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Blogging on the Radio: Closed Sheriff Primaries, Tobacco Tax, and Westra vs. Mickelson!

Patrick Lalley is back from seeing the Pope in Italy, and he’s stuck visiting with me again on the radio. But we still made the most of our twenty minutes together on KSOO this afternoon, talking about the tens of thousands of South Dakotans disenfranchised from sheriffs’ elections by our closed-primary system, our climbing sales tax receipts and declining tobacco tax receipts, and the impending IM 25 battle between former District 13 colleagues Steve Westra and G. Mark Mickelson. Our chat begins at 34:10:

Lalley says he’ll let me do some more blogging on the radio with him next Tuesday, May 15, at 4 p.m. Tune in on air around Sioux Falls at KSOO AM 1000 or online!


  1. grudznick 2018-05-10

    Why doesn’t the bald, biking screamer (Mr. Lalley) let you debate Mr. PP on the radio channels? That would be worth tuning in for.

    Tell Mr. Lalley the reason his newspaper blogging failed is he would talk normal for a while and then just scream and yell into the microphones and it was terribly annoying for people. Or maybe the Argus didn’t have good equipment. Because Mr. Lalley bought crappy equipment that could not compensate for his normal talking then hollering into the microphones. The radio station probably has editors that can sit there and turn his volume up and down when he fluctuates.

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-05-11

    Grudz, the two times that I’ve appeared live in the studio with Lalley, I’ve noticed no strange fluctuations in his volume requiring technological intervention.

    As for debate, we have not broached the subject. Such a segment would be complicated and perhaps too brief, and it might only work well if we were both in the studio rather than calling in.

  3. Patrick Lalley 2018-05-11


    Yes, we have way better equipment at KSOO. Way better. But I assure you the only one spinning the dials is me. But I did holler a lot more on 100 Eyes. No doubt about that. I think it was the stress.

    As for a debate, I think this works way better and it’s more interesting. Cory’s correct, it’s tough with two people on the phone.


  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-05-11

    I’m open to debates, but as Patrick agrees, it’s hard to do over the phone. The moderator should be able to look both speakers in the eye, signal them when to chill out or take their turn, and otherwise control what’s happening. Plus being in the presence of the person one is disagreeing with provides better ensures that things will still civil (as we see in counterpoint online, with people with no shared physical presence far quicker to say mean and stupid things).

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