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Unauthorized White Supremacist Posters Appearing at Mines, BHSU

So when racists spread their filth on our public campuses, should we ignore them and hope they go away? Or should we publicize their actions and risk giving their hateful fires more oxygen?

If you prefer the former approach, read no further.

The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and Black Hills State University were hit last weekend with posters from Identity Evropa, a white supremacist group that has been peppering campuses nationwide with its thinly veiled propaganda.

A tweet from Identity Evropa dated Sunday, February 26, shows four photos of the white supremacist group’s posters under the heading “Black Hills University, SD.” The outdoor shot and one bulletin board shot are at Mines, another bulletin board shot is at BHSU; the location of the third bulletin board shot is unclear.

White supremacist poster on SDSM&T campus, from tweet dated 2017.02.26.
White supremacist poster on SDSM&T campus, from tweet dated 2017.02.26.
White supremacist poster on SDSM&T campus, from tweet dated 2017.02.26.
White supremacist poster on SDSM&T campus, from tweet dated 2017.02.26.
White supremacist poster on BHSU campus, from tweet dated 2017.02.26.
White supremacist poster on BHSU campus, from tweet dated 2017.02.26.
White supremacist poster, supposedly on "Black Hills University" campus, from tweet dated 2017.02.26.
White supremacist poster, supposedly on “Black Hills University” campus, from tweet dated 2017.02.26.

A source in Rapid City tells me other, worse posters have appeared, such as a picture of the World Trade Center on fire with the text, “Imagine a world without Muslims.”

The unauthorized posters were removed quickly, but apparently some racist has been waging poster war all week, including these posters citing a variety of racist movements, tweeted from Mines tonight:

When I view the full picture on Twitter, I find the “White Guilt/Cultural Marxism” poster is taped to the office door of Dr. Kayla Pritchard.

Notice that, disgustingly, some of these tweets have Likes.

Mines President Heather Wilson is busy convincing Senators that her murky past lobbying and finances won’t make her a bad Secretary of the Air Force. But for now, she’s still on our payroll, so we should expect her and BHSU President Tom Jackson to issue a stern condemnation of this hate speech on our campuses.


  1. Chip 2017-03-02

    I’m a firm believer in the philosophy that sunlight is the best disinfectant. Look at Milo Whateverthe****hisnameis, all you have to do is give them a podium, and enough rope to hang themselves. Trying to silence them only plays into their hand.

  2. Mark Winegar 2017-03-03

    Love is the only response to hate. My advice is to reach out to everyone with love, especially those targeted by tortured souls who act out their frustrations. Your example will work miracles.

  3. jerry 2017-03-03

    The paper hangers must be visitors to the Mines. I am told that the students there are smart folks that know how to reason. Clearly these paper hangers must be put up by angry drop outs that could not cut the curriculum.

  4. Darin Larson 2017-03-03

    Where are the Deplorable brothers to tell us not to call these folks racist? Where are the Trump supporters to tell us that his campaign has not given tacit approval to white supremacists and has not emboldened racist hate groups?

    “Let’s become great again”–I wonder where they got that slogan?

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-03-03

    Chip, I agree with the sunshine approach. Part of that sunshine means identifying the cowardly anonymi sneaking around and tacking these hate posters up. They should apply through the proper channels to post their materials on campus, like everyone else does. If the anonymous tweeter is so proud of being a constant presence, he should be proud enough to put his name to it.

  6. jerry 2017-03-03

    The tweeter paper hanger tagging Mines, is alt black. The dude in Missouri that has been calling in to threaten Jewish Synagogues is black. Turns out the dude is a disgruntled journalist, just like in the movies. Crikey, the White Nationalists are just a bunch of drunks pranking themselves from mom’s basement. Hey alt alt dudes, Call your legislators to tell them you want a damn job.

  7. Chip 2017-03-03

    Cory, I’d say their silence speaks volumes about their integrity and the same of their movement. You don’t beat a school yard bully by fighting back, because whether you win or not they’re too stupid to know they just got their azz kicked. You beat them by taking the wind out of their sail.

    Liberals generally agree that you don’t beat ISIS by fighting back, you beat them by using your brain. These alt-right conservatives(giving the benefit of the doubt to conservatives in general) are no different. Their mentality is in fact one in the same. I think the approach is vastly different between the two, but there’s no sense in being combative with either one because they’re too stupid to know they got their azz kicked. With these alt-right people you just need to ignore them and as many said, push your message of love even harder. Or better yet, act on your message of love. There’s no sense in spending too much time marching in the streets when you can be out meeting people putting your plan in motion.

  8. Randy Om 2017-03-03

    Jerry, I recently was a drop out and let me tell you this. One of the big reasons I left was because of the hate speech that goes around there. It is alive and well and the sad thing is I probably know who put those up or knows of who put them up. They were 100% definitely students.

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