Journalist Brandon Ecoffey agrees with me that such tests are unconstitutional (searches without reasonable suspicion) and show conservatives’ “common practice to attempt to subject poor people to an entirely different set of rules.”
…the grocery store she owns in Kyle makes a killing by selling truck loads of sugary and corn based processed foods to a community that has some of the highest rates of diabetes in the entire country. The grocery store that May owns also sells tobacco. We know that tobacco causes cancer. We also know that our people suffer from addiction to tobacco at rates higher than the national average. If May really cared about these kids living in the community she represents, wouldn’t it make sense to also stop selling these products that are known to eventually kill them? [Brandon Ecoffey, “Rep. Elizabeth May Targets the Poor,” Lakota Country Times, 2017.01.12]
Ecoffey suggests that May put away her stick and try getting the poor some carrots:
Brandon Ecoffey, journalist and problem solver
Instead of reviving a bill that would result in the the implementation of a proven failed public policy let’s instead focus on finding a way to bring fresh and affordable produce to reservation residents. Any of us who have shopped at a reservation grocery store knows full well that products are more expensive there than at stores located outside of our borders. As a state representative Elizabeth May could search for a way to reduce these prices considering her experience in this specific industry. Can we find tax breaks for these businesses? Can those delivering produce to the reservation benefit from state sponsored subsidies that could bring down these prices? [Ecoffey, 2017.01.12]
We should all put evidence-based policy that serves our neighbors above debunked punitive measures that serves only our worst prejudices.
This idea that a kid shouldn’t get food if their parent uses drugs is a uniquely Republican idea.
Donald Pay
Test legislators first.
Dana P
Amen to that!
As long as people in this state insist on electing Republicans this is what they get, I no longer feel sorry for any of them.
Greg Deplorable
Every county’s jail budget is blown to hell in large part due to the meth epidemic. There isn’t a silver bullet that will stop this problem, all options should be employed.
Well I think anyone that purchases a gun should get drug tested.
Bob Newland
This, like much of the legislation that will be advanced this winter, illustrates a profound lack of imagination and critical thinking on the part of about 90 of 105 legislators.
grudznick will soon come on and illustrate possession of the same disease on the part of a commentor.
Drug testing those that need public assistance has always been a great Republican talking point and campaign slogan. Makes a great bumper sticker (or trucker hat) but has ALWAYS been shown to be a waste of money and time. I am not aware of one program like this that has proven to be fiscally prudent. But, like nat’l Republicans, we don’t let facts get in the way of a good story!
Meth can be voided in a day or two. In the meantime, you can also get a false positive with over the counter meds that May sells in her store. Examples:
The following ingredients and meds can cause false positives for (Meth) amphetamines (from erowid):
(Meth) amphetamines have a lot in common w/ many common stimulents/antihistimines/weight-loss meds and are probably more likely to show up as a false positive than any other drug.
Most drug screens test for metabolites that are shared by amphetamines and meth (as well as all those drugs mentioned). All of those can show false positives for meth in that regard. This may not be a complete list of medications and ingredients, but it is the biggest list I could locate.
So there is that, in May’s sleazy world, if you have a cold, your kids go hungry.
Roger Elgersma
does she limit native vote to get elected?
Poverty is a major factor in drug abuse. Instead of trying to punish people by making them starve even further, think mental health as treatment rather than prison. May needs to follow what Don has said about employment for millions. Instead of drug tests, employment applications as promised. It has been long proven that there are connections with poverty that create the foundation for drug and alcohol abuse. Both of these can be treated with jobs and mental health treatments. The jobs that have been promised by Don should be a catalyst to put an end to the poverty cycle. Don, and the rest of his party, including May, have promised several million more jobs that we presently have right now. That change in employment will do wonders. Then these workers making starting wages of $15.00 an hour, will be able to afford insurance to help them if needed. $31,200.00 starting wages per year for a single worker, is just what the doctor ordered for mental health care and for worker pride!
owen reitzel
not only is it unconstitutional it costs more than the problem is worth.
Well it might happen so some of you guys better find some work if you want to keep your habit.
Porter Lansing
How many teeth you got left, Greg?
Roger Cornelius
Why would Liz May attack one of the sources for her triple dipping state incomes?
1. Food stamp income for her store.
2. Ag subsidizes from her farm/ranch operation.
3. Salary and expenses for being a state legislator.
Isn’t there an old saying about biting the hand that feeds you?
Porter Lansing
Roger … Probably because she has no new ideas. Seems common there at the big goose pond.
Greg, Don has promised millions of $15.00 per hour starting wage jobs son, where ya been. We will not need SNAP when we start the jobs. Hey dude, when do you think your boy is gonna start making them happen?
Greg Deplorable
Been busy working jerry, someone has to foot the bill for all the giveaways.
Lee Schoenbeck
I’m amazed that nobody has commented about the racist opinions reflected in this article that Native American consumers are incapable of making choices in the market, and that they shouldn’t be allowed the same choices as South Dakotans off of the res get. Keep advocating that racism, and you might get the Klan as a sponsor
Don Coyote
@Jerry: “Instead of drug tests, employment applications as promised.”
Not many jobs without pre-employment drug testing these days. Just saying.
Porter Lansing
Mr. Schoenbeck – Are you saying that journalist Brandon Ecoffey is racist towards his own race? Republicans accusing liberals of being racist is just more projection of guilt.
