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Terrorist Threats, Rock-Throwing Land Rapid City Man in Jail

Sioux Falls Police need to learn that you can’t tackle and shackle some hairy dude just to stop him from running his pottymouth. SFPD should perhaps have a webinar with the Pennington County Sheriff; Pennington’s people in brown apparently know enough to wait until someone starts threatening (or YouTubing!) actual violence to break out the cuffs:

A Rapid City man was arrested after reportedly threatening to blow up local and federal government buildings.

Daniel Nazarchuk, 37, is charged with making terroristic threats, possession of control substance and intentional damage to property.

According to a release from the Pennington County Sheriff’s Office, Nazarchuk messaged the sheriff’s office with the threat. He also posted a video on social media of him throwing rocks and breaking the windshield of a sheriff’s office car [“Terror Threats Land Rapid City Man in Jail,” KOTA-TV, 2019.08.20].

Don’t throw rocks. Don’t record yourself throwing rocks. And don’t talk about blowing stuff up… unless you’re Joe Flaherty.


  1. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-20 15:00

    Not much in details, but the Porcupine School on the Pine Ridge Reservation is on lockdown.
    If anybody has more information, please share.

  2. Debbo 2019-08-20 15:54

    I just read that federal intelligence has stopped 4-5 potential white Christian terrorists since El Paso/Dayton. In addition to this one, I wonder how many state and local cops have stopped?

    The potential terrorists told someone they wanted to commit a terrorist act by slaughtering lots of people and were in the preparations process. The ones they told saved lives by reporting to cops.

  3. Marvin Kammerer 2019-08-20 17:00

    my youngest daughter taught for three years at porcupine, but the driving got to her even though the last year she shared rides with 2 others.

  4. Mohamed A Sharif 2019-08-21 07:50

    was he a Muslim? I guess NOT otherwise we will see all media outlets reporting on this story

  5. jerry 2019-08-21 08:14

    True that Mohamed, sadly, true that. We have been preconditioned by a rabid media that if it’s terrorism, it has to be Muslim connected. Meanwhile, white Christian terrorists are gunning down unarmed citizens without worry.

  6. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-08-21 23:13

    White men appear to be a serious terrorist threat. They are popping up all over the country, threatening and committing violence. It’s time for a travel ban against Germany, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Ukraine….

  7. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-21 23:26

    Since the El Paso and Daytona murders there have been in excess of 30 arrest for terrorist threats across the country.

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