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Daugaard: DSU MadLabs Will Bring Hundreds More Jobs to Madison

Google is bringing Sarpy County, Nebraska, its eighth big data center, promising to create at least 30 permanent jobs.

Meanwhile, at the bottom of Bob Mercer’s story on the opening of the Sanford/Beacom-backed MadLabs, former governor Dennis Daugaard says Madison could get hundreds of new cyber-security jobs:

Dakota State University opened the doors to some public and some soon-to-be top-secret places at its new $60 million MadLabs computer-sciences and cyber-security center Wednesday night.

As rain fell outside, former Governor Dennis Daugaard and U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson joined university president Jose’-Marie Griffiths and other special guests for the late-afternoon tour.

…Daugaard said the center’s staff will start at about three dozen scientists and will grow into the hundreds [Bob Mercer, “With Umbrellas Open, DSU Celebrates ‘MadLabs’ Computer Sciences Center,” KELO-TV, 2019.10.03].

Hundreds of jobs? DSU is already Madison’s biggest employer; hundreds of cybersleuths teaching and hacking on campus would further cement DSU’s place as the biggest single driver of economic opportunity in Lake County.

And all this economic promise is brought to you not by the free market but by rich usurers who fleeced Americans with absurdly high interest rates and by big government spending. Who needs Google when we’ve got government to create jobs in South Dakota?


  1. Debbo 2019-10-04 20:40

    I know Sanford ripped people off and made life worse for them. Who’s Beacom?

  2. Wade Brandis 2019-10-04 22:08

    Miles Beacom is a 1981 DSU graduate, and is now CEO & President of Premier Bank Card. He has given millions to his Alma-mater to help them build new stuff, like the Beacom Institute of Technology and the newly opened MadLabs. He also gave $10 million to DSU Athletics to help fund a new sports complex next to the fieldhouse, complete with indoor training facilities, new baseball and softball diamonds, and a new football field with artificial turf.

  3. Clyde 2019-10-05 05:27

    Wow, wonder if they are all Republicans……

  4. Debbo 2019-10-05 14:09

    Thanks, Wade.

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-10-06 19:31

    Beacom continues the usury and continues the Sanford model of marketing via donation to absolve his name of his exploitation of the working class.

  6. Debbo 2019-10-06 20:31

    That’s as old as capitalism itself.

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