Ryan Deplorable
Why is it that when accountability comes in to play, and the tax payers state of mind is benefiting, the left explodes? Simple concept, you receive tax payer money (welfare) you’re going to be held accountable (drug-tests).
@Jerry – when you receive a drug test you are asked about taking any of those medications for that exact reason, to reduce the chance of a false positive.
Greg D. me too, thanks son, working my fanny off just to take care of the tax burden on the property. Damn, expensive this property tax. Have to admit that Republicans are sure good at raising taxes in state and then gouging me again with Federal Income Tax to keep this ship afloat.
Coyote, when daddy Don brings the bacon home with these new jobs promised, there will be no need to drug test, all will be busy. The $15.00 per hour is starting wages, the more experience you have the bigger the take home. Ah yes, Republicans will be finally able to show they can actually do the same kind of business daddy Don does to provide work and safety like in the places he now owns and operates. This place will be moving on up with no time to get high. In fact, there will be such a demand for better goods and services, May’s joint will have to shut down because of competition. I don’t know about the white folks, but the Indians will be more than ready to get’r done.
Brandon Ecoffey’s father, former US Marshall Bob Ecoffey, owns and operates a Subway resturant on main street in Pine Ridge Village. He chose that venture as his contribution to make a positive difference in the fast food market in the rez.
Brandon is also a physical fitness trainer.
No Lee not the Klan,but believers in social responsibility and leadership.
Liz May on one side, White Clay on the other and Schoenbeck as trump’s ethics advisor. peachy
Why do you guys hate Indians so much? Damn man, in Watertown, you all make a fortune on the casino there, remember who got that going, long before Deadwood. If not for that economic bonanza, Watertown would be just another village along the Interstate.
I can’t help but notice that none of the Republicans on here – Greg D., Lee S., Don C. – will take a stand against Rep. May’s bill to punish poor kids for their parents’ addictions by taking their food away.
Maybe it’s because the kids we’re talking about are Indian kids that the Republicans on this blog won’t stand up for them. Maybe the Republicans here will explain their indifference to the hardship Rep. May wants to visit on the children with her bill.
Donald Pay
I volunteer at a kitchen on Fridays. Generally, we serve elderly folks, but once in a while a street person or drunk will show up wanting a lunch. Sometimes they are already pretty well out of it, and we can’t seat them at a table, but we make them a lunch so they can take it.
I’m not that religious, but I do know where to look for advise on this:
Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
I don’t see anything about drug testing here, do you?
Don Coyote
@Rorschach: “I can’t help but notice that none of the Republicans on here – Greg D., Lee S., Don C. – will take a stand against Rep. May’s bill to punish poor kids for their parents’ addictions by taking their food away.”
TANF benefits can be distributed to minors through a designated/representative payee. You lose the guilt war.
How quickly is that done Coyote? Within a couple of hours, a couple of days or maybe weeks to make that happen. You seem to know the rules of the game, so do tell sir, do tell.
Don Coyote
Proverbs 6:6-11
Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.
Without having any chief, officer, or ruler,
she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.
How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.
Donald & Don: perhaps the republicants like Rep. May realize after all that the Bible is merely mythology by another means, so it’s not binding to their amoral acts.
Well ya got me there coyote. I have no idea what that means. Unless..Does that mean that May has prepared her bread and gathered it in her store?
Without having a chief, officer or ruler etc. Unless.. Does that mean that she gathers her bread and then freezes it in the summer to sell as fresh later in the year?
How long will you lie there? Unless..Indeed, how long will she lie there tell these tales without the full disclosure that she is a racist that is doing harm to Indian children.
A little sleep, a little slumber etc. Unless..That is exactly what has happened since you all have been in charge. All you have brought the state is what a robber would bring. Thanks for nothing
Now, how long would a person have to wait for food if they had a false positive on their pee test? How long would the robber hold hostage the children while the state dithers with the folding of the hands? Representative May should be asking where the State of South Dakota’s Social Services was for these children? Ask Daugaard to do an in depth investigation on how they dropped the ball.
Donald Pay
And the yote’s verses also did not mention drug testing. I guess we’re agreed on that.
Most of the homeless are up by six or seven in the morning. TANF comes with work requirements.
What sort of “work” do you think the corporate CEOs do? None.
Donald Pay 3:10 1. Be not like a CEO, or a cowbird. 2. Both takes over the nest of others, eats the food that others make and kills those who are not like him.
Roger Cornelius
Lee S.
It wasn’t racist until you entered the arena with your shallow comments.
One point of Brandon’s article was that stores like May’s on the reservation don’t offer fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh meats and other healthy foods.
May and other reservations stores like hers offer only soda and potato chips and other unhealthy foods.
The only place on the reservation where you can regularly buy fresh food products is at the Sioux Nation in Pine Ridge. Pine Ridge isn’t centrally located for daily reservation travel and shopping.
So there you have it Lee, it is May that doesn’t off Indians a choice.
It seems that May is the racist one by offering only unhealthy foods to a population that is predisposed to diabetes.
