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Vaccine Refusers Wrongly Claim Shots More Dangerous Than Coronavirus

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s July vaccine poll, more than half of American adults who report not getting their coronavirus vaccine yet, including 75% of those who say they will “definitely not” get the vaccine, “say getting the vaccine is a bigger risk to their health than getting infected with coronavirus.”

2,043 South Dakotans have died from coronavirus. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System has received 30 reports of South Dakotans dying after receiving a covid vaccine, but none of those deaths have been linked to the vaccine itself.

Coronavirus has sent 6,705 South Dakotans to the hospital. As of yesterday, 72 South Dakotans were in the hospital with covid-19. VAERS has received only 964 reports from South Dakota of possible side effects after administration of covid vaccines; only 54 of those reports indicated hospitalization.

I had coronavirus in November. I had a bad headache and cough and missed two weeks of work.

I got two doses of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine this spring. After the first one, I got a rash on my chest that looked funny but didn’t itch or pustulate or anything else. For the four months since my second shot, my health has been nothing but good.

Last summer a friend of very different political persuasion told me that the economic measures we were taking to fight the pandemic were worse than the disease. While his argument was philosophically faulty, my friend could at least cling to some shreds of empirical data to stake out his position. Zero evidence supports today’s vaccine refusers’ belief that coronavirus vaccines may do them more harm than coronavirus itself. All of the epidemiological data available support what Senator Mike Rounds said Monday: our coronavirus vaccines are safe, effective, and necessary to beating the real threat of coronavirus.


  1. John Dale 2021-08-04 10:40

    I grew up with a heavy focus on the connection between diet and health.

    For me, now as an adult, I’ve had both variants of the Coronavirus. I quarantined and stayed home until I was better and not contagious anymore. I was sick for about 17 hours for the original, and 7-8 hours for the variant (I think it caught me at peak immune system, my diet was really dialed in for the delta variant).

    For others, it might be more dangerous.

    Hindsight being what it is, the “vaccine” would have been more dangerous for me personally.

    One size fits all in medicine is very difficult. During the body’s natural rhythms and cycles between strength and vulnerability, even a strong person might have variable results.

    But a good regimen of exercise, filtered water (no Fluoride, 0(3)), and appropriate micronutrients (I would also add fermented foods like sauerkraut, pickles, olives, kombucha, kefir, etc), the risk of fallout from omnipresent disease is SIGNIFICANTLY lowered.

    I think the shots should be optional, and we should monitor the results carefully over time in a scientifically honest public funded safety study before we make any more recommendations.

    My sources have converged on something alarming .. the majority of people hospitalized from the “delta variant” (reported to be a prion infestation masquerading as the delta variant) have had the spike protein.

    Let’s watch closely and trust the science, which means waiting and not mandating any shots that could result in a genocide (whether intentional or not).

  2. John Dale 2021-08-04 10:42

    I acknowledge that my delta variant experience might have just been a regular cold, or even allergies from all the smoke.

  3. John Dale 2021-08-04 10:45

    If the proximate cause of the increase in suicides was the lock downs, I think it’s safe to conclude that the lockdowns are more dangerous than the disease.

    When I worked in hospice, I learned that, right around this time anyway, the boomers would be dying off at an alarming and horrifying rate. Every time we lose an elderly person, a library of the mind burns down.

    It’s a travesty.

  4. Mark Anderson 2021-08-04 11:43

    Well, I’ve have to address the continuing lies. Just lookup fact check on USA today. The title is Fact check: Viral meme makes false claim about delta variant. That was from July 11th. You can go back farther to April 4th, Fact check: COCID-19 vaccine not associated with neurodegenerative disease. At the end of each article they list their “real” sources. It’s easy to look up anything these days and find the facts. The other bologna you can just ignore.

  5. sx123 2021-08-04 12:17

    John, how is a known amount of covid vaccine generated spike protein more dangerous than an unknown amount of spike proteins (and other aspects) generated by a replicating covid virus?

  6. Chris S. 2021-08-04 12:25

    I don’t understand allowing someone to repeatedly post disinformation about public health while we’re fighting a pandemic. Promulgating his unhinged, incoherent rants is dangerous and irresponsible.

  7. jerry 2021-08-04 13:21

    SOLUTION: HARRIS/OBAMA 2024. Get your banners out and ready folks

  8. Mark Anderson 2021-08-04 13:57

    Well Jerry, I would like that but will Michelle run?

  9. Anne 2021-08-04 14:00

    The incoherence is a symptom of a malfunctioning mind.

  10. james 2021-08-04 14:54

    Today’s numbers: 54 cases of the Delta variant detected in South Dakota. That’s up from 13 the previous week. (Kelo)

    Here we go again. The Sturgis Rally is kicking off followed by the fair. And Kristi Noem is our governor. What could possibly go wrong?

    13 cases of Delta variant a week ago. 54 now. Wanna guess what it will be a month from now?

  11. John Dale 2021-08-04 15:29

    The midterm variant is going to be fire.

    Dear sx123;

    “John, how is a known amount of covid vaccine generated spike protein more dangerous than an unknown amount of spike proteins (and other aspects) generated by a replicating covid virus?”

    Whether it is more dangerous is an empirical question. Unfortunately, there is not a public safety study setup to capture the relevant data, is there?

    What Evolutionary Biology might say about your question:
    They do differ, however, in that wild type corona and other critters have evolved through the eons to be symbiotic. They would not survive if they didn’t preserve the host, so the symbiotic nature is inherent in the genetic potential of both organisms to cause one another harm.

