Greg Baldwin, Libertarian candidate for District 17 House.
…there are many things about this state that are authoritarian and clearly violate people’s rights.
I believe in Criminal Justice reform ( keep the real dangers to society locked up, and stop imprisoning people for victimless crimes…we can’t afford it!)
I believe that substance abuse problems are a public health issue and NOT a criminal Justice issue.
I am in favor of medical and recreational cannabis ( we have budget issues as well as educational issues that can easily be solved with tax revenue gathered from the creation of a whole new sector of the state economy )
I don’t believe in possession by ingestion laws (we are the ONLY state in the union with such a law)
To my previous point I am 100% against THE FORCED CATHETERIZATION of the public ( not only is it unconstitutional but I can point to no other law that is as tyrannical as the STATE physically violating your body )
I am against Crony Capitalism but love the truly free markets ( I don’t believe in TIFs…why should a new business benefit from tax breaks that already established businesses don’t recieve?)
Once again I find my liberal Democracticism isn’t that far removed from South Dakota Libertarianism. I’m uneasy with the anarchy that could arise from an overapplication of the “victimless crime” point, and I won’t work up any sweat campaigning to legalize any more intoxicants, but I agree that reducing drug addiction requires a public health policy response, not just prison. I wholly support Baldwin’s positions against forced catheterization. Crony capitalism is one of my bread-and-butter topics, and I have deep reservations about tax increment financing. And I define liberalism as the effort to maximize liberty, so I’m with Baldwin on supporting individual rights; I just recognize that we enjoy and defend individual rights only in the context of a community with a government (laws, courts, schools, etc.) sufficiently robust to protect those rights.
Neither Baldwin nor anyone else has submitted a nominating petition from District 17 yet. To qualify for the ballot, Baldwin needs to get five Libertarian signatures from his Clay and Turner county neighbors (unless HB 1286 passes or the Libertarian Party wins its federal lawsuit this week, in which case he can simply win nomination at convention). District 17 is currently represented by Ray Ring (D-Vermillion) and Nancy Rasmussen (R-Hurley) both of whom are in their third House term and thus are eligible to run for reëlection.
TIFS can be a good thing. I was on the city council for our small town. We used 2 TIFS for building residential homes. It’s been working great. Many homes built and sold to families with kids. Which helps our school.
I can point to one other law more tyrannical than the state violating your body by forced catheterization. The state violating your body with the death penalty.
Mr. Baldwin took his time to write concise points and check his spelling. He’s way ahead of a lot of candidates.
1.8 Death Penalty
We oppose the administration of the death penalty by the state.
grudgenutz concurs
owen reitzel
Totally agree Cory. I wasn’t supporting TIF’s but they can be used for good.
Mitchell has a lot of TIFs and most are really not that good.
Moral of the story is used TIFS wisely
Gregory Baldwin
I generally oppose the death penalty in most cases. I think the state has too many flaws and failures in the past in these situations.
I would make an exception to this, when situations like these Mass Shootings occur. Where there are multiple witnesses, video evidence and irrefutable proof.
I like your style Mr. Baldwin. I hope your name is prophetic.
TIFS can be a good thing. I was on the city council for our small town. We used 2 TIFS for building residential homes. It’s been working great. Many homes built and sold to families with kids. Which helps our school.
I can point to one other law more tyrannical than the state violating your body by forced catheterization. The state violating your body with the death penalty.
Mr. Baldwin took his time to write concise points and check his spelling. He’s way ahead of a lot of candidates.
Guns can be a good thing, too, Owen. Let’s use them with caution.
Ror, I’d be curious to hear Baldwin’s position on the death penalty. What do Libertarians usually say?
The National LP Platform is here:
Following is the plank on the death penalty.
1.8 Death Penalty
We oppose the administration of the death penalty by the state.
grudgenutz concurs
Totally agree Cory. I wasn’t supporting TIF’s but they can be used for good.
Mitchell has a lot of TIFs and most are really not that good.
Moral of the story is used TIFS wisely
I generally oppose the death penalty in most cases. I think the state has too many flaws and failures in the past in these situations.
I would make an exception to this, when situations like these Mass Shootings occur. Where there are multiple witnesses, video evidence and irrefutable proof.
I like your style Mr. Baldwin. I hope your name is prophetic.
That took some creativity, Ror. Well turned!