Mr. Schoenbeck, here is an idea that would make Mrs. May’s trick go away. Do everything in the State of South Dakota’s power to make that reservation an Economic Impact Zone. You can do this. To be clear:
“Promise Zones are place-based economic development initiatives
designed to partner federal and local officials in the pursuit of goals set by
local communities. The initiatives operate in high-poverty areas to foster
job creation and generate more opportunities at advancement.10 President
Obama’s trip to the Choctaw Nation was symbolic for tribes across the
country because of the fact that two of the highly competitive Promise Zone
designations include tribal lands—the Choctaw Nation was included in his
first round of five Promise Zones,11 while the Pine Ridge Reservation of the
Oglala Sioux Tribe in South Dakota was included in the second round of
eight. In total, twenty Promise Zones were designated across the country
with the announcement of two final tribes during the spring of 2016—the
Spokane Tribe of Indians, Washington and the Turtle Mountain Band of
Chippewa Indians in Rolette County, North Dakota.12”
If you, at the state level, would get yourselves together on this, it would not only help the poverty on the reservations, it would lift all in the state. There is really no better capitalist than the Native American with a proven history that goes back long before any European arrived. Give it a look see and then do something positive while you are in Pierre for the entire state.
Don Coyote
@Roger Cornelius: “The only place on the reservation where you can regularly buy fresh food products is at the Sioux Nation in Pine Ridge”
Pine Ridge is 34X larger than Kyle. The small population of Kyle may not be capable of supporting a store that has a produce department.
Roger Cornelius
Drug testing and food stamps may all be a moot point very soon.
It sounds as though Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and trump will soon be taking an axe to SNAP.
When republicans make rash decisions like cutting healthcare, food stamps and welfare in general they never consider the ripple effects of their actions.
Sure the poor will be unhealthy and hungry, but Walmart and main street grocery stores will also take a substantial hit.
Roger Cornelius
Yes Don, Pine Ridge is larger than Kyle, but why wouldn’t May be capable of offering fresh produce?
It is her Choice not to offer a produce department.
Do you know why that is Don? It is because the markup on junk food is more profitable.
Greg Deplorable
Send Cory out to Kyle to man a fresh produce market and let the liberal brain trust on this blog manage it for him. Most of you guys don’t have anything else to do anyway. Show her how its done.
Wrong Don. Pine Ridge Village 3308. Kyle 846.
2010 census.
28k is the Pine Ridge Reservation population. Native and non native.
Rosebud has a young male teens program that has the guys plan a healthy meal, go and buy the produce then take it home to cook for their familes. Do that 4 times. It’s amazing to see.
They shop in Mission or Rosebud. Which have 2 grocery stores in each. With wonderful produce. Mission has 1300 residents Rosebud has 1600.
Wes Colombe of All stop grocery (beautiful store!)in Rosebud makes a financial investment in great produce, well displayed, high quality. Worked hard to show the community he cares for them and can provide quality food. You can buy as good fruit and vegetables as anywhere there. And SNAP and cold cash is spent on those products. To see a young child with a package of fresh cut up fruit at the checkout is beautiful. (And Allstop sells chips n pop Lee)
According to this, Kyle Grocery claims to have a butcher shop and fresh produce. That building looks rather small though. If they do have fresh produce, it may not be very much.
Has anyone been to Kyle Grocery and seen what it’s like inside?
I been to the Turtle Creek Crossing Super Foods in Mission, and it’s a wonderful and spacious store. More modern looking than Buches and well stocked with fresh produce and meat along with the typical grocery offerings.
I was going to mention Turtle Creek also Wade. Great place.
Get a chance drop down to Rosebud and check out Allstop. Their deli hamburgers are really good.
Hey Greg, next time your in Rapid City go insult Brandon to his face. He’s 6’4″, did time in prison, has a Dartmouth degree and is 240 pounds of iron that works out every day. You can find him at The Weight Room on 12th at 5AM. He’s a real nice guy.
Greg, I’m fine with busting meth dealers and pushing fresh produce (growing, selling, eating). We can and must do multiple things.
But there is no practical nexus between meth dealing and public assistance. We have no more reason to suspect TANF/SNAP/WIC/etc recipients of drug use than to suspect members of the general population. Testing recipients of public assistance for drugs will not reduce drug use, it will not save money, and it will not feed, clothe, or house more kids.
Thunder Valley CDC located at Sharps corner just west of Kyle has a healthy food initiative. Helping develop gardens for community and individual use. But also part of their planning is how to network successfully with the private sector vendors to promote and sell more healthy food. To go beyond the ‘farmers market’ and create an opportunity for the local communities to live healthier lives while supporting the private free market.
Smart and professional people at Thunder Valley. Committed to positive change. Director Nick Tilsen is very smart. Building homes, providing financial education, doing workforce development and training. Board members include Tatewin Means, (Stanford engineering degree and University of Minnesota law degree) and Amanda Carlow, an educator whom swims to Alcatraz Island and ran the New York marathon.
I have wondered about the road from Thunder Valley to Kyle and beyond to Highway 73. This road is a ribbon and could be widened to make traffic routes safer and for commerce. I was through there a couple of weeks ago and it gets a little tense. Transportation from the Eastern part of the reservation to Sharp’s Corner for medical treatment at the Dialysis center there, would also be a great reason to upgrade the road. The place is perfect for the location as the water table meets the incredible requirements for pure water. Water is Life.
The building project at Thunder Valley was going pretty good. There is a large structure that is being constructed that must be the commercial portion of the project, with some housing, at the same time. This area around Porcupine, Evergreen and Sharp’s Corner are favorite places of mine. This is a great workable idea for positive change in the area.
