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Dale Invites Petition Signers to Sign up by Text, Pre-Prints Petitions for Faster Signing

John Dale, who is circulating an initiative petition to legalize cannabis in South Dakota, is trying a novel approach to soliciting signatures, using online signups to identify willing petition signers:

Dale says he’s using his own “privacy-certified database” instead of Facebook. I’m all for that. Dale is asking people who want to sign his petition to text “reefer” to 605-309-7007. Texters will receive a link to an online form where they can enter their contact information. Dale will use that information to check voter registration. Once Dale has a big list of eligible signers, he’ll pre-print petitions with the names, addresses, and county of voter registration of each willing signer. Then he’ll make two, maybe three trips around the state, set up shop in a series of six towns, and alert those interested signers that he’s in the neighborhood and should come line up to sign.

Pre-printing signer information on petitions is legal—the only thing petition signers have to personally ink on a petition is their signature—but it raises three complications:

  1. The circulator swears on each petition sheet that “either the signer or I added the printed name, the residence address of the signer, the date of signing, and the county of voter registration.” If Dale pre-prints signer information on his petition sheets, only he, not any other circulator, can circulate that sheet.
  2. Suppose Olaf Olson walks up to Dale at his Rapid City or Brookings or Vermillion signing event and wants to sign. Olaf has texted Dale, is in the private database, is verified and pre-printed. Dale will have to riffle through his stack of petitions to find the petition sheet with Olaf’s information. To do that efficiently, he’ll have to print all voter names in alphabetical order, separate the sheets by tabs or folders or binders, pull out the specific sheet for Olaf, and then put Olaf’s sheet back in its place before turning to the next signer, who probably won’t be Ole Olson but Sven Svensen or Cliff Claven or someone else in a whole nother folder. Such organization is doable, but even if Dale and any helpers make no filing mistakes, the process of pulling out one specific pre-printed petition sheet for each signer and properly replacing it after each signature will likely take more time than if I start with a blank petition form and have fifteen people in line all sign and address the same sheet.
  3. Once the right sheet is in hand, Dale still has to eyeball the sheet to find Olaf’s line and make sure Olaf signs on his own line. If Olaf slips and signs on Ole’s or Oksana’s line, he throws Dale’s scheme into confusion, as he’ll have to remember to bring out a fresh, blank sheet for Ole or Oksana to sign when they arrive.

I’m all for innovation in the petition process. Perhaps Dale will surprise me and demonstrate that he can collect more signatures per hour with online pre-registration, pre-printing, and centralized events than other campaigns can with traditional street-corner circulating. But Dale’s method limits signature collection to one circulator, himself, who must engage in a signer-by-signer check-in and filing process.

Dale’s method also depends on signers making the effort to come to him, which I have found does not work. If you don’t believe me, test it out: sit at a fair booth or a street corner, put up a sign inviting signatures, and then say nothing. Wait for people to see your sign and come up to you. You’ll get a tiny fraction of the signatures you would by actively soliciting voters’ action. Dale is building in some prior buy-in with his texting and online sign-up plan, and he’s at least driving most of the way to meet voters in their town, but even asking signers to travel that last mile will result in significant drop-off.

We’ll see the results of Dale’s new petition circulation method in just a bit more than two months, when Dale walks into Secretary Barnett’s office with 30,000 signatures… or doesn’t.


  1. Dana P 2019-08-27

    I would hand over my cell phone number and contact information to Nigerian scammers, before I would share anything with conspiracy theorist John Dale

  2. Donald Pay 2019-08-27

    This idea might work for gathering signatures of people who are highly motivated by a certain issue. It’s a way to organize the signature collection in a more efficient way, I suppose. There is nothing wrong with trying it out.

    The problem I see is that it focuses on signature collection, rather than a grassroots organizing approach to issue building and citizen participation. I agree with Cory that you have to engage most people on an issue in a person-to-person approach. You have to catch people as they are doing what they would otherwise be doing (state fair, post office, etc.), not expect them to make two separate efforts to sign.

    But, I wish him good luck in trying this out.

  3. jerry 2019-08-27

    Dana P, could not have said it better myself…

  4. bearcreekbat 2019-08-27

    Unfortunately, Dana P and Jerry seem to be 100% correct.

