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Anything Kristi Does, Billie Does Better

I recognize that Attorney General Marty Jackley lacks charisma. I think I underestimate how much charisma Congresswoman Kristi Noem projects to people who have yet to see through her bull. That’s why I spent most of the primary season thinking Marty Jackley superior executive experience and basic ability to do the job of governor would handily beat Kristi Noem’s lack of policy intelligence and managerial skill.

Thus acknowledging my own blinders, I maintain that South Dakota Republicans have nominated their weaker candidate and increased the chances that Democratic Senator Billie Sutton becomes our first Democratic governor since the 1970s. Fellow Dems, here’s how Billie wins:

Billie Sutton negates Kristi Noem’s main campaign advantages. 

Farm/Ranch Cred: Kristi Noem plays farm girl by riding her horse, but I would challenge anyone to demonstrate that Noem has actively participated in agricultural production in the last ten years. Meanwhile, Billie Sutton still pulls himself out of his wheelchair onto a horse and helps his family with ranch chores.

Kristi Noem vs. BIllie Sutton
Kristi Noem vs. BIllie Sutton

Hats: Noem parades her collection of ratty baseball caps, which I suppose are kind of homey and folksy, but she keeps hiding her eyes with them. Sutton wears the same kind of cowboy hat he has since he was little, and he has the good sense to tip it back so people and the camera can still see his youthful eyes.

Small Business: Kristi Noem claims to be a small-businesswoman. Emphasis may be on small—so small that none of her alleged small business ventures appear to still be funct. Meanwhile, Sutton has been working as a financial advisor at First Fidelity Bank, helping his neighbors invest build their wealth.

Job Insults: Noem got to belittle Marty Jackley by referring to him as a “government lawyer,” which accurate summarizes his career since 2006. But what’s she going to call Billie? West River rancher? Community banker? Sutton can turn the tables here, pointing out that for the last eight years, Noem’s career has been “politician.”

EB-5: Noem portrayed Jackley as asleep at the wheel while corruption ran rampant through South Dakota government. But if she tries that with Sutton, the Senator from Burke can point to a variety of bills he’s supported to tackle corruption, several of which bills Noem’s party has opposed. On EB-5 specifically, he can also point out that District 21 voters sent him to Pierre in 2011, while Noem was in the Legislature from 2007 through 2010, when Governor Mike Rounds, Richard Benda, and Joop Bollen were really turning up the steam on the EB-5 corruption machine and legislators like Noem did nothing.

Tragic Personal Narratives: Kristi Noem built her political career by telling us the sad story of her dad’s dying in a grain bin accident, requiring her to quit college to come home and help save the farm from the enormous debt caused by the oppressive estate tax. We know now that story is built on deception, and Noem has had to spin away from some details as facts about her dad’s will (contrary to Noem’s earlier claims, he had one), the manageable estate tax that his will anticipated, and his 1.24-million-dollar life insurance payout.

Both Noem and Sutton experienced personal tragedy in their early twenties, but  Sutton’s personal story of tragedy works better than Noem’s on multiple levels. Sutton was already a rodeo star. He could have ridden and roped his way to a world championship. In the course of pursuing that dream, that dream literally turned on him and literally crushed him. (I don’t like using these verbs this way, but I want you to think deeply about these contrasting stories and how they play in listeners’ imaginations.) A horse named Ruby (the details! The vividness with which Billie can tell his own story!) flipped in the chute, landed on him, broke his back, left him in a wheelchair, and changed his life.

Sutton’s story doesn’t require talking about taxes or ledgers or lawyers. It’s simpler, more visceral, more cinematic.

The best stories are about how people change. Personal change has always been lacking from Noem’s story. She says she dropped out of college, but we don’t know what arc she was on in college. Noem’s story doesn’t tell us how she changed. If her dad’s death changed her at all, it changed her from a beauty pageant queen to a farm welfare queen who got back at the government by cashing in on millions in crop subsidies and making a living selling crop insurance.

Sutton’s story doesn’t pivot on getting back at the horse that hurt him. It pivots on his personal transformation from rodeo king to public servant. It shows us his appreciation of all the help he received after his injury. It shows us his recognition that, while he had lost his shot at fame and fancy prize belt buckles for himself, he still had the skills (and, after all the support he received, the obligation) to help his community. Instead of wallowing in lifelong bitterness and vindictiveness, Sutton’s story teaches us that we can overcome pain and loss, make ourselves better, and live in grateful service to others. Sutton’s personal change is clearer and more inspiring.

We all have our personal sadnesses, and we shouldn’t get into trying to quantify whose sadness is bigger… but if I were making a movie or a campaign ad or a children’s book, I would much rather work on The Billie Sutton Story than The Kristi Noem Story. No one has to make stuff up to make Billie’s story good.

Charisma: Oh yeah, that. Billie’s got it. Having an honest story and telling it well helps.

*     *     *

On every one of the above points, Kristi Noem had an advantage over Marty Jackley. Jackley has no farm cred, no hat, no business history, no great job title, no excuse for letting Joop Bollen off, and no compelling personal narrative. She pressed those advantages (and an extra million dollars from federal campaigning that Marty didn’t have) to beat Jackley by twelve points.

Those advantages disappear against Billie Sutton. Noem must now revert to “I’m a Republican and he’s not!” But Sutton can now use some of Noem’s own points, especially the not merely sad but inspiring personal narrative, to get many voters to look past the R to the heart of what will make a good Governor.