    Something made in the lab using plasmids or other means of genetic fragmentation/insertion alters the wild types of the viruses (or other organisms) without the same burden of proof; survival through the eons. Through inductive appeal, I would say we should back off human caused genetic mutations inserted into various cleavage sites in viral genetic code. It is exceptionally dangerous, which is why this practice has been outlawed, and why Fauci and others may be shot by a firing squad after military tribunal.

    The chemistry appeal:
    I can’t honestly speak to the specific interactional differences between naturally occurring spike proteins and those made and buffered in the lab, but as I write this it does occur to me that wild type viri generated spike proteins do not have the lab-created buffers used in the injections. The buffer, as reported to me by reliable sources, does cause some dangerous immune responses.

    The statistical argument:
    Statistically, my age group is not at risk from coronaviruses, especially if we are exposed to a wide range of them while we’re young and develop natural immunity.

    The human nature argument:
    The PCR tests can be dialed-up or dialed-down to suit the human urge to make money and accumulate power. 37 if you’re vaccinated, 45 if you’re not yields a negative probability and a positive probability, respectively.

    Can someone confirm for me that the PCR tests had their emergency use authorization revoked?

    I’m interested in your opinion, sx123 – would you like to come on the program and share some of your knowledge?

  12. Jake 2021-08-04 15:50

    John Dale=the Chicken Little of DFP

  13. Mark Anderson 2021-08-04 16:56

    John, I would love to see you try to arrest Fauci. It’s not just a chuckle, I laughed out loud. Thank you. Why do you switch from alternative reality to bull all the time? Typing nonsense must get old. When you state things specifically it’s so easy to look up your fraudulence and pass that on.. By the way 140 of your friends died from covid in Florida today. I’m sure they all agreed with you. 16,935 new cases also. Why would anyone listen to someone who can’t tell a cold from covid?

  14. Whitless 2021-08-04 16:57

    The inability/unwillingness of millions of Americans to accept the empirical data that COVID vaccines are safe and effective is discouraging. Despite major advances in science, technology, and communication in my lifetime, a significant portion of the population illogically refuses to accept demonstrable facts, the most recent examples including not only the effectiveness and safety of COVID vaccines, but that Trump lost the election, and climate change is occurring. For creationists, the rapid evolution of the COVID virus must be very unsettling unless they believe God is responsible for each change in this now very preventable virus.

  15. grudznick 2021-08-04 17:17

    Mr. Dale, what will really bolster your constitution against the covid bugs is a series of breakfasts with ever-increasing quantities of gravy at Uncle Louie’s Diner in Sturgis. That, sir, is where I recommend you focus your diet exercises.

  16. DaveFN 2021-08-04 17:20

    A genetically based therapy, as are COVID vaccines, is not a “gene therapy,” and FDA does not classify COVID vaccines as gene therapy. mRNA directs the synthesis of the COVID spike protein, and, unlike in the whole virus, there is no reverse transcriptase in mRNA vaccines which would otherwise enable it to synthesize DNA.

    Vaccines take numerous forms well beyond their original avatars involving the injection of live, attenuated viruses. We now routinely have the inactivated polio vaccine, diphtheria and tetanus vaccines (containing weakened toxins aka toxoids), pertussis vaccines (containing antigens and not the whole organism), the Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (contains antigens with a polysaccharide). mRNA vaccines are yet another strategy to prevent disease.

    A PNAS article appeared in May 2021: “Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues.” This article received a response in August 2021: “No evidence of SARS-CoV-2 reverse transcription and integration as the origin of chimeric transcripts in patient tissues.” This received the following “Response to Parry et al.: Strong evidence for genomic integration of SARS-CoV-2 sequences and expression in patient tissues.” Speculations abound in science on this matter (see here: and debate within the scientific community continues. Crowd-sourcing such debate by non-scientists typically leads to nothing but idle speculation at best, and conspiracy theories at worst.

    Those who are scientifically educated know that science is a continuing dialogue that occurs in the refereed literature by scientists and not outside that literature. Which is why we publish.

    Nor is absence of scientific evidence taken as evidence of absence by practicing scientists. And, contrary to popular fantasies, science is not in the business of establishing absolute truth in the religious sense of the word, various stabilizing consensuses leading to past or current dominant scientific paradigms notwithstanding. We are not religious fundamentalists. Empirical science at best maps reality and does not dictate that reality. It realizes at all times it does not know everything, however much it attempts by experiment to do so in that very realization to known everything.

    Playing fast and loose with numerous terms and concepts, among them “vaccines” and “genetic therapy,” may be amusing for some, and entertainment business for many, but playing fast and loose with terms one doesn’t understand will never rise to the level of science which at best is dictated by experimentation and the constraints of empirical reality and not by wordplay.

  17. Porter Lansing 2021-08-04 20:34

    We Deep State operatives laugh over coffee at John Dale’s ignorance that we’ve already vaccinated him.

    Not because he’s important to the plan.

    Just for grins.


  18. Richard Schriever 2021-08-04 20:37

    You didn’t get tested either time you supposedly had the virus – did you John Dale?

  19. Arlo Blundt 2021-08-04 20:49

    Nut cases like John Dale are killing the elderly.

  20. Jake 2021-08-05 09:27

    John Dale needs to be tested for something besides covid.

  21. Korey Jackson 2021-08-05 14:37

    Reference the factually incorrect claim “If the proximate cause of the increase in suicides was the lock downs, I think it’s safe to conclude that the lockdowns are more dangerous than the disease.”

    Several months ago, the analysis of 2020 nationwide mortality reports showed that suicides in 2020 were down roughly 6% from 2019 and 2018, even though overall mortality was up … largely due to COVID and it’s contributing impact on health care.

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