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Working Remotely: Noem Out of State at Least Four Workdays This Week

Governor Kristi Noem will not wear or encourage masks, but she will socially distance from everyone in South Dakota.

Yesterday Noem joined a herd of warm-up speakers for a Trump rally in Omaha. On the chilly outdoor stage, Noem bored a few thousand MAGA nuts with her reheated trope about becoming famous thanks to “liberals” complaining about her letting coronavirus run rampant in South Dakota.

On Wednesday—today!—Noem will be campaigning in New Hampshire (and flouting that state’s travel restrictions) for the second time in two weeks. She’s also campaigning in Maine today. On Thursday and Friday, she’ll warm herself back up by going to Florida for two fun-filled and fib-filled days at Donald Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago clubhouse.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, South Dakota hospitals say the coronavirus may give our doctors and nurses more work than they can handle if we don’t all mask up:

The rise in hospitalizations has forced the state’s two largest hospital systems — Sanford Health and Avera Health — to alter the logistics of some elective procedures to free up space for the influx of COVID-19 patients.

There were 395 people hospitalized by COVID-19 statewide, according to the Department of Health. About 34% of general-care hospital beds and 38% of Intensive Care Units statewide remained available on Tuesday.

Health care providers will hit an unmanageable load of patients if the virus continues to grow, Aaker warned, leading to a shortage of medical resources.

“There’s a possibility that we meet that tipping point,” he said [Stephen Groves, “South Dakota Medical Groups Promote Masks, Countering Noem,” AP via Yankton Press & Dakotan, 2020.10.27].

Noem evidently feels ailing South Dakotans require less attention than Donald Trump’s ailing campaign. She’s already off in New England; maybe she can at least call from the Super 8 to get hear some recommendations from our hard-working healthcare providers on how the state can help them fight the pandemic while she’s out campaigning.


  1. chris 2020-10-28

    really looking forward to her Maralago event Thursday. WIth Kristie there, it will be so grand. Just like when Stormy Daniels came to the South Fork Lounge in Watertown.

  2. Chris S. 2020-10-28

    I read at KELO that while Kristi is prancing around the country, she takes 2 state highway patrolmen with her for security. So we get to subsidize her grifting while back home Covid is burning up the state. Unbelievable.

  3. leslie 2020-10-28

    1200 plus freaking positive infections registered today, while the mice are away at play.

  4. leslie 2020-10-28

    But civilian USAF Trump appointed leaders are no doubt behind low flying afterburnered B1b flights over central RC during national news hour.

    Raw political abuse of power. Republicans will pay a big price for this death spiraling madness. For decades. With the presidency, Senate and House majorities, SCOTUS will be “right” sized and the next nearly 3 decades of progressive leadership will dump the armed lost cause racists in the dumpster for good. Imo

  5. Mark Anderson 2020-10-31

    Kristi has to do this, why would a few hundred deaths change her behavior? She wants bigger things.

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