Governor Kristi Noem has cavalierly traveled around the country and entertained socialites and other fawners in close quarters with no mask as if there’s no coronavirus pandemic killing stunning numbers of South Dakotans each day. But to ensure she can continue exercising her emergency powers to suspend whatever laws and rules she wants, not to mention continue raking in whatever coronavirus relief funds may come from trusty Uncle Sam, Governor Noem yesterday extended our pandemic state of emergency for another six months, to June 30, 2021:

Governor Noem is acknowledging, in writing, that the coronavirus pandemic “poses a danger to the public health and safety in all of South Dakota and impacts the daily lives of our citizens, health care systems, businesses, and the function of state and local governments….” The Governor is saying this ongoing deadly threat is sufficiently grave to justify the deployment of “substantial resources,” including the National Guard, and her continued exercise of her extensive emergency powers, which allow her to suspend laws and regulations and issue emergency orders overriding local ordinances and personal liberties without the consent of the Legislature.
So for six more months, Governor Noem has the power to limit public indoor gatherings, close down bars, and support small business owners by enforcing a statewide indoor mask mandate.

Or she can continue to send public messages in direct contradiction to her emergency declaration, placing more people at risk of the sickness and death that Emergency Order 2020-34 says will continue to pound our state until June 30.

That’s sooo COVID Kristi! Demand ultimate power and run like a yellow-belly coward from responsibilities. She is sick in the head.
Golly she signs like Trump, who knew?
Seeing the governor of SD going to a christmas party while we have the highest death rate in the country for our elders in assisted living facilities makes me want to throw up. Unbelievable and coldhearted. Enjoy your time in the white house noem… cause its going to end soon.
We’ll see how this affects our lives.