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Sutton Bursts from Election Chute with Video on Personal Tragedy & Transformation

O.K., Sutton fans, you’ve been waiting for the Democratic candidate for Governor to launch the ad campaign in which he rolls out the personal narrative of transformation through adversity that will kick the crap out of his opponent’s bitter and falsehood-filled anti-government sob story. Here’s the opening video of the general election:

“…Life taught me that we can go a lot further if ride together,” says Sutton, encapsulating his story of turning seeming disaster into a new, positive, service-oriented outlook on life. Sutton needs to spend his cash to run that line and that ad on the 6 p.m. news every night for the next two months.


  1. Bill Kennedy 2018-09-04 13:05

    I don’t know Cory – he did not say anything about being able to shoot a gun, did not have on a flannel shirt, and was not wearing a new, made to look old, cap.

    Governor Sutton will not being using any of these tired old props either.

  2. cibvet 2018-09-04 14:05

    Excellent campaign ad with a life lesson,“…Life taught me that we can go a lot further if ride together,”

  3. jimmy james 2018-09-04 14:59

    The ad will move voters his way. I am not convinced that it has the emotional punch of his two-minute online version… but it’s still pretty good.

  4. Darin Larson 2018-09-04 15:02

    I saw the ad today and I’m really impressed! Ride Billie ride.

  5. OldSarg 2018-09-04 17:04

    Neat ad. It won’t help. I wish it could but I also wish the democrats hadn’t gone out of their way to destroy their party. I like Sutton but he can’t win and I won’t do anything to help him since he has decided to align himself with a party that hates our Nation, kills out unborn citizens, had denied God on their National platform, burn our Nation’s flag, let illegal criminals into our neighborhoods and used the government as a weapon against our own citizens.

    Too bas as he makes really good political commercials.

  6. RJ 2018-09-04 17:56

    Will you be in Soo-foo on Friday dropping 5000 on your ignorant buddy Noem then Sarg? I’ll keep an eye out for ya😉. On a side note, o think Billie is an honest and honorable guy. I think he is demo-lite, but there are people that are willing to cross this widening divide. He is one.

  7. bearcreekbat 2018-09-04 17:59

    It gets a bit tiresome to address repeated false statements contradicted by publicly available information, yet posters like OldSarg seem to revel in posting lies and misleading statements, demonizing innocent people, as well as his neighbors and family members who might be Democrats with different moral values and political views, apparently with the sole motive of attempting to draw attention to himself by obvious trolling, rather than advancing any meaningful discussion or debate. Anyway, to clarify the record for those interested, Sutton appears to have generally aligned himself to the party with the following publicly available platfrom, none of which is consistent with anything that OldSarg has claimed.

  8. mike from iowa 2018-09-04 19:21

    RJ, may I introduce you to DFP’s all everything laureate bcb. Bear this is RJ. She is recent addition and a welcome one I might add.

    I give bcb tons of credit, but he is genuinely a humble human and a font of knowledge on innumerable topics. Don’t tell him I said any of this. :)

  9. happy camper 2018-09-04 21:10

    Oh get real Sutton took extreme risks riding on the back of an animal that under other circumstances most progressives would call animal cruelty he was stupidly driven to be the best at that farce when I was down in Harlan, IA last month small kids at the county fair rode atop sheep a young girl fell off amongst a pack of at least ten she got up crying I was horrified my queer friend said shake it off what a barbaric mentality you’re now trying to elevate go run with the bulls if you have something to prove you dumb animals lord I can’t believe you’re this stupid in the name of politics.

  10. jerry 2018-09-04 21:37

    So, I guess that is another vote for Sutton then, good call happy camper.

  11. cibvet 2018-09-04 23:12

    happy camper—better to run with the bulls than be spoon fed what they leave behind.

  12. Debbo 2018-09-05 00:06

    That was a pretty good video. Amidst all the bad news in the media, including social person to person, Sutton seems like a ray of light. He doesn’t blame, point fingers, hyperbolize, demonize, name call, or resort to any negativity. It’s really refreshing and I think people will respond to that.

    In addition, what BCB said, and what Mike said about BCB. Thanks gentlemen. 😊

  13. Darin Larson 2018-09-05 04:06

    Happy Camper, may I inquire why you put punctuation at the end of your post, but rarely anywhere in between? It’s obvious when there are no more words at the end of your post that I should stop reading, but in the middle it would be handy to have some signal that one sentence has stopped and another has begun. Thanks.