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-08-27

    Donald’s mention of high motivation around a single issue is important. If the system serves to connect the circulator with those highly motivated supporters and filter out the contact with opponents and apathetic folks in the normal passerby sample, then the program offers an advantage.

    The system could thus be a test of the depth of that high motivation. Will people who see a pitch like this online graduate from the ease of hitting a few buttons on their phones to the challenge of rising from the couch and going someplace at an appointed time?

  6. Donald Pay 2019-08-27

    I guess I like the old-fashioned way best. Most people’s lives are complicated and they don’t have time to schedule a time to sign a petition. They would rather just see someone at the fair on their own schedule and sign.

  7. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-27

    Can a better mouse trap be built?
    I agree with Dana P., et al.

  8. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-08-27

    Thinking about Dana’s comment at the top: I do wonder how many people decline to sign signatures because of the required surrender of personal information.

    But to make democracy work, we have to trust each other to some extent.

    I haven’t checked lately: how much information does one have to surrender on those sites? How many fans of Kristi Noem or Billie Sutton willingly punched their contact information into those candidates’ websites last year?

  9. Debbo 2019-08-27

    That’s 5 votes for you Dana, including mine.

  10. John Dale 2019-08-28

    Awesome! Thanks, Cory.

    Every piece of intellectual property like this should have some kind of lynch pin worthy of a patent (whether one is pursued or not).

    In our case, we can print petitions on site for anyone who has RSVP’d since we can extend and modify the software (and then some – see

    We could technically set up a printer that is controlled from the site and allow verified authenticated signers to trigger a petition print on their own by clicking a button on our site! :D

    Because of the design of our initiative as an expression of the will of the people first and our initiative as a weaponized legal vehicle nth, the initiative is very short (1 legal sized sheet).

    Therefore, if we printed one petition per signer, our printing costs are still very manageable (I have it at $238 for the paper assuming only one signature per sheet .. check my math, please).

    This obviates your primary concern of having to rifle through sheets of paper on-site. In addition, since we’re printing the petitions from the same database that is being used to verify voter registrations, we can notify the signer of the exact petition index (I verified with the SOS that we can write a petition index at the top of our petitions lightly in pencil if we want to), and slot (they are individually numbered). So, from the same page at Plains Tribune where the signers verify their registrations, we can indicate which petition index and slot is to be signed before the signer even arrives. I have been designing and integrating Object Oriented middle ware with relational databases using standards based web browsers since 1998 – it’s my bag, baby.

    On-demand printing of the petitions based on an RSVP model is a force multiplier because we empower the market for political movements to meticulously self-organize. We don’t need an army of circulators and the logistical challenges and legal exposure that comes with that. But, as I’m sure you can imagine, we could have, say, 6 circulators with printers capable of gathering all the required signatures in a day or two using the custom software I’m providing. And, we’d know exactly when to go out and start collecting since the system could easily count the verified voters who rsvp and opt-into a political movement. It saves a lot of money, too, since you would know when a movement just doesn’t have the public support.

    As you should realize, this is much bigger than CC4L.

    The key, as you aptly pointed-out, is to have an initiative that motivates people to get off the couch when the team comes to the area (6 locations is pretty modest for a team with any kind of funding at all .. that could easily be expanded to cover 50 sq mile blocks throughout the state). No more circulators bothering people in public spaces, just an efficient private exchange of signatures when the network of supporters reaches a critical mass of like-minded disposition on a proposed initiative.

    You should also be extrapolating by now some natural extensions of this system in terms of the design of initiatives, and it should be inciting excitement about the possibilities while simultaneously striking fear into the hearts of the anti-democratic – this is why I would have preferred to broach the topic in private, Cory, but alas .. they will know about it sometime, eventually, anyway.

    Something else that’s also nice about this model is that, once our database is inhabited by a critical mass of democratically minded folks in SD, it completely obviates the road blocks put in place by the state to obstruct circulators; it is a democratic (note lower case “d”) weapon.

    More than any deficiencies in the software or process, something that will affect the outcome of our petition drive is the apathy generated by those who imply that I am DEA, that I an not trustworthy to steward the data, or that I am not dedicated to our task.

    My wife, daughters, and I designed the CC4L petition, got it approved, and are circulating it to the best of our abilities with the resources we have. We are authentic, genuine, and trustworthy. For those detractors, how does it feel to be harassing 12 and 15 year old girls who helped design the petition?