  1. Roger Cornelius 2018-06-06 16:46

    With only a 27% statewide voter turnout yesterday, I’d say the other way to negate Kristi Noem is getting people registered to vote Democrat, but to get them to the polls on election day.
    This is the Democrats first step in making Billie our new governor.

  2. Buckobear 2018-06-06 17:49

    To add to Roger — Our next step is to open our checkbooks as citizens, not “interests” who want something

  3. Straight Outta Ridge 2018-06-06 18:25

    I read a post where Kristie and Marty’s western etiquette and equine skills were reminiscent of Judge Roy Moore as he rode into the cameras like he was driving a team of mules with a reign in each hand with a Wall Drug cowboy hat on his pointed head.

  4. grudznick 2018-06-06 18:34

    That’s a good list of some of the qualities upon which one might make voting judgments. No doubt there are many more. Even down to the “eyebrow quality” voting point, in which they both excel. I, for one, look forward to the drama playing itself out.

  5. Nick Reid 2018-06-06 18:40

    I hate to say I told you so… ok, I don’t. I love it. I told you in March Kristi by 12 and, well…

    On this argument, you have it exactly backwards. He has the burden, not her. Sutton needs to convince people why they shouldn’t vote for Kristi, and all of his strong points are already covered by her.

    I am looking forward to a good campaign with two good and worthy candidates. In the end, no one is bigger than Kristi in this state and Sutton has no way to overcome that.

  6. Waylon 2018-06-06 19:05

    Sadly – voters in SD NEVER look past the R.

  7. John 2018-06-06 19:17

    Your first paragraph cracks me up. Still vastly over-rating the electorate. Good acknowledging it in the second paragraph. Jackley lost years ago when he gave an impression of protecting those in power as opposed to being the peoples’ lawyer to root out corruption and malfeasance. Re-read the second half of the Argus’ endorsement of Noem.

    The governorship is Noem’s to lose. Sutton has a steep climb. If the election breaks east-west river it’s over before the west river polls close. Noem, twice against a formidable opponent and now against Jackley, showed she also has a strong west river following.

    Ride, Billy, ride.

  8. Joe Nelson 2018-06-06 19:26

    In 129 years of governors, only 18 years were with a Democrat. The Republican Party has controlled the South Dakota governorship since January 1, 1979. This was through Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and now Trump.

    I reckon South Dakota voters are going to elect their first female governor this fall.

  9. grudznick 2018-06-06 19:44

    Many are counting their horses before they’ve left the chute. We do not yet know who the Libertarian candidate is, and what independent candidates may step forward. Should Mr. Michels come forward as an independent, with Mr. Mickelson as his Lt. Governor, they would be a most formidable team. Very much could still happen.

  10. o 2018-06-06 21:44

    One of the last attacks Jackley made was that Nome did not deliver on three promises she made: 1) Repeal the ACA, 2) Reduce the federal deficit, 3) Bring down federal spending. I thought all three were more an indictment of the Republican party – that even with majority in both houses and the White House, the GOP cannot deliver on promises. That to me is the door for Sutton: Kristi is not Kristi – she is not the SD girl we know and love, she is Rep. Noem – part of a corrupt, ineffectual national machine that wants to bring that infection back to SD.

    It is one step beyond the tactic used against Daschle. The GOP made him a DC insider; now I think Democrats should focus on Rep. Noem saying one thing in SD – then going along with the swamp in DC. Her inability to get Farm Bills delivered in a timely manner, her misrepresentation of her family’s “death tax” is evidence that even her integrity is for sale to the Washington powers when asked to support THEIR message.

  11. Debbo 2018-06-06 23:51

    Will Democrats be able to use the president’s trade wars, with attendant heavy damage to SD farmers, against Noem?

    I have never met Sutton or Noem, but from looking at photos and expressions I’d have to give Sutton the edge. He seems to have a cheerfulness, an openness, that I don’t see on Noem’s face. I must say in Noem’s defense, as a woman, she must physically show that she is serious and thoughtful.

  12. jimmy james 2018-06-07 07:15

    Yes, Billie Sutton has charisma, fundraising success, likability, a great personal story and is a moderate. Then there is that 40 years of Republican control in Pierre to point to. National political pundits keep telling us that South Dakota is a “solid” or “safe” Republican race….. and they are all wrong. I think even Kristi knows it.

  13. jimmy james 2018-06-07 07:23

    How much does Kristi have left? I am guessing that she spent almost all of her war chest. If so, Sutton will start with a million dollar advantage. Of course she can catch up but, for a Democrat, that’s not bad.

  14. mike from iowa 2018-06-07 07:25

    Don’t fret about Jackley’s future. He is AT Least as competent as the rest of Drumpf’s WH lawyers and would fit right in.

  15. jimmy james 2018-06-07 07:36

    Of course Sutton will need a lot of Independents and some Republican support to win. And Republicans will know that they likely will retain control of the State House and Senate…. keeping the cowboy in check.

  16. o 2018-06-07 08:05

    Debbo, tough call; can a Democrat run against a president’s ruinous policies — even though the president himself has a 72% approval?

  17. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-07 08:19

    Nick is right: he did tell me so.

