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Law Enforcement, Canine Search Teams Working Hard in Black Hills

While Senator Lynne DiSanto continues to exploit a missing child case in Rapid City in her own weird personal publicity campaign, law enforcement explains the real work they’ve been doing to resolve this missing-child case:

“We have had 182 leads and that encompasses about 15 states that we’ve followed up on. We’ve interviewed or had contact with about 410 individuals. We’ve followed up on a lot of different leads and have done 6 search warrants so we’ve had a very robust investigative effort to this along with the search effort,” [Pennington County Sheriff Kevin] Thom said.

[Rapid City Police Captain Tony Harrison said,] “We’ve logged over 4 thousand miles in this forest. We have had over a thousand volunteers. Thousands and thousands of man hours and so our commitment is still there, just because it slows us down, it won’t stop us” [Sydney Thorson, “Challenges and Efforts for [missing child] Search 5 Months Later,” KELO-TV, 2019.07.12].

Colorado Forensic Canines, a non-profit group based in Bailey, Colorado, spent three days helping law enforcement last weekend in the heat and humidity. CFC plans to come up to the Hills to help again. Like Lynne DiSanto, CFC takes donations online; unlike DiSanto, CFC consists of trained professionals doing actual work while maintaining a strict “no media” policy.


  1. Debbo

    DiSanto has shown just how far, far, far out in right field she is by her behavior on this. And she just keeps adding to her craziness factor. 🙄🙄🙄

  2. grudznick

    Lindi DiSanto, Mr. H, has petitioned the court for a new name. Please pay attention.

  3. Roger Cornelius

    The question should be whether or not “Lyn” has turned over the money she collected in Serenity Denard’s name to the proper authorities or to the family.

  4. Ryan

    For what it’s worth – What a perfectly written article. Brief. Impactful. Relevant. Sourced. Deep without dwelling. Well done.

  5. mike from iowa

    Less is more.

  6. Roger Cornelius

    Thanks for blue link, grudz, but it doesn’t answer the question I posed.

  7. mike from iowa

    Then there is this, Roger….RAPID CITY, S.D, (KEVN) – State Senator Lynne DiSanto is raising thousands of dollars on behalf of 9-year-old Serenity Dennard. But, some people are questioning where are the private funds going.

    Currently, DiSanto raised $2,000 through local fundraisers like raffles and auctions. DiSanto also created a GoFundMe page to raise $30,000 for possible funeral costs.

    See related story Dozens of volunteers head out to help in the search for Serenity
    DiSanto said she is using the money to establish a reward fund for anyone who has any extra information about Dennard’s whereabouts.
    Several dollars will also go to online advertisements on DiSanto’s social media pages.

    She plans to fundraise until she meets her goal or until Serenity is found

  8. grudznick

    I read that as “several dollars will go to advertiser DiSanto on social media. “

    I expect that is how it should have been written and what will happen.

  9. (Sorry, Grudz: I’m not rich like you: I can’t afford to pay RCJ to access that link.)

  10. grudznick

    You really should visit the local library or something, Mr. H. You would find it interesting, since no doubt the Hardee’s there in Aberdeen don’t leave the Rapid City newspaper lying around to read.

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