The Sioux Falls Downtown Rotary was planning to host a candidate forum with U.S. Senate candidate Dan Ahlers and incumbent Senator M. Michael Rounds

Evidently Senator Rounds has bailed out of that event, leaving the mic to Ahlers:

The Downtown Rotary says Ahlers will join Jack Marsh on stage for an interview at the club’s weekly meeting, which will be streamed live on Facebook and YouTube.
Rounds bailed on the State Fair debate last month when his wife had to go in for more cancer surgery. No excuse has been publicized for Rounds’s withdrawal from the Rotary event. Native American Day was supposed to be the start of the “state work period” for senators to go home and work on reëlection; maybe rushing Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court to overturn Joe Biden’s impending landslide victory has taken precedence over facing his rival and tough questions at home.
Why? Because he’s a gutless wonder! I try not to say anything behind the keyboard that I wouldn’t say to someone’s face! I would say that to his face. Thune is no better. If it were not for a GOP talking points card, these gents would be mute eunuchs. BTW, did anyone catch the editorial in the Argus about Thune? Pretty much said what I just said, but probably a bit more tactful. :-)
It is apparent that the greatest Covid Failure of systems in this country has been our political system. How fortunate we are to have an immediate solution with the November Election. It is the key to revamping all the other failures of norms, laws, the justice and law enforcement institutions. January 20 will be the beginning of earnest rebuilding based on reprioritization of our democracy. Republicans can’t even call it that. They only have words, like “the Republic” that only serve billionaires.
It is time for conscientious action. 400 billionaires can go to hell. “Greed” is not in the aspirational constitution.
It’s the trump virus and the economic failure on EB5 Short Rounds watch that he doesn’t want to discuss with Dan Ahlers. If I were Dan, that is what I would talk about, a lot, at that meeting. Put a stubby cutout of EB5 Short Rounds there to show his absence. Here are the numbers Dan can discuss, Almost a million new unemployed again week in and week out. Even Mickey Mouse got his arse furloughed.
“A cascade of new layoffs announced this week is putting pressure on an already strained labor market, as numerous large companies have said they plan to shed thousands of workers in the final months of 2020.
The Labor Department on Thursday painted a grim picture of the jobs market even before these new layoffs were reported: 837,000 initial claims for unemployment insurance were processed last week.
And 650,000 people had new claims processed for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, the program for self-employed and gig workers, up slightly from 630,000 the week before.” Washington Post 10.01.20
If ya ain’t sick and dying in the United States, you’re unemployed. What a life!
When will Marion withdraw from a West River debate …… oh wait, so far (to the best of my knowledge) there isn’t one.
This appears to be a stealth campaign.
Dan really needs to “up” his profile.
Rounds just about as trustworthy in this campaign, as he was when he was Governor in his administration’s investigation of EB-5 an Gear Up! Didn’t trust him then and trust him less today!
I’d love for Senator Rounds to come out and say he’s skipping the Rotary forum because public indoor gatherings aren’t safe right now, and he has to protect his immunocompromised wife. I’d take that excuse, no problem…
…except there’s always Zoom. Even if he’s in DC voting to stack the court toward The Handmaid’s Tale, Rounds could still take a break and go head to head with Ahlers via remote video.
What B-bear said…!
Actually all our congressional representatives have been trump indoctrinated. They no longer have a mind of their own and have to ask permission from dictator trump. He will deem what they say and what they do. They along with trumps clone, Noem, are basically worthless to SD.
Rounds has millions in campaign war chest $$. Greedy, dirty GOP money intended to keep loyal senate power (Rounds is the loyal spokesperson for Trump explaining Trump’s worst diatribes after the fact). He also used all the dirty political tricks to avoid EB5 $600,000,000 fraud accountability concerning Aberdeen’s packing plant, cheese plants or other federal economic programs supposedly increasing jobs, the same dirty tricks Trump used to escape impeachment conviction as extolled as Vol. II, Mueller report—the complex report AG Barr obfuscated and only now is court ordered to produce to Congress.
