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Turner County Fair Corn Poll: Biden and Warren Strong, Sanders Third

Turner County Fairgoers pick their generals with kernels....
Turner County Fairgoers pick their generals with kernels….

Fellow Democrat Shane Merrill sends me the results of the Presidential primary corn poll Turner County Democrats conducted at the Turner County Fair this week:

  • Joe Biden: 34%
  • Elizabeth Warren: 26%
  • Bernie Sanders: 16%
  • Pete Buttigieg: 12%
  • Kamala Harris: 8%
  • Other: <1%

These results are likely as meaningless as the straw poll figures Brown County Democrats are collecting right now at the Brown County Fair. But recall that Sanders voters made up almost half of the 2016 Democratic primary electorate. Either Sanders voters don’t drive down to Parker for amusement, or the absence of a single frontrunner to galvanize them into opposition and the plethora of new upstart underdogs as fractured their votes.

We could all use better rulers... like Shane Merrill and Frank Kloucek!
We could all use better rulers… like Shane Merrill and Frank Kloucek!

But whichever way those kernels pop into real votes, good Dems like Shane Merrill and Frank Kloucek will surely rally with me after convention to exhort all Americans to perform their moral obligation to place a positive example for our children in the White House.


  1. Debbo 2019-08-16 15:44

    Warren/Harris or Warren/Buttigieg.

    USA Today has an article about presidential politics written by a former GOP Never-trumper.

    “All of the policy ‘what about’ hypotheticals from my conservative friends are diversions. They’re trying to move the argument to policy to blind us to the reality that President Donald Trump is both unstable and compromised.”

  2. mike from iowa 2019-08-16 19:22

    Peter Fonda has left the building.

  3. Roger Cornelius 2019-08-16 19:44

    “Please raise a glass to freedom”.

  4. John 2019-08-16 20:00

    It’s dismaying that democrats counter a cognitively-challenged president with 3-over 70-year olds. Really? Biden passed on his opportunity. Sanders’ opportunity was stolen by the corrupt DNC. Warren is also over 70. Ageism. You bet. Recognition of the challenges of the job and the human life span. We don’t need presidents like Raygun who napped in cabinet meetings and likely was senile by the end of his term.

  5. Debbo 2019-08-16 20:27

    John, you’re dismissing the other 20 candidates?

  6. Clyde 2019-08-17 05:10

    Looks like the DNC and the propaganda machine have done their work in South Dakota. Sad.

    Anybody actually see the crowds at the Iowa state fair? A sea do people in front of Sanders and Warren. Not so much interest in Biden yet somehow the propaganda machine still call’s him number one.

  7. Jack Irish 2019-08-17 08:41

    Evidently the Bernie supporters decide not to go to the fair this year.

  8. Debbo 2019-08-17 13:59

    Does the SD Fair have a straw poll? Is it next week?

  9. Debbo 2019-08-17 14:17

    Here’s how Rancid Racist gets attendance at events:

    Workers at a massive new Shell plant in Pennsylvania had to attend a speech by President Donald Trump there earlier this week to be paid — and were ordered not to protest, reported the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

    Attendance was not mandatory for thousands of union workers at Royal Dutch Shell’s petrochemical plant north of Pittsburgh, but they had to forfeit pay for the day if they skipped, according to attendance and comportment information obtained by the newspaper.

    “Your attendance is not mandatory,” one manager told workers, summarizing a memo that Shell sent to union leaders, the Post-Gazette reported, but only those who showed up at 7 a.m., scanned their ID cards and prepared to stand for hours through lunch would be paid.

    “No scan, no pay,” workers were warned.

    In addition, workers who decided not to listen to the president’s speech reportedly would not be paid overtime rates routinely built in for extra time during the week.

    The newspaper said that they were also told: “No yelling, shouting, protesting or anything viewed as resistance will be tolerated at the event. An underlying theme of the event is to promote good will from the unions. Your building trades leaders and jobs stewards have agreed to this.”

  10. Debbo 2019-08-18 13:26

    From the Strib:

    The political views of Minnesotans were sampled this month in Edina as part of a series of focus groups with swing voters in key states.

    Seven people who backed Barack Obama in 2012 and Donald Trump in 2016 and four who voted for Mitt Romney in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in 2016 were quizzed Aug. 5.

    Asked how they feel when they watch Trump speak, three participants said “confident” and three said “embarrassed.” Happy, supportive, critical, distrustful and disgusted were the responses from the rest.

    Health care and immigration were mentioned most often when the Minnesotans named the top issues on their minds heading into the 2020 presidential election. Three cited immigration and five mentioned health care.

    Health care came up again when voters were asked what candidates could propose that would help them economically. Others suggested sound trade deals, lower taxes, confronting climate change and reining in the federal budget.

  11. Debbo 2019-08-18 14:16

    This is the Steve Sack editorial cartoon and I think you’ll be able to see it despite the paywall.

  12. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-08-18 23:11

    Clyde, Debbo gives far clearer examples of a political propaganda machine at work. I suspect the DNC had absolutely nothing to do with the straw poll results at the Turner County Fair. I suspect there was no organized effort by any campaign to boost the results. The only extent to which I’m willing to grant the potential influence of any arguable source of propaganda is the fact that the results appear to reflect superficial name recognition.

    Has anyone heard of any organized Presidential campaign activity in South Dakota right now?

  13. Debbo 2019-08-19 21:51

    The Strib has an opinion piece about Georgia’s Stacey Abrams by Jennifer Rubin, columnist for Wapo. Rubin is one of the Republicans appalled by Orange Buffoon. Her piece is based on an ABC News’s Linsey Davis interview of Stacey Abrams. It’s very good, but, of course, paywalled.

    A report in June from the Reflective Democracy Campaign is illustrative:

    We looked at the race and gender of 33,854 candidates up and down the ballot in the 2018 elections, as well as 44,900 current elected officials, and determined who is winning elections in the 21st century. Our findings? Voters are avidly pursuing a democracy whose leadership reflects today’s America, not the Old Boys’ Club too often crowding the table.

    There’s no mistaking that white men dominate politics. At 30% of the population, they hold 62% of elected offices at the local, state, and federal level — more than double their share. But while white men may still have a monopoly hold on elected office, they do not hold a monopoly on electability. In 2015, our research found that when they’re on the ballot, women of all races and men of color win elections at the same rates as white men. Running the data on the 2018 elections confirms it: White men’s electability advantage is a myth.

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