    Nick is wrong in his burden argument, or at least misdirecting: I didn’t make any argument about burden. I pointed out that none of the points I listed that Kristi used to her advantage over Jackley give her an advantage over Billie. Whether Billie effectively meets his burden of negating the advantages Noem might claim is another question.

  18. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-07 08:37

    I’m with O and Debbo: Sutton can hammer Kristi’s farm cred on policy by pointing out her failure to timely move Farm Bills and her failure to keep Trump from swinging the tariff wrecking ball at our farmers and ranchers.

  19. Ryan 2018-06-07 09:07

    I would very much like to see Sutton elected, but to hold out hope that south dakota voters will do something in their own best interest seems like too far of a stretch.

    Our peers will probably vote for the face or name they are most familiar seeing, which is probably not Sutton’s. Then, after they vote based on popularity rather than ability, they will spend the next few years complaining about the terrible shape of our state economy and government.

  20. OldSarg 2018-06-07 09:11

    “Sutton can hammer Kristi’s farm cred” you can also cry a stream of tears and Kristi will still win. There are not enough democrats or people willing to vote for a democrat to allow even “nice guy” Billie to win.

    The party is over and all the dreams of the left can just die away now. It’s over. . .

  21. jimmy james 2018-06-07 10:09

    “The party is over and all the dreams of the left can just die away now. It’s over”. . . says OldSarg

    Boy, are you in for a surprise.

  22. jimmy james 2018-06-07 10:11

    Jackley’s folks thought it was all over too. If Kristi makes that mistake…. it’s Governor Billie.

  23. Donald Pay 2018-06-07 10:14

    In the end, I think, people don’t vote on based on the personal traits or narratives of candidates. They vote based on ideology and issues, and how individual voters feel the candidates match up with them, or, at least, whether they can trust them to match up with them most of the time and be willing to listen the other part of the time. A lot has to do with their visions of and for South Dakota.

    You would think Noem has the easier route in South Dakota. That “R” is golden for many people. Some won’t dig deeper than that. But that “R” comes with 40 years of corruption and sleazy behavior, and she can’t run away from that. The “Rs” can’t blame liberals for anything that’s wrong in South Dakota, so Noem has to establish for many folks that she will do things differently. Governor Mickelson had to do that after Janklow. She should study how he did it. She has made a start by bucking the R establishment’s effort to site a nuclear borehole dump site. That took courage, but then her fake self-pity and lying got the best of her on the inheritance tax issue. She needs to stand up now to prove she isn’t just as corrupt the rest of then. Does she have the courage to buck the Gilt Edge Superfund fiasco that Jackley and Pirner and EPA are trying to finagle? We will see. She almost has to start governing before she wins. That is tough.

    Sutton needs to point to a better vision for South Dakota, one of modernity and optimism, openness and inclusivity. I think people have had enough of Republican “off-my-lawn” nincompoopery and the never-ending corruption. His right-to-life stands give him credibility to push that beyond the birth canal into addressing the issues of health care. Extending the Medicaid program should be a no-brain commitment. That openness means he must work with the “Rs,” so he might as well start with his campaign. He, likewise, has to start governing before he wins. Opening up government and insisting on citizen involvement extends to putting the initiative and referendum process back to what it was before the special interests ruined it for grassroots citizens. And the corruption and arrogance issue must be taken head on with a forthright embrace of IM 22. The people voted for it, and the people deserve to have it implemented.

    I’d rather have a conversation about a campaign of issues rather than the kinds of non-issues posed by Cory above.

  24. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-07 10:33

    And since Billie negates Noem’s advantage on the points above, Donald, maybe he can drive Kristi toward that kinds of policy-based discussion, which he would win hands-down. But Noem knows real policy and leadership is her weakness, so we can count on her to look for non-issues and imagery to win on.

    As for OldSarg, well, there he goes again, dropping by simply to shout in our faces like a bully rather than offering the kind of thoughful, instructive comment that Donald gives us to help us be better voters and citizens.

  25. jimmy james 2018-06-07 10:34

    Just guessing that a poll today would give Kristi close to 50% and Sutton in the thirties. But when he airs that intro video of his… look out. It is perhaps the most powerful videos/ads I have ever seen. (And I am hard to please when it comes to ads.) He will have instant name ID… and in a very positive way. He will be a hit on the campaign trail.

    He is genuinely liked by nearly everyone, Democrat and Republican, who is familiar with him. Even today, that counts for something. Republicans will want to vote for him. Even those who don’t.

  26. jimmy james 2018-06-07 10:46

    The Republican primary has already presented the public with the good ol’ boy corruption issue. Cleaning house in Pierre is quite appealing. Both Kristi and Billie offer change but, after 40 years of Republican rule, maybe he has the stronger hand.

  27. mike from iowa 2018-06-07 11:16

    Mitch McCTurtle is bragging job numbers are much better after taxcuts for the koch bros, but, empirical evidence shows the numbers are rather pedestrian in the overall scheme of things.

    Remember that right wing nut job outlets aren’t averse to flat out lying about Dems and their policies because they realize their base won’t ever hold them responsible for the lies. And then the moron in chief picks up the lies and spreads them even further.

    Wonder what they have to pay OldSpanky to run interference for them at DFP?

  28. owen reitzel 2018-06-07 11:20

    I guess oldSarge wants A 1-party system. We have pretty much that now and look at the corruption that has led to. So by all means OS let’s have total Republican rule.