    I have been reaching out to you with this idea for months (and NASD for years) to share this idea to amplify the People Power effort as well as our own CC4L petition drive.

    FWIW, when it comes to information systems driven force multipliers for democratic processes, when I say I have the goods, I have the goods!

    I realize that this constitutes public disclosure, and that we have a little under a year to file a provisional patent. When I requested a private meeting with you weeks ago, I would have disclosed this to you then, along with an invitation to create an organization around the idea that could secure the IP and create a funding and operational vehicle for the political process (501c or LLC I don’t really care .. they both cash flow and couch IP). That offer still stands, and I would like to extend it to anyone else who wants to make a difference in the political process in SD. Reach out to Cory for my contact information.

    Debbo, mike from iowa, Porter Lansing, jerry and others, cyclical political haranguing aside, your arrogance and bigotry against my family and I is hindering the South Dakota legalization effort. Shame on you. Let’s keep arm wrestling respectfully politically, but at the end of the day, you should be supporting CC4L and the process we propose while refraining from saying things like you’d rather submit your information to Somali pirates than CC4L since this kind of douchbaggery prevents a sanitary test of the process I designed.

    When I was running for Mayor, in front of a room of 117 citizens, law enforcement, business leaders, and state legislators in Spearfish I was asked – with Mayor Boke sitting beside me – “what do you think about the legalization of Marijuana.”

    I responded, “Policing Cannabis is too expensive, and the people no longer believe in the prohibition. Let’s legalize it.”

    For those of you who criticize me for my political dispositions, WTF have YOU done for legalization of Cannabis in SD?

    Side note – NASD, you should stop advertising your initiative as “legalization”. The NASD initiative will not protect the majority of SD gun owners, dealers, or those in possession of cannabis from felony prosecution. Of course, that’s assuming it gets on the ballot, passes, and survives our legislature.


    John Dale
    Spearfish, SD 57783

    PS – Cory, I appreciate the ability to comment on articles at DFP in general, but next time I think it would be good to reach out to me for comments and give them top billing for articles that feature me. But honestly, I can’t be mad. I’m a Trump supporting Cannabis advocate who has made the front page of DFP three times (maybe more?) so far this year. Thanks again for the feature and for being a bastion on free speech in South Dakota.

  11. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-08-28

    (On the p.s.: nobody gets that privilege, John. From the beginning, I’ve blogged on the idea that, if its’ out there online, it’s fair game for us to discuss as we see fit. My opening the comment section to anyone involved in the story to add their two cents’ worth, without editing, offers far more opportunity to speak directly to the public than any mainstream media offer. You’ll never get a chance to speak so unfilteredly from any other media outlet in the state. You’re welcome.)

  12. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-08-28

    On the main issue: on-demand, on-site printing of individual petitions may obviate the need for riffling through a file tub and showing people where among several signatures to sign… but is that more convenient and efficient than simply having the standard blank petititons and asking the signer to write in six boxes of info? Consider breakdowns: it’s a lot easier for me to remedy a broken pen (reach in my pocket, offer replacement) than a broken printer (clear paper jam, change cartridge, reboot, call Epson…).

  13. John Dale 2019-08-28

    Cory – “is that more convenient and efficient than simply having the standard blank petititons and asking the signer to write in six boxes of info”

    When you consider that the signature is pre-verified, and that the Secretary of State will not be able to throw out any signatures, it takes your signature goal from 30,000 down to 16,800.

    Thinking longer term, as your market for ideas gets more savvy and educated on the process, you would need 6-12 agents around the state with printers, using software to help maximize time and effort from legislative conception to delivery.

    Are your printers going to be more reliable than 400 circulators when it comes to the accuracy of the petition signature lines?

    To give away a little more of the idea, having a legislatively focused digital public square that is informationally aware of the threshold for success of an initiative is game changing.

    In the social networking space, it’s a killer app.

    That said, if someone goes online and poisons your proposed legislation with lies and defamatory tactics, the software won’t be able to overcome that in the shorter term.

    Also note that, since the software uses enterprise Java – a favorite of banks, insurance companies, municipalities, law enforcement, and military because of its security, reliability, scalability, and robustness, it is in a pole position to be adopted by the state to replace the petition process all together. That is probably a good reason right there to pursue the provisional patent that the software replace the petition process (but not the voting process, which should still use paper ballots, IMHO).