  14. OldSarg 2018-09-05 04:53

    bare…~ if pointing out the obvious hurts your feelings I’m sorry. I certainly didn’t mean to point out that your party has taken the turn towards Sodom. You’ll look good as a pillar.

  15. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-09-05 06:27

    I look forward to Noem trying to defuse the power of Sutton’s narrative by offering the animal cruelty argument that Hap drafts for her.

  16. Jason 2018-09-05 07:22

    I haven’t heard Sutton or the SD Democrat party come out against what the Democrats did in the Kavanaugh hearing yesterday. What they did goes against his “ride together” message. SD voters are intelligent and will see that.

    Ben Sasse gave a very educated statement in the hearing.

  17. mike from iowa 2018-09-05 08:52

    Haven’t heard Jason or his Oughtanots come out against wingnuts moving the rules goalposts to make a sham Scotus hearing a world joke. They have stacked the rules, illegally imho, in their favor so they can stack the court, illegally imho, in their favor for the next 40 years.

    Wingnuts don’t bother playing by the rules. They can’t win the legal way.

  18. jimmy james 2018-09-05 09:00

    This ad doesn’t scare Republicans. Unless they know politics and marketing.

    Sure, some of them will rely on the old general rule that Democrats can’t win the Governor’s race in South Dakota. And they are in denial about this potential exception to that rule. Unless they know politics and marketing. The smart ones…. are very afraid.

  19. o 2018-09-05 09:53

    OldSarge, as to your “turn toward Sodam” comment, I always appreciate the pick-and-choose buffet approach to religion that allows political partisans to take the moral high ground on the issues that suit their case and ignore the ones that do not. When religion suits your political agenda you hold fast to it; when religion condemns things like obscene wealth, or income inequality, or usurers, or ignoring environmental stewardship, or war, or the death penalty, or lack of health care for all, it is ignored for the higher partisan calling.

    Please rail back with your myopic single “right-to-life” issue high ground. Should the Supreme Court ever overturn Roe, the GOP will be absolutely devoid of even the pretense of morality. Then will you be ready to answer for the totality of the greed agenda your “moral” party pushes without the umbrella of abortion to hide under?

  20. jimmy james 2018-09-05 10:13

    Pick-and-choose buffet is right. Is Sarge talking about the “Grab em by the pu$$y” Sodom? Or is it another one?

  21. bearcreekbat 2018-09-05 10:22

    OldSarg, This is off topic, but just a point of order. I do not believe I have ever referred to you as anything other than “OldSarg” or “OS” in my comments. I am not sure how you believe it might benefit you if your references to “barebutt” are intended to refer to or insult me, but in the future I will decline to engage in any dialog directly with you unless you use the terms “bearcreekbat” or “bcb,” and I will continue referring to you as “OldSarg” or “OS” when responding to one of your comments. When you use other terms I will assume that you are referring to some other commenter or person, and when I use other terms you can assume the same.

  22. bearcreekbat 2018-09-05 10:45

    OS, it is interesting that you consider my comments pointing out your false statements and your intent to harm others “nasty,” while you do not dispute the accuracy of my comments. My comments about you are based on what you have stated on this blog and for the most part you have never offered any objection nor meaningful disagreement. Instead, you frequently reply with irrelevant insults and name calling. Please feel free to point out any actual “facts” about my comments you think qualify as nasty. As for name calling and insults, you can post whatever makes you feel better about yourself without objection from me. Just don’t expect me to engage with you with directly if you address your comments to some other individual, real or fictional. That said, I have gone way off topic for too long and am done with this particular point.

  23. jerry 2018-09-05 11:56

    What did the Democrats do yesterday at the hearings that offended you Comrade Jason? Kavenaugh got a hearing which is more than Garland got. Democrats just wanted it to be in an orderly fashion with legitimate questions, what are republicans trying to hide?

  24. Porter Lansing 2018-09-05 13:03

    Happy Camper … You refer to your friend as queer but you acused me of demeaning LGBTQ people when I said you were acting like Queen Queer. Do you have gay privilege or is there a double standard?

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