  29. Roger Cornelius 2018-06-07 11:21

    This is white male dominated South Dakota, are they ready to have a woman governor?

  30. Robert McTaggart 2018-06-07 11:30


    I guess I have to remind you that the borehole site would not have brought any nuclear material at all into South Dakota.

    It would have provided information on geology and drilling procedures that would prove useful to future borehole efforts anywhere…including nuclear waste storage, geothermal energy extraction, and isolation of heavy metals from solar and wind wastes.

    A consent-based solution requires that consent is informed and that a solution is developed. You need data to develop that solution and inform the consent. But if you do not want to solve problems, then don’t collect the data. If you don’t want them to prove that the process is actually safe, then don’t collect the data.

    That is what happened.

  31. Jenny 2018-06-07 11:59

    Nobody thought a guy named Barack Hussein Obama would win the Presidency either.
    I have a feeling Noem is going to campaign all out hard and not stop until election day.
    The Sutton Team needs to do the same, and get out the volunteers. Volunteers win elections, money helps also, but if volunteers can get out the Sutton message and not wait until after Labor Day, this will help. Volunteers, volunteers, volunteers, come on SD!

  32. Jenny 2018-06-07 12:08

    Jason Frerichs, Troy Heinert – all those good guys that represent the SD Democrat Party need to get out and show their support for Sutton! Show SD that the Democrat Party is still here and wants better for hard working South Dakotans!

    The SD Democrats need to Unite and Start a Revolution! After 40 years of one party rule and never ending corruption it’s time for a Pro-Life Democrat Cowboy to take the reins!

  33. Robert McTaggart 2018-06-07 12:24

    Was it really a surprise with respect to the borehole that many politicians dropped back 10 yards and punted?

    Frankly, I don’t think a successful test drill would have done anything regarding the lingering suspicion of government, but it may have assuaged issues regarding water safety. And maybe geothermal energy would have become more feasible in South Dakota as a result.

    For opponents there appears to have been too great a risk of it actually working well and safely. But they punted on an opportunity to kill this method of storage of nuclear waste once and for all (particularly if it showed that straightness could not be achieved, or the environment at that depth was not suitable for storage).

    Faint heart never won fair lady.

  34. Robert McTaggart 2018-06-07 12:32

    As to the election for governor, my suggestion is to acknowledge both the problems and the opportunities that South Dakota has. Then show how your candidacy will solve those problems and promote those opportunities.

  35. Roger Cornelius 2018-06-07 12:51

    Where will the country be on election day 2018?
    Trump wants a trade war with Canada because they burned down the White House during the War of 1812, any 3rd grader knows it was the British burned it down.
    Macron and other EU slapped back at Trump with his escalated tariffs and are playing hard ball.
    Trumped has promised a September government shutdown if he doesn’t get his wall.
    And there’s Mueller, will his report on Trump’s Russian scandal be out prior to the election and what will be in it.
    These are all issues that directly or indirectly impact the state.
    Will any of these issues make this state wake up and see how little if any republicans are helping our citizens?

  36. jerry 2018-06-07 13:24

    Jackley opened up a very legitimate summary of what NOem has failed to do. One being the getting rid of the ACA/Obamacare. It was not from lack of trying all those 65 times she voted to kill it. Now, just before the election, NOem will have to answer those folks who voted for her in the primary, why she is costing them so much in premiums.

    Billie Sutton can maximize on that by telling the truth, Democrats wanted Medicaid Expansion to lower premiums on health plans for all. Democrats want Medicaid Expansion to try to do something to lower dental costs as well.

  37. OldSarg 2018-06-07 15:37

    Cory, it isn’t me. Here is some sage advice: The democrats have destroyed themselves. It isn’t you, roger, owen, jimmy or any of your other water carrying lemmings. Billie Sutton can be the greatest man alive and he still can’t win as a democrat in South Dakota. The Dems have aligned themselves with the America hate’n, islam lovers, baby killing, open borders, high taxes, get rid of our Constitution left. You can claim all day long that isn’t true but that is the way people see the democrats. They defend MS-13, kneeling during the National Anthem and killing babies. It doesn’t attract the people you need the support of. I know that isn’t all of you but on the national stage that is what the democrats have become. Here is where you are: Remember last week the BIG blue wave that never happened? Your Minnesota Islamic boy Ellison goes and quits running the DNC. Pelosi is the “leader” and Schumer is a spokesperson and freaking Bill Clinton is still on TV not apologizing for stuffing his sausage someplace it didn’t need to be? . . . Guys, Billie may have it all but so long as he is aligned with the dems as they are today he doesn’t stand a chance. I would love to see him win. The dems desperately needs a win here or at least someplace other than just California because this isn’t California. This is South Dakota and the values being spouted by YOUR party ain’t the values of 90% of America. . . Sorry, it’s a sad fact so Cory, you can chase the ever moving rainbow all day but you will never reach that pot of gold with a party like you have now. Something has to change and it ain’t me. . .

  38. Ryan 2018-06-07 16:18

    Dang it, OldSarg appears to be correct.

    His description of the democratic party is probably not what most democrats stand for, but I bet it is what a lot of people think when they see democrats.

  39. mike from iowa 2018-06-07 16:25

    This is a recording, Squack. This is a recording, Squack.This is a recording, Squack This is a recording, Squack This is a recording, Squack This is a recording, Squack.