  14. Dana P 2019-08-28

    Your big picture question is a good one, Cory.

    In this day and age of personal info being stolen, yes, I do wonder if that would make people hesitate to sign a petition.

    Taking John Dale, the person, out of the equation — the process itself that is described is interesting, but just seems a bit ‘working harder, not smarter’. I really appreciate efforts to make petition signing streamlined, easier and faster, but…….this just doesn’t seem like the way to go.

    Dear John Dale —- Wow, just wow. I stand by my comments, and your latest post helped prove my point (to correct the record, I said Nigerian scammers, not Somali pirates — smile)

  15. John Dale 2019-08-28

    Dana P – My apologies. Nigerian scammers, then. The point still stands, and shame on the South Dakota’s character assassins that shoot holes in South Dakota’s boat. Can you say “brain drain”?

    “working harder, not smarter” – how so?

    Circulators have signature success rate of maybe 20% (generous at a public event where there are few friendly faces).

    This means that circulators have to ask the signature question 30,000 * 5 times. That’s a lot of work exchanging question information – so, the question is asked 150,000 times minimum in order to get 30,000 signatures?

    This type of information exchange is precisely what computers are good at .. the proposed process refines and hones the pool of supporters.

    Consider the price of a perfectly filled-out petition. In a way it is priceless. Without a suitably designed information system, the work required is gargantuan. Rather than doing that work, the sponsors just double the signature gathering goal (also more work).

    Maybe the new SD DNC leadership will agree. FWIW, I’m registered IND (at the moment).

    In another blog recently, Cory mentions South Dakota’s “brain drain”. The lack of vision on this process is a living, breathing example of why, when, and how smart people might be enticed to leave the state. This type of system is a great equalizer for the democratic process in South Dakota. So, do we see adoption and accreditation of the idea?


    What do we see?

    Defamation, name calling, and fun poking.

    Is it easy? Absolutely not .. but is it a game changer? Only if some decision makers decide to swallow pride, admit mental shortcomings, and defer to the people with expertise in information systems and technology intellectual property.

    I am a technologist. Not a statesman.

    What is the going rate of a provisional patent these days?

    My notebook is full and I have code under source control for the system and method. Last time I filed one it was ~$200.

  16. jerry 2019-08-28

    The matter is of trust…Simple as that.. You sir, have shown, through your sources, that the matter of trust alludes you. Knowing your conspiracy whims, I would never trust you with my information.

  17. Donald Pay 2019-08-28

    First, I never judged an issue by who was out there collecting signatures. I disagree with Mr. Dale on about everything, but I would sign his petition on the basis of the issue. It does help to have a lot of viewpoints involved. We had the entire political spectrum from ultra-conservative to socialists collecting signatures on the waste and mining issues we brought. Not only were they collecting signatures but we made sure everyone was a part of the leadership of those efforts.

    Second, I understand the difficulty in collecting signatures the old-fashioned way. I prefer a non-technological, grassroots effort. If you have built the issue over a period of time, people are knowledgeable and many will simply grab the pen as soon as you go into your spiel.

  18. Porter Lansing 2019-08-28

    What is your background, Mr. Dale? Where were you born? Where did you grow up? Military service? GS pay grade? OPM position classification? Felonies? DUI’s? Drug arrests? Are all your answers verifiable. And, why did you move to Spearfish? Job opportunity? What do you like best about South Dakota? At what level do you speak German?
    That’s enough for now.

  19. John Dale 2019-08-28

    Hi Porter;

    Thanks for asking. I’ll do my best.

    My mother met my father at a Jefferson Airplane concert in Denver. At the time my dad had entered a monastery in Denver in the midst of a nasty post Vietnam PTSD. Fortunate for me, my mom and her friend needed a place to stay the night to avoid the blizzard that had set-in. After that, it should go without saying, my dad did not follow through on his religious ambitions.

    Mom was born in Belle Fourche, but she and my dad took me to North Carolina to be born since my Grandmother on my dad’s side perceived the hospitals to be better.

    They moved back to The Black Hills before splitting up. My mom remarried and we lived in Spearfish before moving to the base in Guantanamo (my stepdad was a civilian auto parts contractor). I lived in Guantanamo for 2.5 years as a child.