Mark Winegar
Perhaps we ought to be checking the blood-alcohol levels of our legislators each morning too?
Richard Schriever
Well jerry, we’re soon gonna find out just how good a swimmer you are as Cap’n Donnie is about to make your dreams of glory come true and take the ship down.
Porter Lansing
Schoenbeck and his ilk are “elitists” at judging Native Americans by what white, conservative Republicans do well but very inept at judging Native Americans by what Native Americans do well.
~ One of the young men told the story of being a young boy and asking his grandfather “Why are white people the way they are?” referring to his experience of white prejudice and racism and indignity at the hands of white citizens and local bureaucrats in his brief life span.
His grandfather answered: “They have lost their drum, they have forgotten the dance, and they do not know where the bones of their ancestors are buried.” – Rev. Vicky Hanjian First Congregational Church ~ United Church of Christ
Bob Newland
Lee Schoenbeck provides plenty of philosophy with which to take issue, but his observations about consumer choices in this thread are not faulty.
I believe that Ms. May stocks what sells. As a storeowner that is what I would do. It’s awfully hard to educate consumers once they get to a store, especially about dietary habits that have been formed at home.
Richard Schriever
Coyote – as is standard practice with “Christians” when confronted with the parables and commands of Christ, refers as a counter argument, to the verses of the old testament. They always seem to forget, Christ’s other words, that he is the fulfillment of “the covenant” (the commands of the old testament), that all we need to do is to have faith in him, that he has fulfilled ALL of the obligations of the old testament on our behalf – so that we no longer need be burdened by them. THAT is the saving grace of Christ. THAT is how one may know someone who truly has accepted Christ in their heart. THAT seems not to be th4e likes of the Coyotes of the world – always abandoning Christ, and embracing the Pharisees when it becomes inconvenient – or unprofitable – for themselves to truly reflect Christian values.
Bob Newland
Richard. DUDE. WTF?
Porter Lansing
Schoenbeck uses a sliver of logic, to give Newland something to grasp, while his overriding point is that liberals are the real racists and we should embrace the Klan because that’s where our true allegiance resides. That’s classic projection of guilt from the right; the racist base of the Republican Party.
Allowing junk food in the name of “free market” is no different then allowing alcohol to be sold to children.
All paths are part of the road to enlightenment Bob. I have no enmity against anyone traveling on those paths, but one needs follow them to their convergence to realize same. Failing to do so is an exhibition of spiritual sloth that is not so different to that which Coyote’s verse decries.
Greg Dep, your accusation that some of the people here are jobless and do drugs is both illogical and offensive. Consider apologizing.
james kopecky
Just for your information, according to the Supreme Court, the law makers are the ones responsible and chargeable for not upholding their agreement in their agreed contract. This is We the lawmakers agree we will stop all drugs from getting past our borders and into the communities and be penalized in any failed duty to protect our laboring people. The lawmakers were not to pass their contract duty and penalties to the public. They take a wage for a duty they passed including their own penalty. The claim drugs are an epidemic means they have failed their contracts duty that much more, the more jailed people for drugs and alcohol the more the lawmakers have not taken their own penalties. United States vs Lopez.
Don Coyote
@Richard: “Coyote – as is standard practice with “Christians” when confronted with the parables and commands of Christ, refers as a counter argument, to the verses of the old testament.”
FYI, “Christian” doesn’t accurately describe this “fallen Methodist” whose knowledge of the Bible is of an autodidactic nature. If you want to call Buddhism a religion then that is how I lean.
“They always seem to forget, Christ’s other words, that he is the fulfillment of “the covenant” (the commands of the old testament), that all we need to do is to have faith in him, that he has fulfilled ALL of the obligations of the old testament on our behalf.”
But wait. Didn’t Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount tell the masses that he did not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets? Matthew 5:17-19:
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
As a seminary student nearing (finally!) the completion of my studies, who has had the benefit of instruction and mentoring by nationally-renowned biblical and historical scholars, I feel more than qualified to respond to the throwing around of biblical verses in this thread, as well as the subject itself
The “Go to the Ant, you sluggard” verses from the Old Testament must be understood contextually, that is, in the context of the times in which they were written. These verses largely refer not to the “lazy poor” (far from it!), but are primarily addressed to the biblical culture’s versions of our “robber barons”, who earned their fortunes and lived their life of ease at the expense of their exploited, overworked and poorly-paid workers, whose punishing work schedules and grinding poverty despite such hard work made for a very difficult, usually greatly shortened, life. These “sluggards” did not do any work themselves, but gladly took “a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands” while others did the work for them and earned them their profits. Very much like the corporate leaders and trust-fund babies of today, who refuse to pay decent wages to those earning their profits for them and who want to work them harder and harder while giving them less and less, squeezing every bit of profit from them.
And the New Testament verse that is the darling of conservatives today, the I Thessalonians verse advising that “he who will not work will not eat” also has a much different contextual meaning that is usual modern interpretation. Among the first Christians were a group that believed Christ’s coming was imminent within their lifetime and they therefore saw no need to work or do much of anything while waiting for the second coming and thought little of having to live off their fellow Christians who had to pick up their slack. THAT is the specific context that that refers to.
