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Noem Promotes Campaign Donor to Run Transportation Dept.

On October 27, Deputy Transportation Secretary Joel Jundt gave $1,000 to Governor Kristi Noem’s campaign fund. On November 9, Governor Noem gave Jundt the job of interim Secretary of Transportation:

“Joel is well-respected throughout the transportation industry and will continue moving the department forward during this interim period,” said Governor Noem. “I am pleased Joel has agreed to continue serving South Dakota in this capacity, and I look forward to working with him to make South Dakota safer, stronger, and healthier.”

…“I’d like to thank the Governor for this opportunity,” said Jundt. “I look forward to continue working with Governor Noem and the dedicated staff at the Department of Transportation” [Office of the Governor, press release, 2020.11.09].

Pierre is a one-horse town; if you want to ride, you have to bring that horse some oats.


  1. Nick Nemec

    What happened to Darrin Bergquist?

  2. Mark Anderson

    Well Cory, when I was in college in Vermillion watching Jimmy Conners on the TV I mentioned that when I was a sophomore in Highmore I beat Pierre’s number one tennis player. My friend Jim Osburg from Pierre had the perfect comeback. He said “Mark, Pierre is just 10 Highmores.”

  3. leslie

    Kristi runs the state like the CIA. Their unsupervised actions got us here. Putin in the White House, in Congress, and in the state house.

    The US agreed to an oil protection operation dreamed up by the British. [21] U.S. Brigadier General Norman Schwarzkopf, Sr., and CIA guru Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. [of Mt Rushmore’s “cowboy” Teddy fame] were ordered to begin a covert operation to overthrow Iran’s nationalist prime minister Mossadeq. The resulting operation was inspired by Plan Y, a 1951 British planned land, sea, and air invasion that the U.S. opposed under Truman. MI6 and the CIA once again discussed plans to orchestrate a coup in Iran in 1952 under the name “Operation Boot.” However, knowing President Truman’s opposition to the previous plan, “Operation Boot” was kept secret under the order of CIA director Allen Dulles.

    [I]t was estimated that Iran was in real danger of falling behind the Iron Curtain; if that happened it would mean a victory for the Soviets in the Cold War and a major setback for the West in the Middle East. Wiki

    Trump has stacked intelligence, security and military agencies with political hacks, and Kristi has abandoned her state in a pandemic to serve Trump’s misbegotten GOP.

    And GOP oriented lawyers keep getting these players off with your money and hyper-technical machinations played out before a GOP stacked judicial system. Just look at the politics RAGA played on its twitter account this election. It is all about lawyer horsepower.

    Kristi keeps Jason in a halter for one reason.

  4. grudznick

    Ms. leslie, do you think Governor Noem has rooted out the Qanons from state government or created more of them? This is a question that begs some thinking.

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