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New Coronavirus Positives Break 2,000 in South Dakota, But Who Cares?

South Dakota smashed its record for new coronavirus cases today, posting 2,020 positive tests. Our previous daily high was 1,559 on October 30.

Benchmark Data Labs, South Dakota daily new positive cases of coronavirus, retrieved 2020.11.12.
Benchmark Data Labs, South Dakota daily new positive cases of coronavirus, retrieved 2020.11.12.

But who cares? We have football and volleyball championships to attend, and we can’t little a pandemic stop us from enjoying our sports vacations.

551 South Dakotans are in the hospital with coronavirus. That’s eight more than yesterday and 136 more than on October 31.

South Dakota coronavirus hospitalizations, NY Times, 2020.11.12.
South Dakota coronavirus hospitalizations, NY Times, 2020.11.12.

But who cares? There’s bingo at the Moose Lodge tonight, a pancake breakfast at the Aberdeen Civic Arena Saturday morning, and the Miss Aberdeen coronation Saturday night!

South Dakota’s test-positivity rate today is 68%, meaning we aren’t testing nearly enough people to measure the true extent of the pandemic, never mind actually contacting people to trace their contacts and check further spread.

But who cares? We need to keep going to Walmart and buying lots of things.

Coronavirus has jumped to the third-largest cause of death in South Dakota this year, behind only cancer and heart disease. No new coronavirus deaths were reported today, but coronavirus has killed 142 South Dakotans just this month and 567 all year.

But who cares? Science and caution just feel too wimpy, too “lefty” for most South Dakotans, so by God and by Kristi, we’re going to run around and do whatever the hell we want, because that’s freedom. Other people’s lives aren’t as important as football and pageants and sales tax receipts, so stick your sissy science where the sun doesn’t shine and get out and buy more beer and hot wings like a real South Dakotan!

Related Science, to Be Ignored by South Dakotans: New research based on cellphone mobility data shows that around 80% of new coronavirus infections from March to May can be traced to “restaurants, gyms, cafés, and other crowded indoor venues.” Author and computer scientist Jure Leskovec says this research shows we don’t have to go into full lockdown to make a big difference in reducing the spread of coronavirus:

By focusing on indoor public venues, the researchers could also model the impact of partial restrictions. Limiting restaurant occupancy to one-fifth of capacity, for example, would reduce new infections there by 80 percent, while preserving some 60 percent of customers.

“These are important trade-offs,” Dr. Leskovec said. “Our work highlights that it does not have to be all or nothing,” when implementing restrictions [Benedict Carey, “Limiting Indoor Capacity Can Reduce Coronavirus Infections, Study Shows,” New York Times, updated 2020.11.12].

But who cares in South Dakota? We can’t afford to sell one less Whopper.


  1. james 2020-11-12 16:18

    2,020 cases today. Remember in June and July when 40 or 50 daily cases were common and Kristi bragged about the great job she was doing.

    She still is.

  2. james 2020-11-12 16:22

    Long-term health problems for thousands, and deaths for hundreds of other South Dakotans that could have been prevented. With a vaccine coming soon. History will judge these leaders very harshly.

    They didn’t even have to shut down to prevent most of this.

  3. ds 2020-11-12 17:05

    “Not all of the US is experiencing the same rate of Covid spread — some states are doing much better than others,” he wrote. “For example, South Dakota (the state with the highest rate) has 100 times more spread than Vermont right now.”

    Vermont population: 629K with 59 deaths.
    South Dakota population: 885K with 567 deaths.

  4. Scott 2020-11-12 19:22

    So so right. So many non-important events going on that should not be. Nobody seems to care.

    Were are in a Pandemic and things SHOULD NOT be normal. No Christmas concerts, No snow queen contests, No community events. If you do not absolutely need to be out and around others, you should not be. If you think you need to go out, go for a walk or a car drive by yourself.

  5. grudznick 2020-11-12 19:50

    Mr. Scott, therein may lie the issue.

    Hunker down in your bunker for the rest of your life, or figure out a way to live your life within the realm of a pandemic. You cannot stop the virus. The science tells us this. It is not going away.

    So hunker in your bunker if you wish, I highly advocate that.

    But I am with you on banning Christmas concerts especially, and OK on the snow queen contests and most community events including council meetings, chamber mixers, and meetings of the employees who work for your town to coordinate picking up garbage and other necessary community events.

  6. JB 2020-11-12 21:43

    Can you do some more research on the hospital capacity numbers on the SD DOH website? Keloland has a few more explanations. Noem has based her whole covid response on the fact that we have plenty of hospital capacity, still. But the capacity never changes despite climbing covid numbers. Something doesn’t add up.

  7. jerry 2020-11-13 10:19

    Doctor’s Without Borders cares, and they are now here. Thanks to GNOem/trump and the trumpian republicans, we are now a white Haiti.

    “The Covid-19 crisis in America is so dire now, international aid workers have arrived to help.

    “This is a humanitarian disaster — probably one of the worst stories I’ve covered in my career here at CNN,” the network’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said Thursday.

    Workers from Doctors Without Borders are trying to help the US get a grip on the pandemic, he said. More than 241,000 people have died from coronavirus nationwide — a number that is rapidly growing every day.

    “I mean, this is an organization that typically covers true disasters and medical crises all over the world,” Gupta said.
    “And when they sort of look at a map right now and say, ‘Where do we need to be?’ they pointed to the United States. They were in nursing homes in Detroit. They went to Missouri. They’re in these different places trying to offer their services. And still, the numbers are what they are.”

    It is what it is. It’s gonna get a lot worse. Kiss your grannies and your arse’s good-bye. But enjoy that whooper or sizzler.

  8. bearcreekbat 2020-11-13 10:35

    jerry, with one small change (instead of “You slipped upon the floor and hit your head,” it will be “You breathed the denier’s air and now you’re dead”) these are my COVID 19 last wishes:

  9. jerry 2020-11-13 10:46

    BRILLIANTE bcb, muchas gracias por todo. John Prine before lunch, should be on everyone’s itinerary.

  10. bearcreekbat 2020-11-13 10:53

    ¡No hay de que, amigo!

  11. Jivin Knute 2020-11-13 12:20

    It drives me crazy when I see the governor on TV praising the idea we have done such a great job of corralling the virus! What alternate universe does she inhabit? Sick of her mealy mouth platitudes.

  12. Mark Anderson 2020-11-14 06:28

    Kristi was helping Donnie apple seed spread coronovirus around the country. What do you expect? Now she can’t even acknowledge the deaths she’s allowed to happen and claim that she’s done a good job when she’s done nothing. Kristi will always be a lover of fiction, it’s in her nature.

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