Real, true Christianity is very much on the side of the poor, the weak, the disenfranchised, the exploited, the powerless and voiceless. God has no tolerance for those who earn handsome profits and a life of ease off the work of others whom they exploit and underpay, and God has no tolerance for those who mistreat, exploit, abuse, dishonor, or fail to defend the poor. Both the Old and New Testaments make this crystal clear, as does the early days of Christianity before it was institutionalized and “imperialized” (my own word, for what it’s worth). And before it was twisted and distorted under layers of western cultural captivity and American individualistic conservatism. Early Christianity practiced it very much the way it was supposed and meant to be, and it was actually what we would consider socialistic. But guess what? Biblical culture, and most other world cultures then and now, are not individualistic like we are, but collectivist, community-oriented. And that is the context in which the Bible was written.
I’m white and live on a SD reservation and while fresh produce is available at the grocery store here, it is more expensive than off the reservation and far more expensive than almost anywhere I’ve been in my home state of Ohio, where I just spent the holidays. And this is the large grocery store in the reservation’s main town, most of the smaller outlying towns either have no grocery store or a very small one that doesn’t offer fresh produce or it’s prohibitively expensive. My husband and I can afford the fresh produce here, but so many others who’d like to purchase it cannot and the junk and glop that passes for “food” in so many stores nowadays is what they can realistically afford. And this is the case on the other reservations as well. Ms. May is profiting off of the junk that she’s selling to a population with sky-high rates of diabetes and other health complications, a population that cannot afford healthier alternatives. And I’ve been to Kyle several times due to my previous employment position, and I know that once word gets around there about her mean-spirited racist bill, she will be lucky to get any business at all.
And Brandon Ecoffey has an excellent point. Instead of coming up with yet another way to screw and debase those mired in poverty (something this legislature, and her party, are particularly good at), why isn’t she more concerned with how to get fresh, healthy, food that is AFFORDABLE to the reservation?
And I want to see all legislators drug tested. They are, after all, also paid with tax dollars and their actions greatly affect hundreds of thousands of lives in the state. And it’s a good thing no one ever even considered testing Wall Street brokers, considering the huge quantities of cocaine, heroin and LSD they consume while making financial decisions and actions that can, and often do, have greatly detrimental affects on the lives of Americans. But they’re mostly white and rich, so who cares, they can do what they want. Right?
As good as it gets Laurisa, you made my day! Thanks
Porter Lansing
Excellent, Laurisa. Your piece about the current relevance and historical context of Old Testament verses is near perfect.
The Rez is a “food desert” and special regulations are needed. In a city, where numerous options for food purchases exist, the market is a legitimate tool. However, when very few options for fresh healthy vegetables and proteins at affordable prices are available it’s wrong to sell over priced junk food and sugar laden items only. Food deserts need federal subsidy to help provide good food to unhealthy people. It’s what USA is all about.
Wade Brandis
Winner has two grocery stores, and we also have a high number of Native Americans living in the area. The two grocery stores have a good selection of fresh produce and meat. They also have small sections dedicated to organic foods and other products that aren’t made from artificial ingredients or other fillers. They tend to be more expensive than their non-organic counterparts.
I also have seen a lot of name brand boxed/canned foods boast on the package that they don’t have GMOs or don’t contain high fructose corn syrup, along with having vitamins and minerals. They also state how they are made from “real dairy’ along with other kinds of claims. How truthful these claims are depends on what can be seen on the Nutrition Facts labels and ingredient lists.
One of the reasons why I think people buy unhealthy foods instead of fresh produce isn’t limited to food deserts. It’s advertising. The Super Bowl is coming up, and while I was at ShopKo, I noticed a fancy display made out of Pepsi 12 packs. Flyers are pushing the junk food in advance of the big game. Even long after the big game is over, TV and online ads push junk food and quick-to-prepare meals that are high in sodium. Many of these junk food brands have lots of loyalty on their Facebook and Twitter pages. People like how quickly these meals can be prepared, especially if they live busy lives and don’t have time to cook. They also don’t seem to realize just how much sodium and other harmful ingredients are in these foods.
Richard Schriever
Coyote – “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (John 19:30) It is finished. I.E. I have done what I came to do – the laws are all fulfilled; “….everything is accomplished.” As in “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” The separation between heaven and earth – is disappeared” If, that is, you believe.
That is the theology of it Coyote – the laws of the old testament are fulfilled in Christ. Who so ever believes it – is SAVED from those burdens. That is the “good news” of “Christ’s” message. At least, this is what I was taught by the theologians I studied with.
And from that point – having “gotten” that message, I moved on. Maybe you didn’t really get it before you moved on – as evidenced by your reference to Buddhism. Maybe you’ll get it there – as the Buddha’s message is pretty much the same one – on-so-far as the story of his life goes. He is a Christ-like figure – what Joseph Campbell correctly identifies as a HERO in a story. So I would say you are still at the same stage of discovery, but looking at the hero from a slightly different perspective. Buddhist adherents’ orientation toward the heroic figure is more centered on emulation of the hero, vs. Christianity’s orientation toward elevation of and dependency on the hero.
IMO – the world would be better served by Christianity’s being more concerned with emulating Christ’s life of self-sacrifice, rather to framing their lives as dependent on Christ.
Hey – being a Buddhist – can you quote me some Buddhist scriptures relevant to this topic (our responsibilities toward out fellow humans)? Or aren’t you so familiar with them?
