Robot cars may still be a few years off, but South Dakota has robot cops. Attorney General Marty Jackley notes that a tactical robot helped scout and clear a Lake County house where police caught a thief on the run:
Knock knock—not quite….
The technology used at the residence in Lake County was a remote operated tactical robot. The tactical robot is equipped with multiple cameras, a light, and 2 way communications with the ability to listen to surroundings. It was used in this incident to better understand the layout of the exterior of the residence by driving around it. This allows law enforcement to evaluate the structure from a safe location. The robot is equipped to knock on the residence door and then proceed to the interior where it successfully navigated through the residence giving law enforcement a real time look of the entire structure while having the ability to give it commands from a safe location.
The tactical robot did not locate the subject, but did provide officers with the necessary information to enter the structure safely. The subject was located in the residence and arrested without incident. The tactical robot was then used to clear additional spaces in the residence including the attic space.
The tactical robot was a joint law enforcement purchase by the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office, Sioux Falls Police Department and the Division of Criminal Investigation [Attorney General Marty Jackley, press release, 2017.08.07].
Reading the other blog it’s apparent there are lots of ROBOT REPUBLICANS. Grudzie and his VNOE crowd are big over there. Vote No On Everything because nothing needs changing. Everything is fine the way it is. Change is too darned hard. Being on the top ten most corrupt states list is no big deal … just don’t read “real news” and you’ll be fine.
The good ‘ol days are NOW, folks!! Embrace new things, new ideas and newcomers to South Dakota.
mike from iowa
Who let it in and lifted it into attic? Had there been an active shooter in the house I doubt the robot would have been in there.
Tactical Robot Teachers
Think of the billions we will save!
Porter Lansing
Tactical robot nursing home security attendants. Think how they’ll control uninformed loud mouths.
I am not sure I see much of a difference between the South Dakota state legislature and tactical robots.
I see one, Adam: the police tactical robot will actually knock on your door and visit you at home. Most complacent GOP legislators do far less outreach.
Cory, you’re right, that is one fundamental difference.
Reading the other blog it’s apparent there are lots of ROBOT REPUBLICANS. Grudzie and his VNOE crowd are big over there. Vote No On Everything because nothing needs changing. Everything is fine the way it is. Change is too darned hard. Being on the top ten most corrupt states list is no big deal … just don’t read “real news” and you’ll be fine.
The good ‘ol days are NOW, folks!! Embrace new things, new ideas and newcomers to South Dakota.
Who let it in and lifted it into attic? Had there been an active shooter in the house I doubt the robot would have been in there.
Tactical Robot Teachers
Think of the billions we will save!
Tactical robot nursing home security attendants. Think how they’ll control uninformed loud mouths.
I am not sure I see much of a difference between the South Dakota state legislature and tactical robots.
I see one, Adam: the police tactical robot will actually knock on your door and visit you at home. Most complacent GOP legislators do far less outreach.
Cory, you’re right, that is one fundamental difference.