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Video: Tokata Iron Eyes Rallies Rapid City to Save the Planet

16-year old Tokata Iron Eyes is a good enough organizer that she got famed climate change activist Greta Thunberg to come to Pine Ridge and Rapid City to join her protest against the Keystone XL pipeline. Well done, Tokata!

View Tokata Iron Eyes’s speech at the rally for action to save the planet in Rapid City yesterday, courtesy of the NDN Collective. Iron Eyes takes the megaphone around 25:50 in the video, after Thunberg’s speech:

We are not just looking to lower carbon emissions. We are looking to finally hear and see the people who have been saying this for generations…. It is everyday regular people like me and Greta, it is us who are going to change this, and it is us who have the responsibility to make our voices heard, and it starts with community organizing like this [Tokata Iron Eyes, speech at rally against climate change, Rapid City, SD, 2019.10.07].

This is the kind of speech and real civic participation that Governor Kristi Noem wants to criminalize.


  1. grudznick 2019-10-08 19:54

    Should you not have put one of those [sic] things there in young Ms. Iron Eyes’ speech, being the the fault-finder and nit-picker you tend to be when your hackles are up and irked at the (R)s in the power over everybody?

  2. Porter Lansing 2019-10-08 20:37

    You a little grouchy, grudz? Some days are better than others, you know. I want to thank you for posting on Power’s rag under the name Jupiter Base Lansing. Pat doesn’t like me and has banned my liberalness. I don’t think I’m alone. You say everything I would say. You know, about pig headed Germans keeping SD stuck in the past. About how liberal USD was in the 70’s. Keep it up. Makes me feel special. 👍🏻

  3. Robert McTaggart 2019-10-09 11:35

    The makers of lithium ion batteries just won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

    “Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized our lives and are used in everything from mobile phones to laptops and electric vehicles,” the Nobel committee said. “Through their work, this year’s Chemistry Laureates have laid the foundation of a wireless, fossil fuel-free society.”

    Here are a list of the biggest lithium-ion battery projects at the moment.

    “That still leaves work to do to unlock a highly renewable grid. Even the biggest batteries on the books don’t have durations long enough to fully replace fossil-fueled capacity. ”

    Thus there is another Nobel Prize out there for better recycling of lithium ion batteries, or finding something that works better than lithium (and/or is more plentiful).

  4. Debbo 2019-10-10 16:16

    National Geographic has a good article about the critical role peatlands play in storing carbon. Peat stores much more carbon than trees or any other natural item.

    Indonesia drained an immense peatland and turned into a palm oil plantation. The country has been ravaged by fire and in one week released more carbon from the dried out peatlands burning than the USA releases annually. 😳😳😳

  5. Robert McTaggart 2019-10-10 16:40

    Aren’t the peatlands a significant contributor of methane?

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