    After a fairly tumultuous span of my childhood that I’d rather not recount online in public, my mom settled in Kingman, Arizona where I attended 5-12th grade and graduated high school, then attended Mojave Community College.

    I studied German at Kingman High School from Mr. Mickelton before studying in college and participating in a study abroad program in Ulm, Germany for two months before graduating in 2000.

    After a semester at MCC, I moved Tucson to study at The University of Arizona where I eventually received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and a Computer Science Minor. I was 6 units shy of a German minor, if memory serves. I also had extensive course work in Music (Theory, Studio production, and performance classical guitar) and other areas. I loved studying at The U of A, and spent 6.5 years getting a very broad education.

    Note – I was also accepted at Black Hills State University, but Tucson was far less expensive and had a world class reputation in many areas of study.

    By the time I left Germany, I was fluent in German and capable of discussing philosophy and other subject areas, but obviously I did not have a depth of vocabulary and grammatical expertise of a native born speaker. I have since not had the opportunity to keep up my German skills, which does make me sad.

    I worked with MaddenMedia in Tucson, Pearson in Mesa, Arizona, and Vista Care (250 million dollar hospice IPO) before returning to The University of Arizona to get my Master of Science in MIS with a Concentration in Entrepreneurship from The Chris and Carol McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship (think Shamrock Milk).

    As an only child, my mother discouraged me from joining the military and playing football. I did not join the military, but feel a nagging call to service. I get fulfillment to the extent possible from participating heavily in areas of American/Western culture/civilization and civics. My service is to apply my education in ways that make my family and I 1) worth fighting for and 2) studying and countermanding the weaponization of language and culture meant to disrupt the continuity of this great republic. I am a citizen, and I do my duty.

    Non felonies. No DUI’s. No drug arrests. At 44, having lived in Tucson for 18 years, I have probably smoked my weight in Cannabis, however.

    I moved back to Spearfish to distance myself from the mounting border crisis that I had observed for 18 years in Tucson, 50 minutes from the border. In addition, I wanted to reconnect with family, show my daughters where their Norwegian/German-American grandparents and relatives lived, and to hunt, fish, live, and love where the grass grows all the way up to the sides of the roads. I had hoped to ski more, but we’ve failed to create economic viability for ourselves here for various reasons, one of which was that someone, in trying to stop the success of, reported me to law enforcement as a heroin trafficker (obviously, this was a slanderous LIE, but not someone that surprised me since my mom filled me in on how South Dakota – Black Hills in particular – can work against people with talent and merit). A lie makes it half way around the world before the truth gets its pants on. For this and other reasons, we can’t afford cross country skis for five (ages 4 to 44).

    South Dakota’s appeal for me is in its potential, and how I might utilize me skills here to fill giant intellectual voids left by the “smart” ones who have left. I’m doing my level best to maintain the mental fortitude sufficient to oppose the fibbers and back stabbers, but as you have seen I still have some sore spots and raw emotional responses to people lying about me and my work after what I have been through since moving back (admittedly, some trials maybe deserved, but most not).

    Thanks again for asking.


    John Dale
    239 W. Jackson
    Spearfish, SD 57783

    PS – I just finished up an interview with Jim Thompson this morning at – it was a very nice long form interview that I hope to continue in the future (Jim had to run out .. that interview could have gone for 3+ hours).

  20. Porter Lansing 2019-08-28

    You’re welcome, Mr. Dale. You’re not a Nigerian pirate, then?
    Good luck to your cause. I love new things and see your app as brilliant.
    Certainly you know what you’re up against but here’s a thumbnail for those new to the struggle.

  21. Porter Lansing 2019-08-28

    You see, folks. JDale is a pretty normal guy, given enough distance. Three on this blog (that I know of) have an IQ over 132. This can be a curse, in some ways. Socially, especially. Luckily for me, I studied psychology, learned my faulty tendencies, and how to semi-adapt to others. I was also an only child, JD. The other is Kurt Evans, who might also be an only. Kurt’s social skills are the worst of we three. Here’s some help, if you fall into this group. Happy, Ryan, and Pearson?

  22. John Dale 2019-08-28

    Thanks to everyone who contributed ideas, comments, and feedback.

    I chatted with the team today and built-out the next important module of the software today – management tools to document verified registrations in our database in preparation for the next phase: printing.

    Cory – thanks for the idea regarding printing alphabetically. Some variation on this may be required. But heck, it’s software. It’s easy to change.