    Rinse and repeat. This is a recording, Squack This is a recording, Squack This is a recording, Squack This is a recording, Squack This is a recording, Squack This is a recording, Squack

  40. mike from iowa 2018-06-07 16:35

    When I think wingnuts avarice and corruption are the first things to come to mind. Then winning at all odds.

    I’d much prefer to be a Dem. We don’t have to cheat to win.

  41. OldSarg 2018-06-07 16:56

    Mike you misspelled squawk.

  42. mike from iowa 2018-06-07 17:12

    Urban Dictionary: squack
    A disgruntled sound a bird makes when surprised, also used to represent the psychotic anger which occurs when someone tries to steal your tea and/or wagon

    You stand corrected. Don’t bother.

  43. OldSarg 2018-06-07 17:22

    “ This is a recording, Squack.This is a recording” birds don’t make recordings.

    It’s ok mike. I wasn’t teasing you I was trying to help you. Please don’t take it wrong. You will be okay. No big deal. Take care and don’t hurt yourself again. God bless

  44. Craig 2018-06-07 17:44

    OldSarg: “They defend MS-13, kneeling during the National Anthem and killing babies.”

    One out of three is mostly accurate…. which is actually a higher percentage of accuracy than most of your comments.

    FYI – if you don’t defend an American kneeling during the National Anthem, you aren’t defending the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

  45. mike from iowa 2018-06-07 17:44

    Lot you know abut birds or anything else, OS. Mynah birds were notorious for being able to repeat what they hear.

  46. bearcreekbat 2018-06-07 18:14

    OS has quite an opinion about his family, coworkers, neighbors and fellow human beings who might be Democrats or liberals. Lets see how it holds up.

    OS says his family, coworkers, neighbors and fellow human beings who might be Democrats or liberals want to kill babies? I have never met any individual who advocates killing babies. As best I can tell, no Democrats or Republicans or Independents claim to want to kill babies. Perhaps OS is playing a word game that equates the exercise of a constitutional right to decide whether to give birth with “killing” babies. It seems close to equating the exercise of the right to self defense as “killing” people.

    The “open border” argument is even more puzzling. OS obviously advocates for “open borders,” as I have never seen an OS post demanding a closed border between SD and the surrounding states, nor a closed border between each SD county and town. So I guess OS must be for open borders just like his family, coworkers, neighbors and fellow human beings who might be Democrats or liberals. Perhaps the more accurate argument is that OS quarrels with which borders he wants open while fully supporting open borders as a general idea.

    OS thinks his family, coworkers, neighbors and fellow human beings who might be Democrats or liberals defend MS-13 gang members. I am not sure what sort of “defense” he thinks his family, coworkers, neighbors and fellow human beings who might be Democrats or liberals are making, but I doubt if he would advocate denying any accused gang member due process of law when accused of a crime, or jailing or killing members who have never been convicted of a crime.

    OS also accuses his family, coworkers, neighbors and fellow human beings who might be Democrats or liberals of recognizing that the 1st Amendment protects the right to disrespect the flag and national anthem (which as a matter of clarification, no one kneeled for that purpose – the kneeling was to protest unreasonable police violence). Likewise, the 1st amendment protects freedom of all religions, including those who believe in Islam. OS apparently thinks that supporting the 1st Amendment is a flaw in his family, coworkers, neighbors and fellow human beings who might be Democrats or liberals.

    The idea that OS thinks his family, coworkers, neighbors and fellow human beings who might be Democrats or liberals want to get rid of the Constitution seems odd in light of their support for the 1st Amendment and support for the Constitutional rights of women regarding family planning.

  47. jerry 2018-06-07 18:21

    sage advise can aid in indigestion. So read the posts and chew it back, then my advise would be to take some sage.

  48. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-07 18:53

    There you go again, letting OS drag the conversation back to the very little he has memorized from Fox News.

    The point of this post is that Billie Sutton negates the advantages listed that Kristi Noem pressed during the primary season. Nothing OS has said so far contradicts my contention that Billie Sutton is a more credible ag man and small business man than Noem, wears his hat better, is impervious to cheap job insults in a way Jackley wasn’t, has better ground on EB-5, has a far stronger personal narrative, and can project more real charisma.

    OS wants this blog to be about his hobbyhorses. Let him ride in the corner, but don’t ride off with him. Instead, demand that he acknowledge the fact that he can’t refute the specific issues I’m talking about so he’s trying to change the subject to his tiny, tiny realm of versedness in Trumpy shout points.

  49. OldSarg 2018-06-07 18:56

    Guys, I just let you know how you are being seen by the public. Attacking me doesn’t change that. The majority of the Nation see abortion as killing babies. The majority of the Nation saw Pelosi defending MS-13. The Majority of America saw Bill Clinton refuse to apologize for sticking his tallywacker in an intern when he was president last week.

    You can attack me all day long but that doesn’t change what America is seeing on the news. Hate me or not it doesn’t change how you are seen. . . Billie is running as a democrat. That is what makes him unelectable.