I think there is a lot in what you are saying Mr. Brandis regarding time to prepare meals and having the power energy to do just that. Costs are high for energy on the reservation, be it electric or gas as they are off reservation. In the winter, the costs are even higher for fuel. It does take a lot to cook up a pot of beans or broccoli, carrots and the like. So that is even more expense on someone who needs assistance to even qualify for the SNAP. Here is how many thousands of dollars you receive monthly for SNAP for the income stated.
Excellent points Wade. That was part of my beliefs. That in places of poverty the vendors can become involved in community education and positive change. Without losing money (unless they consider it part of their responsibility and an investment, like some do).
Healthy food convenience packaging and front line advertising has never been very well done on the rez, but I see changes happening.
Laurisa thank you for the insight. And thank you for your time and effort on the rez.
For Mr Schoenbeck and Mr. Newland to agree that we and Brandon are ignorantly advocating for Klan like oversight on Pine Ridge is hilarious.
Newland, Fyi if you don’t know, Brandon Ecoffey supports marijuana legalization. You of all people, with your education efforts on marijuana legalization, should know change can happen. Looks to me like consumer education is a big part of the legalized marijuana market in Colorado. If vendors there can teach people how to eat and smoke pot, vendors here can help educate and support healthy eating habits.
The solution to all of this is not to humiliate the people any further than they already are by making them pee in a bottle to get food. That humiliation is much like a circus animal made to perform for a peanut or a morsel of food for a reward of doing a trick. The incidents that caused the uprising in Minnesota that led to the greatest mass execution in the history of the United States of 38 Dakota Indian men, was of the same kind of insult that Ms. May and her republicans want to perpetuate against the Indians in Kyle and on all South Dakotan’s. Veterans, disabled, elderly and children who need to eat to live are all inclusive in her hate for the needy and poor. South Dakota legislators offer no solutions to feeding those in need, only cruelty of a master to their wards. To conveniently blame the meth on Indians is really a stretch as that is what the sales pitch for this piece of crap is all about. Racism fits more into the real deal of it all.
straught outta ridge
I would like to see liz may’s legislation to include folks who receive SBA loan subsidies, USDA subsidies, etc.
if I’m not mistaken, a recipient ( a GOP contributor and Oglala Lakota county resident) of a large USDA farm subsidy ($750K) was also neck deep in a meth and grand theft conspiracy.
This operation received additional scrutiny when the convicted drug dealer was released from prison 2 years into an 8-year sentence by the sentencing federal judge (GOP appointed), who mysteriously died several days after his order to release the convicted perp.
Meanwhile, tribal members convicted of distribution in federal court routinely serve 80% of their sentence provided they serve their sentence with distinction!!
liz you listening?
This idea that a kid shouldn’t get food if their parent uses drugs is a uniquely Republican idea.
Test legislators first.
Amen to that!
As long as people in this state insist on electing Republicans this is what they get, I no longer feel sorry for any of them.
Every county’s jail budget is blown to hell in large part due to the meth epidemic. There isn’t a silver bullet that will stop this problem, all options should be employed.
Well I think anyone that purchases a gun should get drug tested.
This, like much of the legislation that will be advanced this winter, illustrates a profound lack of imagination and critical thinking on the part of about 90 of 105 legislators.
grudznick will soon come on and illustrate possession of the same disease on the part of a commentor.
Drug testing those that need public assistance has always been a great Republican talking point and campaign slogan. Makes a great bumper sticker (or trucker hat) but has ALWAYS been shown to be a waste of money and time. I am not aware of one program like this that has proven to be fiscally prudent. But, like nat’l Republicans, we don’t let facts get in the way of a good story!
Meth can be voided in a day or two. In the meantime, you can also get a false positive with over the counter meds that May sells in her store. Examples:
The following ingredients and meds can cause false positives for (Meth) amphetamines (from erowid):
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, propylephedrine, phenylephrine, or desoxyephedrine:
(Nyquil, Contact, Sudafed, Allerest, Tavist-D, Dimetapp, etc)
Phenegan-D, Robitussin Cold and Flu, Vicks Nyquil
Over-the-counter diet aids with phenylpropanolamine: (Dexatrim, Accutrim [note] this compound has since been banned for use in the US)
Over-the-counter nasal sprays:
(Vicks inhaler, Afrin)
Asthma medications:
(Marax, Bronkaid tablets, Primatine Tablets)
Prescription medications:
(Amfepramone, Cathne, Etafediabe, Morazone, phendimetrazine, phenmetrazine, benzphetamine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, dexdenfluramine, Redux, mephentermine, Mesocarb, methoxyphenamine, phentermine, amineptine, Pholedrine, hydroymethamphetamine, Dexedrine, amifepramone, clobenzorex, fenproyorex, mefenorex, fenelylline, Didrex, dextroamphetamine, methphenidate, Ritalin, pemoline, Cylert, selegiline, Deprenyl, Eldepryl, Famprofazone)
(Meth) amphetamines have a lot in common w/ many common stimulents/antihistimines/weight-loss meds and are probably more likely to show up as a false positive than any other drug.
Most drug screens test for metabolites that are shared by amphetamines and meth (as well as all those drugs mentioned). All of those can show false positives for meth in that regard. This may not be a complete list of medications and ingredients, but it is the biggest list I could locate.
So there is that, in May’s sleazy world, if you have a cold, your kids go hungry.
does she limit native vote to get elected?
