffer
There are very few conservative intellectuals anymore, although I’m hard-pressed to find many, period. Past conservative greats Edmund Burke, Leo Strauss, Harvey Mansfield, Gertrude Himmelfarb…in time the lauded conservative intellectuals transmogrified into Ayn Rand, Phyllis Schlafly, Donald Rumsfeld…now we find dumb-downer populists Tucker Carlson and Mike Lindell who have more audience than true intellectuals ever did.
Conservatives have tried to efface this by pointing to the many conservative intellectuals over time, despite their recent decline IMHO:
I do find economist Dr. Thomas Sowell to be enlightening although he spans 90 years so he isn’t truly contemporary–some really excellent thoughts by Sowell can be found on YouTube produced by the Hoover Institution of which Sowell is the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy, although Peter Robinson who interviews him in his “Uncommon Knowledge” series, seems to not be able to unpack the nuance inherent in Sowell’s comments and takes them out of context to justify his own spin. (Just an example interview: )
The legislature had its chance to fix all of this .. but then, in some way I think this playing into the hands of prohibitionists.
“We” deserve it.
I tried.
Kristi Noem: “Welcome to Freedom!”……(as Kristi dictates). Maybe we should change the official state seal on the South Dakota flag to now read: “Under God, Kristi Noem Rules”? Just a thought.
Try, Over Ice Man, the Snow Queen rules.
Seriously, has SD ever had a worse governor? Walter Miller was a close second.
The demon weed is not free, and it is not legal. It rots your mind and makes normally reasonable individuals into fiends. Stop toking, and get back to work.
Well..grudz, just reminding you that the sign the German government put over the entrance to Treblinka read “Work will set you free.” You seem to follow the same logic.
That’s the whiskey talking, grudz.
Worried about you, lately.
Seen a Doctor about your alcoholism?
My dear grudznick, how is your description of the demon weed different from the demon drink – other than legalities (for now)?
Grudz, be very careful. Too much alcohol can also rot your mind and make you into a “fiend”. Just some wise advice from your blog friends, Porter, O, Me, Myself, and I.
Yep, everybody at Sturgis should be able to smoke their weed this year…or at least they should have, if it hadn’t been for Pony Girl.
wait… you guys didn’t know grudz was satire…? huh.
the dude smokes weed, i’d bet my breakfast on it. he just likes collecting goats.
The governess and her republicants are treating the US like a 3d world, anti-democratic nation. They don’t believe in freedom or democracy. They worship power.
The courts are an embarrassment in putting down gerrymandering. The courts practice willful blindness to gerrymandering.
Gerrymandering creates democracy deserts. Gerrymandering fosters extremism in public discourse and elected officials.
Wisconsin is the worst of the US states – with a democracy rating on par with Jordan, Bahrain, and the Congo.
Other US states with democracy deserts include: “Alabama (31), North Carolina (32), Michigan (37), Ohio (33), Texas (35), Florida (37) and Georgia (39) scored only marginally higher. Nations that join them in the 30s include Hungary, Turkey and Syria.”
It’s doubtful that judges will stand-up for democracy and end gerrymandering.
Whiny Noem ran right back to Fake Noize to whine about Fauci criticizing Sturgis rally. Why doesn’t someone make her go to a legit news organization where she can be asked serious, pertinent questions and won’t be allowed to drumpf-lie her way through an interview?
Noem gets called out by Professor on her fauxknee patriotism.
Thing of beauty, the slap in Noem’s phiz.
Calls Noem a charlatan. About time someone hangs a name on her fauxknee patriotism.
It doesn’t matter what she say’s , the people voted and spoke. Grow your own …….. !!
Grow your own …….. !! ???? Is this cryptic?
Noem is a charlatan like her idol Trump. I think they both need to smoke a doobie and chill out. Their intenseness wears me out.
Just look at a picture of either of them or even watch a video without sound and all you see is anger, hatred, and aggression. People who should not be in charge of my life.
Yes Mike, Noem is a charlatan and the people here love her. People in my area say she keeps the riff raff out yet I’m still here. I’m getting the grow lights set up and ready for the get go. In the meantime………..I heard the stuff from Canada is pretty good.