    Software adoption is a social experiment, not a technological experiment.

    Your participation and ideas are critical to refining and improving the core system and method.

    Our current status is that we’re seeking a critical mass of folks to text REEFER to 605 309 7007 – we have lots of participation so far and our database is growing.

    If you’re interested in helping with this project, which needs credible oversight and lots of participation, email me.


    John Dale

  23. bearcreekbat 2019-08-29

    I tell you Porter, I generally respect your assessments.
    If Dale accurately reported his educational history it certainly leaves one wondering how he could possibly have become an advocate for Infowars and Donald Trump, especially given the considerable evidence that both Alex Jones and Donald Trump apparently spread false and hateful lies and propaganda on a regular basis.

    According to the Washington Post Fact Checker, Trump is up to 12,000 verifiable false or misleading claims in 928 days.

    Likewise, Alex Jones and Infowars has been caught in too many falsehoods for an educated individual to assert in good faith that Jones is a credible source for any alleged fact.

    This easily verifiable publicly reported information casts considerable doubt of the credibility and reliability of folks that spread the trash spouted by these two clowns. It does not seem unreasonable to suspect that such folks are either uneducated dupes or are educated trolls that simply get a kick out of gaslighting vulnerable readers. A third possible reason for publicly supporting Trump’s and Jones’ lies and hateful advocacy could be that their crap somehow benefits one’s finances, which in turn deserves weight in assessing credibility.

    As for Dale, I know nothing about him other than what I have read in his comments on DFP and he could be “a pretty normal guy” as you have suggested. Based on his comments seemingly declaring pretty much unwaivering support for and advocacy of both Trump and Jones, however, I have lost any trust or benefit of the doubt that he might be a reliable or trustworthy advocate for any issue that I thought had merit.

    I fully support legalization of marijuana and would offer my backing to any person I thought to be a credible advocate for legalization. Unfortunately, Dale’s DFP comments claiming the virtues of Jones and Trump take him out of that category in my view. As Dale might conclude, perhaps I am just another “MORON,” but those are the reasons for my viewpoint.

  24. John Dale 2019-08-29

    bearcreekbat – we’ve been over this many times.

    Atrazine, Trump Presidency, Fluoride in the water, dangers of wireless, Operations Mockingbird and paperclip. Jones has been vindicated on this and many other issues. Is he perfect? Nope .. am I guilty by association? In your eyes, apparently.

    Trump – No Russie collusion, no Deutche bank Russian cosigners, low unemployment, stands up to Chinese infiltration and cohabitation of our economy, USMCA trade agreement and against NAFTA (like Ross Perot), First President to step into NK in a long time (ever?), puts American interests first.

    If I was to change my (well supported) viewpoints in order to get a payday, my question is this .. would I not give you a bigger and better reason to retract support for a marijuana legalization initiative?

    Would I want to work for/with someone who claims to be a cannabis advocate who doesn’t publicly acknowledge the merit of President Trump’s signature on the Ag bill that legalized Hemp?

    I have absolutely no regrets about my support for the things both Alex Jones and President Trump have gotten correct.

  25. Porter Lansing 2019-08-29

    Trump is an ongoing crime in progress and Jones is a psychological manipulator of the socially rejected. I’ll be another “MORON”, too.

  26. John Dale 2019-08-29

    Porter Lansing – so be it.

    Like I said, there are a lot of people with more money than brains in SD. It’s not that difficult.

    The key for the rank and file is to stop listening to morons, IMHO, and stop the political extortion/blackmail or the Republicans will keep taking advantage of the dysfunction.

    Looking back on this period of history, let the record reflect that Porter and bearcreekbat retracted support for full legalization because of the political beliefs of a dedicated, honest, and hard working family man.

    Let the record also reflect that I am ready to work with both of you anytime if you can somehow overcome your bigotry.


    John Dale
    Spearfish, SD 57783

  27. bearcreekbat 2019-08-29

    As for me, “let the record reflect” that Dale is incorrect in his claim that I have retracted support for the full legalization of cannabis. I have supported such a goal for years and continue to support it.

  28. Porter Lansing 2019-08-29

    Family men don’t enlist juveniles in promoting drug legalization. Are your kids home schooled?