“Delay” Rounds during his own election. “Delay” Trump during his own election. Two sides to a coin. Distract the voters!
Help Dan A. win over the GOP. SD, you already had the chance to elect Wismer, then Sutton and Seiler. Instead you elected Deny Pandemic Noem and AG Ravnsborg who drives as bad as Janklow and worse than Noem.
Ravnsburg is also inexperienced, ineffective and incompetent. The integrity of Wismer, Sutton and Seiler is unquestionable and a huge waste of leadership and talent for the state in failing to elect any one of them. None of SD GOP office holders hold up to their standards. Republicans only loyally play poliyical games. We are a one party state. Nobody looking over their shoulders with enough power to stop EB5 fraud, Platte school fraud, arson and murder resulting in political fall guy little fish. Many other examples.
Vote Blue. I was too busy most of my life and only in the last decade have I studied state and national politics and worked for SD/Penn Dems. Make a difference.
I am sure “Cardboard Mike” cutout of this cutup is still available from all the debates he didn’t bother with last time around. I am sure some graphic designer out there could make the carboard cutout look even more clewless this election cycle.
Wingnuts are deplorable.
Speaking of deplorable, Kimberly Guilfoyle, the big loudmouth with our own GNOem. Turns out, she’s a sexual abuser. Damn, what a crew, no wonder Don Jr. looks like a addict. Note to Don Jr., the mother of your kids is a looker. Much better than this horn dog.
“Report: A former employee alleges that Trump advisor Kimberly Guilfoyle sexually harassed her while at Fox News
Guilfoyle – a former Fox News host and Trump advisor who has featured prominently in the president’s 2020 campaign and the partner of Donald Trump, Jr – had been accused of repeated sexual harassment by a former assistant.
A New Yorker report has revealed that the former employee, a young woman who worked for Guilfoyle at Fox News, filed a November 2018 complaint alleging that Guilfoyle, her direct supervisor, “subjected her frequently to degrading, abusive, and sexually inappropriate behavior”.
Two sources who spoke to the New Yorker said that Fox News had agreed to pay the woman more than $4m in order to avoid going to trial over the complaints.”
This is classic Rounds. Didn’t he give up on debates early on in 2014, too?
I have always felt having a candidate show up for debates is like jury duty. If you don’t show up for jury duty, the sheriff will find you. If you don’t show up for x number of sanctioned debates during a campaign season, then you can’t, or shouldn’t, be certified the winner, if you have the most votes in the general election.
He knows not speaking out against Trump is wrong and he can’t defend it. Especially now, Rounds is is in step with Trump’s endorsement of Bad Boys and White Supremacy.
He’s such a pitiful example of a senator, just like 99% of the GOP in DC.
Sane Republicans are working diligently to recreate a real political party without cultists. They figure November will pretty much shatter the current GOP.
Interesting that Rounds’ latest act of sleaze and cowardice remains unreported in the South Dakota media, other than blogs like Dakota Free Press. I don’t blame Sleazy Rounds as much as his supporters and the people who are too disinterested to learn about who is on the ballot.
Stupid people allow sleazeballs like Rounds to get elected.
EB-5 and GEAR-UP would have put this cheap con artist away in any other state. They also would have been grounds for a very productive RICO investigation.
Ahlers’ speaking voice is so much better than Mike’s.
Rounds is such an acolyte of Trump’s, I fully expect him to come down with COVID just to show loyalty. ;-)
Rounds was standing next to Sen. Mike Lee a couple days ago, with no masks. Now Mike Lee has Covid.
Cappuci waco leading DHS since april has no experience and CDC FDA OSHA and DHS have been nuetered during the election run up.
Noem is standing in the wings after her Smithfield “intense involvement” now hiding behind the compromised CDC. This is a criminal cover up. Democrats are investigating via Dusty’s committee.
Alhers should attack Rounds on complicity of our congressional axis+Kristi!!
Sorry, Caputo is the Whacko. Investigative reporters should be all over these stories!