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Jackley and Noem Tweets Suggest Jackley Fared Better in Saturday Debate

I may make some time this week to watch the video of Saturday’s Jackley/Noem debate, hosted by the South Dakota Newspaper Association Saturday in Sioux Falls. But the GOP candidates’ campaign Twitter feeds suggest that Jackley won. Both Noem and Jackley Tweet their thanks to SDNA:

Marty Jackley, campaign Tweet, 2018.05.05.
Marty Jackley, campaign Tweet, 2018.05.05.
Kristi Noem, campaign Tweet, 2018.05.05.
Kristi Noem, campaign Tweet, 2018.05.05.

…but while Jackley and Noem both followed up with tweets about sport and the ominously named anti-workerLoyalty Day” parade in Brandon, so far, only Jackley has retweeted the debate video inviting folks to watch the replay:

Marty Jackley, campaign Tweet, 2018.05.06.
Marty Jackley, campaign Tweet, 2018.05.06.

Noem thanks the debate hosts and moves on. Jackley thanks the debate hosts, then shares the actual debate with his followers. It seems that Noem and Jackley agree that the debate was good for Jackley.


  1. leslie 2018-05-07 17:34

    Jackley was a law clerk 20 years ago. now he runs the largest law firm in the state. pretty fast for anyone except a political appointment. but if his training/experience can’t easily whip kristie in a debate, well fine, he won’t make the primary and then we will expose her for the truly inept person she is for the office of governor

  2. bearcreekbat 2018-05-07 18:39

    It appears that Jackley and Noem are on the same wave policy wise, which is a wave that abandons truth in exchange for whatever they have concluded makes life better than the truth. If they are the same, I would rather see Kristi elected based on her gender. If we desire leaders based on sound bites and lies, lets at least take a semi-progressive step and nominate (and please correct me if I am wrong) our first woman governor.

    I back Sutton 100% and I am also a realist. I would love to see the blue wave here, but if it doesn’t happen and we end up with a Republican governor I cheer for the fair sex to make another step toward the light in South Dakota (unless there is some meaningful reason to conclude that Kristi will hurt the State more than Jackley).

    I vote in the Republican primaries. Give me a reason to vote for Jackey rather than Noem. I would vote against whoever is stronger against Sutton. Otherwise, a female deserves the opportunity to show she can govern, given the exclusion of females from the SD Governor”s office to date.

  3. Debbo 2018-05-07 23:13

    I agree with your thinking BCB. The woman or whoever would be less disastrous. Then Sutton in the general.

  4. Dave 2018-05-08 06:25

    Kristi is an expert at slinging BS. She wouldn’t know the truth if she stepped into it waist deep — from her “the death tax forced us to take out a loan after Dad died (an interest free loan from her mom it turns out) to the horrible lies she told in her very first Congressional campaign) she’s based her unspectacular political career on simply making stuff up. It’s time to put her out to pasture in June.

  5. Nick Reid 2018-05-09 15:36

    The debate was fairly lackluster on both sides. If you take out the number of times Jackley said the phrase “task force” and his blaming Washington for every problem (and then saying we don’t need Washington), his response time is cut by 60%. The only truly hilarious moment was when Jackley said we can judge him by all that he’s done to combat EB-5 and Gear Up. Kristi missed a golden opportunity to mix it up with him.

    Alas, it is always difficult for a debate coach to watch the sad excuse for debate that politicians routinely put forth. This one, especially.

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