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Keep Your Eye on Bagboy Turned Judge Bjorkman

Out of nowhere, Tim Bjorkman gets a little outside attention, as Vice contributor Robert Wheel includes South Dakota’s Congressional race in his list of potential midterm surprises:

For much of the 00s South Dakota had at least one Democratic Senator and was represented by a Democrat in the House, so don’t laugh. This is an open seat (incumbent Kristi Noem is running for governor) and Democrat Tim Bjorkman has the right profile for a rural, agricultural area—a former grocery store bagboy turned judge who’s running on a populist platform. South Dakota is also a cheap place to operate and advertise, so a congressional campaign here will cost far less than one in Orange County, even if Democrats have a more active base in California. So if you want a low-key sleeper race to keep your eye on, set a Google News alert for Tim Bjorkman [Robert Wheel, “The House Districts Where Midterms Could Get Weird,” Vice, 2018.02.04].

With Bjorkman unchallenged in the primary while Republicans face a rich, bigoted Trumpist pushing its mainstream candidates and GOP voters to a possible breaking point, anything could happen.


  1. leslie 2018-02-06 17:38

    We have GOT TO ELECT Tim to Kristie’s misused, unused seat in the House. SD has a significant effect on national policies as seen by Rounds’ slippery avoidance of testifying under subpoena and under oath to GOAC on the misused EB5 opportunity and resultant governor’s office scandal he was able to slip any accountability for. Bannon is now doing it at the national level with obstruction of justice selling out the country to Russia.

  2. Dana P 2018-02-06 17:54

    Go Judge B — can’t say it enough, the judge is such a breath of fresh air. What a great, intellectual, “big picture” thinker, extremely solid and qualified candidate. Such a nice change. Wonderful change. (having a good, sound, and qualified candidate is what got Doug Jones elected in deep red Alabama)

    Glad to see people noticing that we might very well have a sleeper Dem candidate in a red state. NICE!

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