  29. Debbo 2019-08-29

    Porter and BCB, I am honored to join your cohort of distrust and disrespect for Dale based on the gibberish he supports from from certified liars. Like you, I support legalization of weed. I’d like to be referred to as MORON #3, if that’s all right with you gentlemen?

  30. Porter Lansing 2019-08-29

    Debbo. You present us with a genuine honour. :)

  31. John Dale 2019-08-29

    Porter Lansing – “Family men don’t enlist juveniles in promoting drug legalization”

    Why not? I’m not GIVING them drugs like Adderall, SSRI’s, Lithium, or Codeine.

    During our home school activities, my children are introduced to what you write on this site about their father. In the process of requiring their participation in this process my children have been introduced to concepts of plant biology, agriculture, human biology, history, civics, math, logic, and law.

    If you were really a cannabis advocate, for what it’s worth, you and your two amigos would not be referring to cannabis as a drug. It reflects the lack of depth of understanding you have about the issue.

    Why would anyone listen to you three? Maybe if Hillary had won? Bernie?

    The difference between you and I, Porter, is that I would vote for a Democrat if he/she was the right candidate for the job.

    This all lends more credibility to your self assessment as a moron.

    I am not giving my children marijuana. I’m educating them about how bad laws get made, and hopefully unmade. You, on the other hand, are teaching them about the libel, slander, and defamation that ruins SD politics.


    John Dale
    Spearfish, SD 57783

  32. bearcreekbat 2019-08-29

    Welcome aboard Debbo. Perhaps we should have our own T-shirts printed up, with something like “MORONS – Meaningful Opponents of Racist & Oppressive Nationalist Sociopaths”?

  33. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-29

    Please Please Please, can I be MORON #4?
    It would be an honor to be in an admirable group.

  34. bearcreekbat 2019-08-29

    It’s a big tent Roger – welcome!

  35. Porter Lansing 2019-08-29

    BCB and Debbo. Can you see what Dale is trying to do? He’s setting up as the villains, if his IM fails to get on the ballot. That’s called “premeditated victimhood” and it’s a strong symptom of low self esteem.
    ~ Again for the record, I’m in favor of legalization but not in South Dakota. Too big a change for the conservative core. Those is Rapid already buy in Colorado. Those in ESD will soon buy in MN. That’s enough. Forcing monumental change into a social and developmental museum is a poor fit. Who thinks Kristi Noem would sign a marijuana legalization law? Show of hands.

  36. John Dale 2019-08-29

    Porter Lansing – “He’s setting up as the villains”

    That sounds like a conspiracy theory.

    I think you guys should make the font big, and the contrast prominent.


    I’m sure people will definitely read the fine print. Front and back. Maybe neon yellow on black?


  37. Certain Inflatable Recreational Devices 2019-08-29

    “Family men don’t enlist juveniles in promoting drug legalization. Are your kids home schooled?”

    Why not? And, WTF does that have to do with anything?

  38. Debbo 2019-08-29

    I love the acronym BCB. Perfect!
    I vote in favor of Roger as #4. 💓

  39. John Dale 2019-08-29

    But if you want to do something more meaningful, you could purchase a shirt and help me self fund this effort to legalize.

    Cannabis is not a drug. It is a nutritious plant that, if not decarboxylated has no psychoactive properties at all.

    I’m not sure how they did it, but somehow Debbo, Porter, et al have found themselves pushing the DEA’s agenda.

    Let’s bring this back around. Purchase a shirt today to help me fund this effort.

  40. o 2019-08-29

    Am I missing something? Why would anyone want cannabis (not hemp) legalized if not to get high from it? Isn’t this like claiming alcohol is not a drug? I thought a a drug is any substance other than food that affects the function of the body.

    Has Moron #5 been taken yet? Dibs!!!

  41. mike from iowa 2019-08-29

    Debbo, mike from iowa, Porter Lansing, jerry and others, cyclical political haranguing aside, your arrogance and bigotry against my family

    Yer still full of caca del toro. Why I won’t take you seriously. From now until eternity yer a fraud.

  42. John Dale 2019-08-29

    psyche mikey – “From now until eternity yer a fraud”

    I stopped taking you seriously as soon as I gave you a nickname.