  50. Roger Cornelius 2018-06-07 18:57

    Excellent comment, bear. I was going to take on OS’s comment line by line, but now I don’t have to.
    Democrats know what their problems are and had better get busy repairing them.
    The real problem in America is the Trump Party and how they obliterated the republican party and handed over the keys to our national security to a liar, thief, and traitor. The republican party is deceased and most members don’t even know it.
    What happened to the republican party that once created great leaders, now it is filled with millions of little OldSarge’s?
    Old Sarge thrives on the lies and propaganda fed to him by Trump and has the never to call me and other’s “lemmings”.
    OldSarge, Trump has told in excess of 3050 lies to date, why are you so weak that you feel the need to defend Trump.
    Trump’s daily whine comes with a serving of calling everything fake news, OldSarge, why do you spread Trump’s fake news?
    OldSarge, have you always invited monumental amounts of propaganda to guide your life.
    Even when the Trump Party knows their president lied to them, called real news fake, and pumps out propaganda like a cheap tabloid, you believe him, why do you do that OldSarge?

  51. Roger Cornelius 2018-06-07 19:01

    Sorry Cory, I’m done with OldSarge and hope you are too.

  52. Craig 2018-06-07 19:22

    There is a lot of time between now and November, and I expect that will allow me ample time to learn much more about Sutton. Right now I like much of what I hear, but it is too premature to form an informed opinion. What I do know is that Noem has had years to show us who she is, and what she has shown is that she is willing to put her own self-interests and political ambitions ahead of what is best for South Dakota. She also has a track record of putting party above nation and has a proven track record of ineffectiveness.

    Noem has no major legislative accomplishments and it appears when she feels threatened during a campaign she has zero reservations about resorting to distortions, outright fabrications, and blatant negative attacks against her opponents.

    For some reason, none of that really matters. Noem is still a Republican, and that alone gives her a significant advantage in South Dakota. Sutton has his work cut out for him but no matter how strong a candidate he is and how effective his messaging is his real opponent isn’t Kristi Noem but rather the fact he is running as a Democrat. The SDGOP has spent 40 years convincing voters that the term “Democrat” is essentially equivalent to a mixture of satan, communism, and lung cancer – and unfortunately the repetition and tactics have been mostly effective.

  53. Ryan 2018-06-07 19:42

    To be clear, OldSarg is not saying those things are necessarily true about any democrat. He is suggesting that’s how a lot of other-party people think about democrats, and I think he’s right.

  54. Curt 2018-06-07 19:56

    I think people who pay attention will recognize that Sutton and Bjorkman do not fit the stereotypical Dem mold.

  55. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-07 19:57

    But that doesn’t matter, does it, Ryan, to the argument at hand? I pointed out how a number of advantages beyond the R label that Kristi used in the primary cannot be deployed against Billie without backfiring and weakening Noem’s position. Whether the R puts her automatically 10, 20, or 50 points ahead of Billie doesn’t change the fact that he can use every one of these advantages to reduce Noem’s lead.

  56. OldSarg 2018-06-07 20:03

    “Old Sarge thrives on the lies and propaganda fed to him” it is what is in the headlines of the news everyday.

    Cory “advantages” do not win elections. I think Billie is the best compromise between the parties that is available but so long as he is associated with those that align with open borders, killing babies, islamic invasions, small justice warriors and kneeling during the Nation anthem you can’t win in South Dakota.

    It might be time for a 2nd democratic party. . . “If” you actually want to win as opposed to “whine”. Jus sayin. . .

  57. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-07 20:20

    OS, it sounds like you aren’t even reading this blog. You’re just watching Fox News and treating this comment section like your personal scratchbox where you can live tweet your favorite Sean Hannity quotes. Stop it. If you have something specific to add to the specific points raised, great. But when your every entry in every thread translates into a generic, “Whatever Cory just said is irrelevant because I want to shout what I’m hearing on Fox News in your faces,” it’s clear you’re adding nothing to the conversation.

    So let me try one more time, OldSarg: have I misanalyzed any one of my specific comparisons of Noem and Sutton on the advantages I’ve described? Have I said anything that is factually or logically in error? Or am I right, and you just want to talk about something else?

  58. Robin Friday 2018-06-07 21:16

    “As of 2017, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 57% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 40% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.” American adults polled, as of end of 2017.

    In SD, adults polled, 48% approve of abortion in all or most cases, 48% oppose.

    This, of course, does not take into account that most SD voters are registered Republicans, and vote Republican, and Republicans are more inclined to oppose, to say the least. So I’m agreeing with, I think it was Donald, who said our hope is to get those Democrats, young, older, previously apathetic, registered to vote and VOTE.

  59. OldSarg 2018-06-07 21:29

    Cory, I don’t watch Fox sorry. My views are just gathered from the same places as everyone else. You can blame Fox, CNN or even MSNBC but that isn’t it. I’ll admit to being a news junky but I just go from site to site. No TV stuff. Pick another target.

  60. OldSarg 2018-06-07 21:41

    Cory I never said you misanalyized anything. I was just pointing out the fallacy of Billies efforts so long as he is aligned with dems based upon the public’s perception of the party at a national level. Just a view. That’s all.

    He does have a chance of winning: if Billie were to declare himself a “new” democrat who believed in the defense of the individual’s liberty it could happen but so long as he is seen as a member of those that profess the right to kill babies, promote the sexualization of women, open borders, Islamization of America and promotion of deviant sexual relationships the guy hasn’t a chance. Nothing personal, not Fox or any other “news” outlet just my opinion.

