We learn from Dakota War College (a phrase one can rarely use) that Marty Jackley is suckling from the public teat again. DWC reports that Jones County’s former state’s attorney, Anita Fuoss, is ending eighteen years in that office to go work in Pierre, so our last real Attorney General is going to commute from Pierre to Murdo to handle Jones County’s legal business.

Or maybe that commute is from Fort Pierre. SDCL 7-16-31 waives the residency requirement for state’s attorneys in counties with fewer than 5,000 people (Jones is our least populous county, dropping from 1,006 in 2010 to 928 by the Census Bureau’s 2018 guess; no other county in the state has a three-figure population) but still requires such itinerants reside in an adjoining county. Jackley listed a P.O. Box in Pierre as his address during the 2018 campaign; maybe someone on the other side of the river will let him crash on the couch while Marty makes moolah on misdemeanors in Murdo.
Speaking of money, if Jackley gives Jones County his special discount rate of $300 an hour and works just an hour a day for them, that’s still $1,500 a week, or $75,000 for the year. That’s $81 from every man, woman, and child in Jones County. Maybe Jackley is giving them an even bigger discount to win back some love: in the 2018 primary, 61% of Jones County voters picked Kristi Noem over him for Governor.
Jones County will gladly pay it as they are a bastion for right wing republican politics there. There probably is not more than a half dozen Democrats there in the whole place.
“We learn from Dakota War College (a phrase one can rarely use)” π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£
Buffalo County has at least 1000 residents? I am surprised!