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1500 Kids May Breach Governor’s Security Fence for Easter Egg Hunt

Governor Kristi Noem will open her new security fence on April 4 to allow children to scramble about the grounds of her mansion looking for gaily colored Easter eggs:

When the Pierre Elks Lodge holds its 68th annual Easter egg hunt on the lawn of the South Dakota governor’s residence, something will be different this spring.

A black security fence eight feet high, complete with metal gates that require passkeys to open, now encloses the property. Governor Kristi Noem had it installed last fall.

“The fence will be open,” Steve Wegman said Friday.

…The April 4th hunt on the residence lawn starts at 1:00 p.m. CT. He described it as South Dakota’s “oldest and largest family event” that he said draws an estimated 1,500 children up to age 12 each year [Bob Mercer, “Security Fence Won’t Stop Easter Egg Hunt on Lawn Around S.D. Governor’s Official Residence,” KELO-TV, 2021.03.21].

No word yet from the Governor on whether she’ll be checking kids’ birth certificates at the gate to make sure transgender girls don’t sneak in to unfairly compete for eggs.


  1. AmyB 2021-03-22 11:27

    All those parents better bring their kids birth certificates. We all the know the governor can’t have an unfair easter egg hunt… what with those boys having different bones, tendons and ligaments.

  2. Mark Anderson 2021-03-22 19:18

    Oh my gosh, maybe the darlings will plant some eggs.

  3. Genie 2021-03-23 09:18

    Cory, Great last line. Of course we don’t even know if she will be there or have her 2nd in charge from Rapid City fill in for her as she did the first year.

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