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SD Legislature Hotbed of Coronavirus Spread and Imposition of Reckless Worldview

In another example of how the bad example of Governor Kristi Noem and other leaders actually restricts the freedom and responsibility of South Dakotans trying to prevent the spread of coronavirus and imposes a minority’s risk-taking paradigm on other more cautious citizens, consider House Minority Leader Jamie Smith’s (D-15/Sioux Falls) lament about the public’s disregard for coronavirus safety in the Legislature:

Jamie Smith is the leader of house Democrats. He says watching state government in person is a great tradition in the state capitol, but he says this year visitors should consider putting that on pause. Smith says they should at least wear a mask.

“I know they’re wearing them when they visit the Senate,” Smith says. “But as soon as they cross over into the House, entire groups, no mask. That’s disrespectful, I believe, to us, but also it puts them at risk. Because they go back to their communities. They go back to their families. We know it’s here, folks, it’s not a secret.”

That caucus is handing a letter to Speaker of the House demanding that the house implement a similar mask requirement for the public that’s in place for the Senate [Lee Strubinger, “Session Proceeds as More Legislators Test Covid Positive,” SDPB, 2021.02.11].

Democratic legislators have tried to set a good example and are asking for stronger public health protections, but even as coronavirus breaks out among the unnecessarily assembled legislators, the Republican House leaders leave their chamber a mask-optional zone, and members of the public crowd in, whipping off the masks they grudgingly wore in compliance with those fussy Senators’ rules, negating the pandemic prevention efforts of a handful of legislators, and putting everyone in the chamber and back home at greater risk of sickness.

Representative Smith and others are trying to make responsible choices for themselves and their community. People following Kristi Noem’s example are negating those choices and efforts and forcing us all to live with more risk than we either want or need to accept.


  1. Mark Winegar 2021-02-12 07:37

    This is why I decided to avoid the Capitol this year.

  2. SD is 20 per cent nonwhite 2021-02-12 07:51

    Republicans believe in spreading Covid. No masks, maximum freedom for the virus.

    All good guidance now comes from DC , the Federal government.

    6 cases now in SD house, all Republicans. Mask up!

    Culture of life, wear a mask.

    Biden will crush this virus.

  3. First mate smee 2021-02-12 09:33

    The virus was supposed to end Nov. 4 but I think stupidity will go on forever. Between your governor and our governor and our health department there isn’t a brain between them.

  4. leslie 2021-02-12 11:07

    Surprise? Not when your Republican governor used Parler to keep track of camo cap wearing domestic terrorist militia groups and gun huggers:

    Jan 19
    3. “… just took over the #Capitol… overran the Capitol.”
    “we’re in the F***ing Capitol Bro.”

    Many have spotted this Parler video.

  5. Mark Anderson 2021-02-12 14:28

    Why Nikki just attacked trump, Kristi will respond. MASKS OFF.

  6. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2021-02-12 17:22

    Mark, I don’t blame you. Even if I weren’t completely tied down by my full-time job, I would not travel to the Capitol. The maskless mob scene outside the committee hearing on deregulating homeschool participation in school activities yesterday epitomizes why it is entirely unsafe to be in the Capitol. Every useful thing the Legislature does can be done remotely. Some of those things, like public testimony in committee, can be done even better (i.e., with more participation) remotely.

  7. DaveFN 2021-02-12 22:26

    These people, just like Noem, are living in a vacuum and prefer to do so. Reality is far more than they are able to take on.

  8. mike from iowa 2021-02-13 08:03

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    5463 moar specimens for drumpf/noem body count black tie and boot scooting soire.

  9. grudznick 2021-02-13 08:24

    Many of the cracker barrels being cancelled, the Conservatives with Common Sense had reached out to Ms. Taffy to address our Sunday breakfast gathering, but now with the covid bug infestations among most in the legislatures that offer has rescinded. For those wandering into the cold streets tomorrow, I expect after the Opening Rant we will do a round table.

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