  43. Debbo 2019-08-29

    “Debbo, mike from iowa, Porter Lansing, jerry and others, cyclical political haranguing aside, your arrogance and bigotry against my family”

    Nope, not your family. Read our comments again. No arrogance or bigotry on OUR part. ☺

  44. Porter Lansing 2019-08-29

    BRILLIANT!!! Absolutely perfect …
    MORONS – Meaningful Opponents of Racist & Oppressive Nationalist Sociopaths


    Should anyone be interested, I endorse this film. “TOLKIEN”

  45. jerry 2019-08-29

    Dale Fail, who cares if it becomes legal or not? If you want it, you can buy it man. The last thing anyone who is a moron, like me, wants to do, is to provide you with any information. Before I would sign a petition now, I would ask “are you Dale Fail?” Seriously dude, you’ve got some issues.

    Same goes with hemp, the only people who should be allowed to grow and market are Native. Show your blood quantum or DNA test results and then you get to make it happen.

  46. John Dale 2019-08-29

    jerry – “who cares if it becomes legal or not? If you want it, you can buy it man”

    What we need is cooperation and a facts-based approach to bring people together to do the right things.

    In this interview (link below), Joe Rogan interviews John Nores, a Wildlife Management federal employee.

    They can answer your question better than I can. While I don’t agree with every approach in this interview, the information presented about the quality of buds being shipped-out to states like SD is eye opening.

    I already forwarded this to Bob Ewing and others so they can be informed that we have a public health crisis that will get worse the longer it is illegal for all people use cannabis.

  47. jerry 2019-08-29

    You can buy CBD in Rapid City right now. Farmers can go pound sand and vote for Chubby trumpy like they’re gonna do anyway, so screw them.

    If you want to toke all legal like, go to Colorado and enjoy the Rocky Mountain High, then come back and goof on those that will take a socialist check to do nothing but complain about how bad it is to get a welfare check. Should have thought of that before you voted for Chubby trumpy.

  48. John Dale 2019-08-29

    I think the Joe rogan interview is very good .. spread that around.

    It’s a path to legalization.

  49. Debbo 2019-08-30

    Gentlemen, thought I’d share this with you because it shows that being enamored with Imbecilic Idiot’s testicles is not limited only to Dale. Apparently fixating on them is a trumpelstilskin characteristic.

    “Trumpists swallowed his alibi like trained seals. ‘Love it!’ posted one enraptured Facebook supporter. ‘Dude has balls of steel.’”

    Doesn’t such overemphasis often indicate corresponding overcompensation? Seems like trumpelstilskins have nearly as many psychological issues as their orange god.

  50. John Dale 2019-08-30

    Debbo – “being enamored with Imbecilic Idiot’s testicles”

    That’s projection. You brought up his whale-ish balls when you mentioned Eunuc several times.

    President Trump has guts. Right above his lion-like twig and berries.

  51. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-30

    Trump is a liar, he lies about everything!

  52. Debbo 2019-08-30

    As I said, and Dale proves with each response,
    “Doesn’t such overemphasis often indicate corresponding overcompensation? Seems like trumpelstilskins have nearly as many psychological issues as their orange god.”


  53. John Dale 2019-08-30

    Roger Cornelius – “.. he lies about everything ..”

    Is this statement not, in no uncertain terms, not truthful and impossible?

    Aye yay yay.

  54. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-30

    John Dale,
    It is a statement of fact, it needs no clarification, Trump lies about everything.

  55. John Dale 2019-08-30

    Roger Cornelius – “statement of fact”

    Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

  56. bearcreekbat 2019-08-30

    Roger appears to be correct; I too struggle to identify a single topic about which Trump has not told one or more lies. It does seem he is compelled to lie about everything, from the most important topics to the most trivial. I can’t presently recall a single topic about which Trump has reported to have been entirely truthful.

  57. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-30

    Trump’s lies, in excess of 1,250 since he took office, is no longer a topic in dispute.
    Trump is a liar, he lies about everything.

  58. Porter Lansing 2019-08-30

    Trump is a liar like a skunk is a skunk. It’s those who lie and say the skunk doesn’t stink that are our burden. They must pay for what they’ve done to our fine and free USA.
    The term is “constitutional hardball”. It’s what McConnell did by blocking our Supreme Court appointee. It’s what BoJo did when he suspended Parliament. Legal but wrong. Constitutional hardball leads the other party to reciprocate. And reciprocate, we will. It’s wholly appropriate for Dems to stack the court with a few more Justices, as is our right. Paybacks are a bitch.

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