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Cartoon: Democracy Triumphs in Court over Cash-Wasting State Government

Gregory County cartoonist Jo Johnson offers this lovely visual representation of the cost of wanton disregard of First Amendment rights in the ballot question process:

Jo Johnson on SD Voice's court victories over the state, 2020.01.30.
Jo Johnson on SD Voice’s court victories over the state, 2020.01.30.

I invite all good candidates running to unseat Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg in 2022 to paste this cartoon all over their social media and postcards and TV ads. Jo Johnson has created the best visual representation of Ravnsborg that I’ve seen yet.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to ride my free speech steed into the next joust….


  1. Debbo

    Good one, Ms. Johnson!

  2. jerry

    Spot on. Does anyone know how much tax money has been collected in the 12 months since Wayfair was enacted?

    According to the numbers I’ve seen, on line sales for 2019 exceeded all projections, so where’s da money? Why are we having school bond tax increases in Rapid City, when there should be millions of tax collected dollars available? Anyone?? Bueller??

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