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Lincoln Project Turns Rushmore Icons Against Trump

The Lincoln Project welcomes America’s worst President to South Dakota by letting the great four faces of Mount Rushmore clap back at Donald Trump on South Dakota’s cable TV channels:

“Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt all deeply understood the revered responsibility of the Presidency, and each played a pivotal role in preserving our Republic. Donald Trump, in contrast, shirks his oath of office, constantly shifts blame to disguise his incompetence, and uses his position to further divide the American people,” said Reed Galen, co-founder of The Lincoln Project.

As the nation reckons with a complicated legacy regarding historical monuments, Trump need not worry that any of his will be sullied in the future. He’s already irreparably tarnished his legacy and will only be remembered for his countless failures, and the damage he’s done to America and its people [The Lincoln Project, “A President’s Legacy,” 2020.07.02].

Trump is a menace, unworthy of the honor we bestow on real leaders like Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt.

But welcome, Comrade Trump! Russia thanks you (in the Lincoln Project’s translation) for your loyalty and friendship:


  1. Buckobear 2020-07-02 11:22

    I just hope the Cheeto Bandito doesn’t leave an indelible orange stain on our Hills.

  2. leslie 2020-07-02 13:04

    Meanwhile Gov Kristi overreacts, yet again.

    Like Kristi, 1890 “settlers were alarmed by the sight of the many tribes performing the Ghost Dance [here, sovereign pandemic checkpoints on the Rez] worried that it might be a prelude to armed attack.” Kristi [then in the hand-wringing mode of Indian Agents McLaughlin and Royer] panicked. Trump is her solution. After all her years in SD.

    Just like Grant’s previous DC war cabal [in secret opposition to his public ‘Peace Policy,’ “General Crook said that [the president] General Grant had decided that the Northern Sioux [i.e, the Lakotas] should go upon their reservation or be whipped.”

    “The Grant administration turned to an Indian Bureau inspector named Erwin C. Watkins who said there were hostile bands of Sioux Indians who “richly merit punishment for their incessant warfare, and their numerous murders of settlers and their families, or white men wherever found unarmed.” Most offensive, they “laugh at the futile efforts that have thus far been made to subjugate them [and] scorn the idea of white civilization.” The report concluded that the government should send a thousand soldiers in to the Unceded Territory and thrash the “untamable” Lakotas into subjection.

    Watkins had long worked in Zachariah Chandler’s Michigan political machine, and he had served under Sheridan and Crook in the Civil War…. At Crook’s headquarters in Wyoming Territory, rations and ammunition were being stockpiled, pack trains prepared, troops marshaled in from outlying forts. Something clearly was afoot, but Crook and his staff declined to discuss it with the local press.

    Think there isn’t a huge militarized stockpile sitting underground at Mt Rushmore?

    “Chandler…directed the Indian Bureau to inform Sitting Bull and the other non-treaty chiefs that they had until January 31, 1876, to report to the reservation; otherwise they would be considered ‘hostile,’ and the Army would march against them.”

    Of course, this led directly to Custer’s defeat at the Greasy Grass.

    Kristi, read a little history. Dump Trump. Do your job.

  3. Debbo 2020-07-02 13:27

    CNN rebukes Kruel Kristi’s anti mask mistakes in a video. You can watch the doc cringe as she speaks.

  4. Debbo 2020-07-02 18:18

    The Roger Cornelius Memorial Cartoon by Marty Two Bulls:

    Mr. Two Bulls has been on a roll.

  5. mike from iowa 2020-07-03 09:24

    The “dustmeister hath spoken wit and wizdumb for the masses today…….

    But Johnson, the South Dakota Republican, predicted Trump will be greeted warmly by the “overwhelming majority of South Dakotans of all races and creeds,” the same way President Barack Obama was in 2016 when he visited the state.

    “Mount Rushmore symbolizes liberty, freedom and equality,” Johnson said. “It seems like the kind of symbol and memorial we should be rallying around as a country during these times of political unrest.


  6. Debbo 2020-07-03 17:55

    The Lincoln Project has another one in Russian with subtitles. It’s about him and his master, Pootie. It BITES!


  7. grudznick 2020-07-04 00:23

    What a spectacular, American event!!!! The heat nearly killed old grudznick by 5pm but golly it went wild from there. Mr. Trump is still insaner than most but golly it was a partay

  8. jason 2020-07-04 09:13

    The Lincoln Project is led by neocons from the Bush administration. These are the same people that illegally invaded a sovereign nation that was not a threat to the USA or its neighbors. These are the same people that justified torture and made it official US policy. These are the same people who represent the military-industrial complex.
    Democrats who cheer for this new Red Scare propaganda learned NOTHING about the first and second Red Scares. Demonizing Russia acts to strengthen the military-industrial complex.
    Stop attacking Trump from the right. Stop falling for cheap political theater. Stop being tools of the military-industrial complex. We need to end the GWOT and bring the troops home from Afghanistan. End of story.

  9. bearcreekbat 2020-07-04 09:55

    Unfortunately for Jason and other members of the Trump propaganda team, the quality of Trump’s behavior simply cannot be improved by the worn out tactic of attacking the history of those who bring Trump’s behavior to light. Even broken clocks are right twice a day.

    While the history of neo-cons may be worth criticizing in many respects, the real problem for Trumpist is an inability to challenge actual factual matters the neo-cons decide to identify in their exposure of Trump’s malfeasance. If Jason could identify problems with these factual revelations, his comment might have some validity. But pointing out that a Trump critic has a questionable history doesn’t really work unless whatever that critic writes can also be shown to be questionable in fact.

    The Lincoln Project has posted apparently factually correct ads describing Trump’s response to the pandemic, his relations with Russia and overseas dictators, his response to protests about George Floyd’s death, his use of the military to police civilians, etc. See e.g., “The Lincoln Project targets Trump in new ads” CBSN:

    Trump’s behavior identified by the Lincoln Project, in fact, is not consistent with traditional conservative views.

  10. mike from iowa 2020-07-04 11:01

    Demonizing Russia acts to strengthen the military-industrial complex.

    Not attacking Russia only proves drumpf has a club over is head wielded by Putin. Russia is America’s enemy, same as drumpf.

    Yesterday the White house proposed Putie’s punishment for paying bounties on American soldiers would be to not invite him to G-7, which he was kicked out of for bad behavior.

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