Poverty is a major factor in drug abuse. Instead of trying to punish people by making them starve even further, think mental health as treatment rather than prison. May needs to follow what Don has said about employment for millions. Instead of drug tests, employment applications as promised. It has been long proven that there are connections with poverty that create the foundation for drug and alcohol abuse. Both of these can be treated with jobs and mental health treatments. The jobs that have been promised by Don should be a catalyst to put an end to the poverty cycle. Don, and the rest of his party, including May, have promised several million more jobs that we presently have right now. That change in employment will do wonders. Then these workers making starting wages of $15.00 an hour, will be able to afford insurance to help them if needed. $31,200.00 starting wages per year for a single worker, is just what the doctor ordered for mental health care and for worker pride!
not only is it unconstitutional it costs more than the problem is worth.
Well it might happen so some of you guys better find some work if you want to keep your habit.
How many teeth you got left, Greg?
Why would Liz May attack one of the sources for her triple dipping state incomes?
1. Food stamp income for her store.
2. Ag subsidizes from her farm/ranch operation.
3. Salary and expenses for being a state legislator.
Isn’t there an old saying about biting the hand that feeds you?
Roger … Probably because she has no new ideas. Seems common there at the big goose pond.
Greg, Don has promised millions of $15.00 per hour starting wage jobs son, where ya been. We will not need SNAP when we start the jobs. Hey dude, when do you think your boy is gonna start making them happen?
Been busy working jerry, someone has to foot the bill for all the giveaways.
I’m amazed that nobody has commented about the racist opinions reflected in this article that Native American consumers are incapable of making choices in the market, and that they shouldn’t be allowed the same choices as South Dakotans off of the res get. Keep advocating that racism, and you might get the Klan as a sponsor
@Jerry: “Instead of drug tests, employment applications as promised.”
Not many jobs without pre-employment drug testing these days. Just saying.
Mr. Schoenbeck – Are you saying that journalist Brandon Ecoffey is racist towards his own race? Republicans accusing liberals of being racist is just more projection of guilt.
Why is it that when accountability comes in to play, and the tax payers state of mind is benefiting, the left explodes? Simple concept, you receive tax payer money (welfare) you’re going to be held accountable (drug-tests).
@Jerry – when you receive a drug test you are asked about taking any of those medications for that exact reason, to reduce the chance of a false positive.
Greg D. me too, thanks son, working my fanny off just to take care of the tax burden on the property. Damn, expensive this property tax. Have to admit that Republicans are sure good at raising taxes in state and then gouging me again with Federal Income Tax to keep this ship afloat.
Coyote, when daddy Don brings the bacon home with these new jobs promised, there will be no need to drug test, all will be busy. The $15.00 per hour is starting wages, the more experience you have the bigger the take home. Ah yes, Republicans will be finally able to show they can actually do the same kind of business daddy Don does to provide work and safety like in the places he now owns and operates. This place will be moving on up with no time to get high. In fact, there will be such a demand for better goods and services, May’s joint will have to shut down because of competition. I don’t know about the white folks, but the Indians will be more than ready to get’r done.
Brandon Ecoffey’s father, former US Marshall Bob Ecoffey, owns and operates a Subway resturant on main street in Pine Ridge Village. He chose that venture as his contribution to make a positive difference in the fast food market in the rez.
Brandon is also a physical fitness trainer.
No Lee not the Klan,but believers in social responsibility and leadership.
Liz May on one side, White Clay on the other and Schoenbeck as trump’s ethics advisor. peachy
Mr. Schoenbeck, here is racism from North Dakota. I hope that you fellers don’t think that is the norm here, don’t get any ideas.
Why do you guys hate Indians so much? Damn man, in Watertown, you all make a fortune on the casino there, remember who got that going, long before Deadwood. If not for that economic bonanza, Watertown would be just another village along the Interstate.
wow. stand your ground, huh motorists??
I can’t help but notice that none of the Republicans on here – Greg D., Lee S., Don C. – will take a stand against Rep. May’s bill to punish poor kids for their parents’ addictions by taking their food away.
Maybe it’s because the kids we’re talking about are Indian kids that the Republicans on this blog won’t stand up for them. Maybe the Republicans here will explain their indifference to the hardship Rep. May wants to visit on the children with her bill.
I volunteer at a kitchen on Fridays. Generally, we serve elderly folks, but once in a while a street person or drunk will show up wanting a lunch. Sometimes they are already pretty well out of it, and we can’t seat them at a table, but we make them a lunch so they can take it.
I’m not that religious, but I do know where to look for advise on this:
Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
I don’t see anything about drug testing here, do you?
@Rorschach: “I can’t help but notice that none of the Republicans on here – Greg D., Lee S., Don C. – will take a stand against Rep. May’s bill to punish poor kids for their parents’ addictions by taking their food away.”
TANF benefits can be distributed to minors through a designated/representative payee. You lose the guilt war.
How quickly is that done Coyote? Within a couple of hours, a couple of days or maybe weeks to make that happen. You seem to know the rules of the game, so do tell sir, do tell.
Proverbs 6:6-11
Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.
Without having any chief, officer, or ruler,
she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.
How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.
Donald & Don: perhaps the republicants like Rep. May realize after all that the Bible is merely mythology by another means, so it’s not binding to their amoral acts.
Well ya got me there coyote. I have no idea what that means. Unless..Does that mean that May has prepared her bread and gathered it in her store?
