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Bowers, Kloucek, Kronaizl Host Ballot Question Forum in Scotland October 10

I’m not the only Legislative candidate offering the voters valuable public service even before elected. Independent House candidate Alison Bowers is joining former Democratic legislator Frank Kloucek and Amendment W organizer Doug Kronaizl to help Bon Homme County voters figure out the ballot measures.

Citizen Kloucek tells me that he, Kronaizl, and Bowers are hosting a public forum Wednesday, October 10, at 7:30 p.m. at the Scotland Community Center. Bowers gets a few minutes to talk about her bid to replace either either of the RINOs currently serving in the District 19 House. At 7:45 p.m., she and her fellow panelists will turn to the ballots questions, with questions and answers to follow.

The program is free and open to the public.