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More Trick or Treat with Campaign Signs in Aberdeen!

So Steve Barnett’s campaign sign shares a front yard with some Halloween tombstones. Big deal. You wanna see something really scary?

We’ll see whose bones are left on the ground on November 6!


  1. Debbo 2018-10-13 20:58

    If there is something I’m supposed to get here, I’m not. Is it campaign signs behind cop lines, in the midst of scary stuff, giving us heebie jeebies, or ? ? ?

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-10-14 18:12

    Sorry, Debbo: after noticing Barnett’s signs in a yard with a few Halloween tombstones last weekend, I felt compelled to note the campaign signs amidst the vast menagerie of Halloween decorations in this house. I just hope the owners don’t forget to leave our signs up for the week after they take down all the Halloween decor!

  3. grudznick 2018-10-14 19:15

    As a former decorating fellow, I could re-arrange that yard around your sign and make it very interesting. have them call grudznick at g783-9642k. Texts won’t work as I only have one of those flipper phones

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