  61. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-06-07 21:42

    So, still not going to respond to the actual content of the blog post? Alas. I picked my target with the blog post and hit it squarely. Noem loses all of the advantages I listed to Sutton.

  62. Debbo 2018-06-07 22:03

    I don’t know of anything Noem has accomplished. Tom Daschle had many real accomplishments. So did Tim Johnson. What real accomplishments is Thune able to list? Didn’t he have a role in keeping EAFB open many years ago? And since then?

    My point is, it seems to me that GOP in DC doesn’t do much for SD. (I’m willing to be corrected.)

  63. Roger Cornelius 2018-06-07 22:16

    Even Thune’s role in keeping EAFB way back when was suspect. Most felt it was a manufactured drama to increase Thune’s dwindling poll numbers at that time.
    You are right, John Thune has done nothing for the state or country, except make himself available for photo-ops with McConnell.

  64. Joe Nelson 2018-06-07 22:17


    She was the primary sponsor for the following enacted bills:

    H.R. 3147: AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act of 2017
    H.R. 2484: Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017
    H.R. 350 (114th): Human Trafficking Prevention, Intervention, and Recovery Act of 2015
    H.R. 291 (113th): Black Hills Cemetery Act
    H.R. 1607 (113th): Livestock Disaster Protection Act


  65. Debbo 2018-06-07 22:59

    Thanks Joe. What did those those bills DO?

    “Amber Alert” makes me think thats either about broadcasting them on reservations or including American Indian children in the amber alerts.

    The rest, window dressing, or did they actually make a difference? (I’m really not good at finding things online, sorry.)

  66. Jenny 2018-06-08 06:29

    Noem is anti-gay and told her supporters to not let that make them violent towards the LGBT.

    For someone that talks proudly of the freedoms of this country, she still is against the freedom to marry.

  67. OldSarg 2018-06-08 08:54

    Jenny, you are off topic but ion response to your mistruth. . .”Noem is anti-gay” so what even if she is but she never said she was “anti-gay”. Those are your words not hers. She said she didn’t “approve” of the homosexual life style. That is her belief. It is fascist to condemn someone for having beliefs that are different than yours.

    Do you just search for words of hate against others or make them up all on your own?

  68. Roger Cornelius 2018-06-08 09:01

    If Noem isn’t anti-gay, she is doing everything possible to prove that she is.
    Isn’t being anti-gay an asset for fascism?

  69. Jenny 2018-06-08 09:13

    No, I’m not off topic at all. Noem is running for Governor and I have every right to voice her beliefs or nonbeliefs (don’t I Cory?)
    Being against the Freedom to Marry a same sex person in this country is anti-gay. I’m just calling it the way it is with her stance on this.
    Sutton supports the LGBT and understands that in a country based proudly on Freedoms that the Democrat Party has the upper hand on this issue. Sutton also understands that gay marriage is not a threat at all what so ever to traditional marriage. Thank you, Billie Sutton for standing up for All People!

  70. mike from iowa 2018-06-08 11:01

    Gosh OldSliver- Politifact says you are full of prunes.

    Our ruling

    Trump said Pelosi “came out in favor of MS-13.”

    Trump’s claim is based on Pelosi’s criticism of Trump for using the word “animals” during an immigration meeting with California officials. Trump used that term after a sheriff spoke about MS-13 gang members.

    A day after Trump’s comment, Pelosi said “calling people animals is not a good thing” and defended “undocumented immigrants.” Pelosi did not mention MS-13 gang members in her comments.

    While Trump blasted media reports and others for missing the context of his remarks, he did just that with Pelosi’s comment. We rate it False

    Your false, OS.

  71. mike from iowa 2018-06-08 11:09

    WASHINGTON — President Trump used extraordinarily harsh rhetoric to renew his call for stronger immigration laws Wednesday, calling undocumented immigrants “animals” and venting frustration at Mexican officials who he said “do nothing” to help the United States.

    “We have people coming into the country or trying to come in, we’re stopping a lot of them, but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are,” Trump said.

    “These aren’t people. These are animals.

  72. OldSarg 2018-06-08 13:21

    mike, Trump is right. They are animals and you know he was speaking specifically about the members of MS-13. To say otherwise puts you in the same boat as Jenny but that was your goal all along. You don’t care about Jenny or any other woman nor do you care if they had any rights at all. It’s an act. I’ve seen it a thousand times. A male claims to support women’s rights. Acts as if he is in support of the feminist movement. Attends the rally, events and protests and then when the unsuspecting woman is venerable they strike. It’s been all over the news lately and in almost every case it is an ugly male, in poor physical condition, normally a loner. But back to the topic at hand: Noem may not be the best for the governor position and Billie may in fact be the best choice but none of that matters so long as Billie is shown as a member of the democratic party. It is the label of election death in South Dakota.

  73. Debbo 2018-06-08 13:46

    “unsuspecting woman is venerable”

    Most women are “venerable,” whether suspecting or not.

    OS apparently has an extremely low opinion of men. They say it takes one to know one, and he appears to know very well. Hmmmm?

  74. Debbo 2018-06-08 13:48

    In the meantime, did Noem’s bills do anything to make life better for S Dakotans? Or were they window dressing? Like renaming the Red Owl post office?

  75. mike from iowa 2018-06-08 15:13

    OldSolvent- you are full of the same stuff as Drumpf is. MS is not a Mexican gang. They are principally El Salvadoran. You are just as phony as your buddy, Drumpf and just as truthful.

