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Speaker Gosch Seeks Committee to Review Ravnsborg’s Conduct, May Delay Impeachment to Special Session

Either Republicans are already losing enthusiasm for holding Jason Ravnsborg accountable, or they are keen on making sure that they conduct this first South Dakota impeachment on rock-solid evidence and procedure. Speaker Spencer Gosch (R-23/Glenham) tells Bob Mercer that he wants a committee of ten to review Ravnsborg’s killing of Joe Boever and his conduct since to determine whether the Attorney General committed impeachable offenses:

Gosch said the committee would have all the powers available to a legislative panel including authority to subpoena witnesses to appear and testify. He wants the committee to recommend how the House should proceed by Monday, March 29. That is the final scheduled day of the 2021 legislative session.

He acknowledged that his proposal might not be final. “This idea is working its way through the process and is subject to change,” the statement’s last sentence said [Bob Mercer, “South Dakota Legislature Roundup for Thursday, February 25, 2021,” KELO-TV, 2021.02.25].

March 29 is Veto Day, the last day of the 2021 Session. If the House finally votes to impeach on that final day, the Senate would have to reconvene in special session 20 days after that House vote to try the impeached Ravnsborg… a week after his 45th birthday. (Hmm… when is Jason up for promotion in the Army Reserves?)

Watch for Speaker Gosch’s amendment in House State Affairs whenever that committee takes up House Resolution 7001, the two articles of impeachment against our killer Attorney General.


  1. John 2021-02-25 09:52

    As I earlier wrote, I strongly doubt the mostly spineless legislators have the moral courage to do the right thing.
    If a deer ‘wearing eyeglasses’ wasn’t enough, then like their zero, trump, ravnsborg could have killed half a dozen and still receive their support or mealy-mouthed excuses.

  2. Mark Anderson 2021-02-25 15:36

    John, maybe it was an old hard of seeing deer?

  3. Tim 2021-02-25 16:00

    Seems they still haven’t totally gave up on the coverup, now they’ll just do it out in the open. Could put the snow queen in a bad spot with her state taxpayer funded fundraising when she gets out of the safety of corrupt. deep red SD.

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