For the record, Governor Kristi Noem wore a mask in public in Parkston yesterday:

But only briefly. She couldn’t stand for letting too many photo opps go by with her 2024 face covered:

Well, that’s still an improvement over last week, when Noem couldn’t bring herself to join Congressman Johnson, Senator Rounds, and Senator Thune in wearing a mask at the 3M plant in Aberdeen, where the expansion our poobahs were celebrating happened entirely because 3M is making more masks to protect us against coronavirus.
And Noem was a no-show when the United States Surgeon General came to PIERRE and of course strongly encouraged people to wear masks-as the Surgeon General did.
She wore a mask to fool the old folks into thinking she gives a damn about their votes. So what’s up with the military dude who knowingly puts himself and those he serves with in covid danger.
38 years old.
This shocking “Noem Wears a Mask” story triggers my imagination. Maybe next the front page of the local newspaper will run another shocking breaking story: “Donald Trump Briefly Opens Mouth Without Telling a Lie.”
Don’t suppose this Politico headline had anything to do with her wearing a mask.
Corey Lewandowski tests positive for coronavirus
Alaska’s only congressweasel ever, 87 year old Don Young has covid. He, too, believed in not wearing masks. He is also the most reprimanded tool in congress history, if I remember correctly.
Kristi sure knows how to beg for money. Aren’t you just proud of her, South Dakota.
1.) It took her 10 mos and a national election loss for the party of no-science. (And some 250,000 deaths). And trillions of tax payer dollars.
She and Trump are “symptoms”:) The Republican party is in their death spiral. (Remember they called the ACA “Obamacare in a death spiral” [(C) Sen Mike Rounds, ins. broker] million times. They think repetition of a snappy vacuous message will brain wash low information voters because it worked on their voters own miseducation, apparently.
What is their goal?
Will they tell those masked voters? Will they tell you and me?
Republicans have been systematically trying to take away the “right” to vote since the Goldwater era 1964, since McCarthyism, since … i can come up with earlier examples. Since FDR’s New Deal. From the party that likes to call itself “the Party of Lincoln”.
Can you put down your guns for a minute before inspiring your base from killing us, and join humanity, Kristi?
2.) 2019 new cases reported today. Stunning. Republican refusal to use masks in favor of the economy and their bogus liberty is directly threatening my loved ones. Damn you.
High time for someone to pop the straightforward question and ask Noem just how bad things would have to become in SD in her opinion before she would consider acting in the interest of public health as have other governors.
She shouldn’t wear ball caps–they really age her.
Those ball caps really make Ms. Noem look younger than her already young years.
Now let us stop being misogynistic and superficial about hats.
So she failed science class, she sure is pretty, a few hundred deaths isn’t worth covering that face.
“Governor Noem has provided her people with the full scope of the science, facts, and data regarding the virus, and then she has trusted them to exercise their personal responsibility to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved-ones,”
Noem’s policy and yet she shows no personal responsibility.
Noem, Thune and Rounds. All on the same day, same team. Yesterday.
Mitch musta’ said ok. Yesterday he said: “Leaders should be cheering this on [non-“Warp Speed” vaccination news], not baselessly undermining science.”
Nov 6 mitch said: “All sides must get to observe the process. And the courts are here to apply the laws & resolve disputes. That’s how Americans’ votes decide the result.”
Now that’s mendacious.
His pinned tweet Oct 26 celebrated conservative Senate’s advice and consent of nominated SCOTUS conservative justice #6, Amy Coney Barrett. Seated days before Trump’s un-election.
Puppets. Putin. Trump. GOP. Billionaires.
Thankgod Biden is the president-elect.
She only wore a mask briefly here because of the DAV attendees…it would be a political liability if one of them came down with CV-19 and that is all she cares about.
Dr Zoom at yer Wonkette takes his shot at covid Kristie and didn’t hardly have to swear at all….
Koch gave Mitch permission:
Charles Koch regrets his partisanship: “Boy, did we screw up!”
(Clink, clink as Koch counts his blood money.)
Count ’em down to a quarter million deaths….
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
How long are South Dakotans willing to put up with her incompetence? She has not only made South Dakota a laughing stock of America, she also was able to make S.D. a first in those testing positive for the Coronavirus! All of her accomplishments are shameful, as the positivity rate in S.D. is absolutely deplorable!