Remily Jumps Party Ship to Support Sheriff Milbrandt in GOP Primary
Published 2017-11-28 by
Cory Allen Heidelberger
The SDGOP spin blog got all slobbery over former District 3 Democrat and current Aberdeen city councilman Mark Remily’s re-registration as a Republican. Real journalist Elisa Sand reports the real reason for Remily’s switch is only half as fun for Republicans:
Mark Remily, Republican for the primary
The long-time Democrat said he registered as a Republican so he can vote in the GOP primary next year.
Remily said he’s especially interested in the local sheriff’s race in which Dan Kaiser has said he will challenge incumbent Mark Milbrandt in the primary. Both men are Republicans….
Remily said he wants to be able to support Milbrandt.
“I want to have a voice in our democracy,” Remily said when asked why he changed his party registration. “That’s my reason, and it’s an important one” [Elisa Sand, “Remily Swaps Parties, Wants to Vote in GOP Primary,” Aberdeen American News, 2017.11.28].
Republicans can still chortle over the fact that they can offer voters choices for sheriff that Democrats can’t. And Remily leaves open the possibility of keeping that registration, telling Sand he wants “to see what the political climate is after the next election.”
But Remily is sending a sensible signal to local Democrats that, if we don’t see some surprise candidate jump in to primary either our practical gubernatorial candidate Billie Sutton or our economically astute U.S. House candidate Tim Bjorkman, we all might want to consider helping him support incumbent Sheriff Milbrandt against his strongly tea-party-flavored contender. (And then we Democrats need to give Remily good reason to flip back to the right party by winning some races in November!)
A good example how our party system is out dated there are parties, Parties within the parties, etc. for some reason we “label” in society to describe the platform time to be done with the labeling (parties)
“I want to have a voice in our democracy,” Remily said when asked why he changed his party registration. “That’s my reason, and it’s an important one” ~Elisa Sand
Or in other words “I have no integrity unless I get what I want”.
So, my question is, is this was Sheriff Milbrandt wants? To have Aberdeen’s second most liberal man publicly supporting him in a primary.
DR, anyone who thinks sheriffing is about liberal or conservative is deeply mistaken about the nature of police work… or is just trying to avoid the real question of what it takes to do the job and the practical abilities of the two candidates to do that job.
I also don’t get the impression that Remily is all that liberal. In what ways do you think Remily’s support for Milbrandt is motivated by any liberal position on police work, and that such ideological motivation outweighs practical local concerns, personal friendship with the preferred candidate, and the honest desire to be able to participate in the election?
OldSarg, take you irrelevant cheap shots elsewhere. Al Novstrup changed parties to vote in a primary once. People change parties all the time, for a variety of reasons. I don’t like having to change party affiliation just to vote in the sheriff’s election, but people who do so commit nothing like the awful and complete sacrifice of integrity of which you so boorishly accuse them.
A good example how our party system is out dated there are parties, Parties within the parties, etc. for some reason we “label” in society to describe the platform time to be done with the labeling (parties)
“I want to have a voice in our democracy,” Remily said when asked why he changed his party registration. “That’s my reason, and it’s an important one” ~Elisa Sand
Or in other words “I have no integrity unless I get what I want”.
So, my question is, is this was Sheriff Milbrandt wants? To have Aberdeen’s second most liberal man publicly supporting him in a primary.
DR, anyone who thinks sheriffing is about liberal or conservative is deeply mistaken about the nature of police work… or is just trying to avoid the real question of what it takes to do the job and the practical abilities of the two candidates to do that job.
I also don’t get the impression that Remily is all that liberal. In what ways do you think Remily’s support for Milbrandt is motivated by any liberal position on police work, and that such ideological motivation outweighs practical local concerns, personal friendship with the preferred candidate, and the honest desire to be able to participate in the election?
OldSarg, take you irrelevant cheap shots elsewhere. Al Novstrup changed parties to vote in a primary once. People change parties all the time, for a variety of reasons. I don’t like having to change party affiliation just to vote in the sheriff’s election, but people who do so commit nothing like the awful and complete sacrifice of integrity of which you so boorishly accuse them.