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Jackley Task Force Expands to Tackle Sturgis Child Trafficking; Noem Surely Appalled

Kristi Noem was right! Marty Jackley just wants bigger government. KOTA-TV reports that another task force is getting bigger:

The South Dakota Crimes Against Children Task Force has increased their staff for the upcoming Sturgis Rally.

In past years they have arrested people looking to purchase sex from a minor and are continuously monitoring the internet.

So with the Sturgis Rally is about a month away, law enforcement agents are increasing their online presence [“The South Dakota Crimes Against Children Task Force Gearing Up for Rally,” KOTA-TV, 2018.07.06].

Bad enough that Noem caught Jackley fibbing about his role in creating that task force—now Jackley lets that task force get bigger, as if to spite the quasher of his gubernatorial dreams. Surely if she becomes governor, Kristi Noem will work with what we already have, cut red tape, and reduce the size and scope of government instead of expanding silly task forces.


  1. Kal Lis 2018-07-10 11:29

    Some related content–

    For those who need the key version because this may be a-too-long-don’t-want-to-read article:

    “This is not to say coerced sex and labor trafficking isn’t a serious and horrifying problem. But there is no reliable data to support the idea that it is rife in the United States or merits emergency action. There is a widespread belief that it does, however, and that has allowed the Trump administration to portray its pitiless war on informal networks of transnational mobility as a way to protect vulnerable people, especially children, from the “criminals” who ply them. And it has helped them justify treating parents seeking physical and economic security for their children as dangerous lawless smugglers of their own sons and daughters.”

    (If you wrote a post of this one too, I am going to consider a moratorium on commenting.)

  2. Justin Roemmick 2018-07-10 17:36

    I don’t want to sound overly critical, but isn’t it a good thing for our state to crack down on child trafficking? I for one support the resources to expand the role of that task force. I also do not find it to be silly.

  3. Debbo 2018-07-10 21:57

    I agree with Justin. Child traffic is a horrific thing and the more that can be done to stop it, the better.

  4. David B 2018-07-11 07:21

    “Silly”??? Really??? I hope you were just being sarcastic…

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-07-11 07:25

    You’re right—but that’s the practical point Jackley was trying to make against Noem’s silly political slogan point. Sometimes “bigger government” is a really good idea. But Noem’s words would lead to the conclusion that expanding government to fight child trafficking is a bad thing.

  6. John 2018-07-11 08:07

    Imagine. Child trafficking occurring under the nose of a SD political party so-called ‘leader’ and lieutenant governor candidate, Rhoden. Imagine. Noem’s pick. Imagine.
    Oh for the family values.

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