  76. mike from iowa 2018-06-08 15:16

    You do not have a clew what venerable means and you think I’m the stoopid one? Get back on yer meds before the white coats come and get you and Drumpf.

  77. Marietta Verner 2018-10-10 08:42


  78. OldSarg 2018-10-10 08:54

    Marietta, are you angry? Have you met mike who posted above you? He’s single. Mike, meet Marietta. Her Caps lock is on and she needs some help. I think you guys would make a cute couple. Marietta, give Mike your phone number or email address. You two should hook up for some fun discussions. Marietta you will see Mike a cute guy with a bit of dried food around his mouth most days. Have fun. Happy to have brought you two together.

  79. jerry 2018-10-10 09:53

    Mr. Nelson, wrong. “Washington, D.C. ­– U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) recently introduced the AMBER Alert in Indian Country Act of 2017, legislation that would expand the AMBER Alert child abduction warning system on Native American reservations by clarifying that Indian tribes are eligible for Department of Justice (DOJ) grants that help assemble AMBER Alert systems for law enforcement agencies.”

  80. mike from iowa 2018-10-10 09:53

    OldSloppyatmatchmaker, you need to worry that I back up my contentions and debunk yours. Are you Lakota?

  81. jerry 2018-10-10 09:59

    Mr. Nelson, wrong. “Floor Situation
    On Monday, September 25, 2017, the House will consider S. 1141, the Women, Peace, and Security Act, under suspension of the rules. The bill was introduced on May 16, 2017, by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and passed the Senate by voice vote on August 3, 2017.

    S. 1141 requires the President to submit a government-wide “Women, Peace, and Security Strategy” within one year of enactment, and again four years later, describing how the U.S. will promote and strengthen women’s participation in peace negotiations and conflict prevention overseas.

    The bill also requires the State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Department of Defense to train personnel in matters related to the President’s strategy. Additionally, the bill encourages the State Department and USAID to establish guidelines by which overseas personnel will consult with stakeholders regarding efforts to resolve conflict and promote women’s participation in the mediation and negotiation process. Finally, the bill requires the State Department to brief the appropriate congressional committees on training regarding the participation of women in conflict resolution and requires the President to evaluate and report to Congress on the strategy’s impact.”

  82. jerry 2018-10-10 10:16

    Mr. Nelson, without doubt, the HR 350 and HR 291, were done by NOem for the best interests of South Dakota, agreed. Now the HR 1607 :
    “Introduced in House (04/17/2013)
    Livestock Disaster Protection Act – Amends the Federal Crop Insurance Act to make FY2012-FY2018 livestock indemnity payments (at 75% of market value) to eligible producers on farms that have incurred livestock death losses in excess of the normal mortality due to: (1) attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the federal government or protected by federal law, including wolves and avian predators; or (2) adverse weather, including losses due to hurricanes, floods, blizzards, extreme heat, disease, or wildfires.

    Provides FY2012-FY2018 compensation for losses to eligible livestock producers for livestock grazing losses due to specified drought or fire circumstances. Excludes from coverage grazing losses on conservation reserve program land used for haying or grazing.

    Provides FY2012-FY2018 emergency relief to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish to reduce losses due to disease, adverse weather, or other conditions, such as blizzards and wildfires.”

    NOem’s family business is insurance, so this was more like a gift to herself and only fooled you. Remember, NOem was a NO show after Atlas. Many livestock losses that because of NOem, we could not get the disaster relief in a timely way. Daugaard was the real deal on that one, while NOem was as worthless as teats on a boar.

  83. jerry 2018-10-10 10:27

    Herseth Sandlin Democrat 1223 bills either introduced or became law

    NOem Republican 811 bills either introduced or became law

    NOem is a slacker. Even with a loaded Republican House and Republican Senate, she was and is too damn busy for South Dakota.

    To her credit, she did manage to provide more possibilities of income for her family insurance business though and did it with that smirk. Looks like more corruption to this old feller. We don’t need any more of that. We have had aplenty. Vote Billie Sutton a Democrat to clean the place up and sweep shady deals like NOem will bring, out the door. District 3, put a handle on that broom and put Cory in to get’r done.

  84. jerry 2018-10-10 10:29

    Oh, and here is NOem’s really big goal. “She supports cuts to Medicaid funding proposed by Republican Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan that would reduce benefits for South Dakota Medicaid recipients by 55 percent”

    Put gramps and grams in the street, says NOem. NOem is NO good for South Dakota

  85. OldSarg 2018-10-10 11:09

    Guys, you are hollering in a bucket. Sutton is a great guy but he can’t win no matter what you say about her. Your voice no longer counts or is listened to. You poisoned your own well with your nasty attacks on everyone. You did this to yourselves. Nobody else is to blame for the unpopularity of the democrat party but you and your fellow minions. if only you would have started out on a positive note about your own candidates but instead you started this whole process by calling everyone God loving, islamophobic, white, racist fascist, baby keeper alivers. This is on you but in addition there is a 30% higher wall (real one is coming) of republican voters in South Dakota. Remember what your mother told you “You catch more flies with honey”. if you change your ways and become nicer you would stand a chance. Right now you don’t stand a chance.

  86. jerry 2018-10-10 12:49

    Mom always said Russian’s are your enemy son. Momma was right as usual.

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