Without having a chief, officer or ruler etc. Unless.. Does that mean that she gathers her bread and then freezes it in the summer to sell as fresh later in the year?
How long will you lie there? Unless..Indeed, how long will she lie there tell these tales without the full disclosure that she is a racist that is doing harm to Indian children.
A little sleep, a little slumber etc. Unless..That is exactly what has happened since you all have been in charge. All you have brought the state is what a robber would bring. Thanks for nothing
Now, how long would a person have to wait for food if they had a false positive on their pee test? How long would the robber hold hostage the children while the state dithers with the folding of the hands? Representative May should be asking where the State of South Dakota’s Social Services was for these children? Ask Daugaard to do an in depth investigation on how they dropped the ball.
And the yote’s verses also did not mention drug testing. I guess we’re agreed on that.
Most of the homeless are up by six or seven in the morning. TANF comes with work requirements.
What sort of “work” do you think the corporate CEOs do? None.
Donald Pay 3:10 1. Be not like a CEO, or a cowbird. 2. Both takes over the nest of others, eats the food that others make and kills those who are not like him.
Lee S.
It wasn’t racist until you entered the arena with your shallow comments.
One point of Brandon’s article was that stores like May’s on the reservation don’t offer fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh meats and other healthy foods.
May and other reservations stores like hers offer only soda and potato chips and other unhealthy foods.
The only place on the reservation where you can regularly buy fresh food products is at the Sioux Nation in Pine Ridge. Pine Ridge isn’t centrally located for daily reservation travel and shopping.
So there you have it Lee, it is May that doesn’t off Indians a choice.
It seems that May is the racist one by offering only unhealthy foods to a population that is predisposed to diabetes.
Mr. Schoenbeck, here is an idea that would make Mrs. May’s trick go away. Do everything in the State of South Dakota’s power to make that reservation an Economic Impact Zone. You can do this. To be clear:
“Promise Zones are place-based economic development initiatives
designed to partner federal and local officials in the pursuit of goals set by
local communities. The initiatives operate in high-poverty areas to foster
job creation and generate more opportunities at advancement.10 President
Obama’s trip to the Choctaw Nation was symbolic for tribes across the
country because of the fact that two of the highly competitive Promise Zone
designations include tribal lands—the Choctaw Nation was included in his
first round of five Promise Zones,11 while the Pine Ridge Reservation of the
Oglala Sioux Tribe in South Dakota was included in the second round of
eight. In total, twenty Promise Zones were designated across the country
with the announcement of two final tribes during the spring of 2016—the
Spokane Tribe of Indians, Washington and the Turtle Mountain Band of
Chippewa Indians in Rolette County, North Dakota.12”
If you, at the state level, would get yourselves together on this, it would not only help the poverty on the reservations, it would lift all in the state. There is really no better capitalist than the Native American with a proven history that goes back long before any European arrived. Give it a look see and then do something positive while you are in Pierre for the entire state.
@Roger Cornelius: “The only place on the reservation where you can regularly buy fresh food products is at the Sioux Nation in Pine Ridge”
Pine Ridge is 34X larger than Kyle. The small population of Kyle may not be capable of supporting a store that has a produce department.
Drug testing and food stamps may all be a moot point very soon.
It sounds as though Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and trump will soon be taking an axe to SNAP.
When republicans make rash decisions like cutting healthcare, food stamps and welfare in general they never consider the ripple effects of their actions.
Sure the poor will be unhealthy and hungry, but Walmart and main street grocery stores will also take a substantial hit.
Yes Don, Pine Ridge is larger than Kyle, but why wouldn’t May be capable of offering fresh produce?
It is her Choice not to offer a produce department.
Do you know why that is Don? It is because the markup on junk food is more profitable.
Send Cory out to Kyle to man a fresh produce market and let the liberal brain trust on this blog manage it for him. Most of you guys don’t have anything else to do anyway. Show her how its done.
Wrong Don. Pine Ridge Village 3308. Kyle 846.
2010 census.
28k is the Pine Ridge Reservation population. Native and non native.
Rosebud has a young male teens program that has the guys plan a healthy meal, go and buy the produce then take it home to cook for their familes. Do that 4 times. It’s amazing to see.
They shop in Mission or Rosebud. Which have 2 grocery stores in each. With wonderful produce. Mission has 1300 residents Rosebud has 1600.
Wes Colombe of All stop grocery (beautiful store!)in Rosebud makes a financial investment in great produce, well displayed, high quality. Worked hard to show the community he cares for them and can provide quality food. You can buy as good fruit and vegetables as anywhere there. And SNAP and cold cash is spent on those products. To see a young child with a package of fresh cut up fruit at the checkout is beautiful. (And Allstop sells chips n pop Lee)
According to this, Kyle Grocery claims to have a butcher shop and fresh produce. That building looks rather small though. If they do have fresh produce, it may not be very much.
Has anyone been to Kyle Grocery and seen what it’s like inside?
I been to the Turtle Creek Crossing Super Foods in Mission, and it’s a wonderful and spacious store. More modern looking than Buches and well stocked with fresh produce and meat along with the typical grocery offerings.
I was going to mention Turtle Creek also Wade. Great place.
Get a chance drop down to Rosebud and check out Allstop. Their deli hamburgers are really good.
Hey Greg, next time your in Rapid City go insult Brandon to his face. He’s 6’4″, did time in prison, has a Dartmouth degree and is 240 pounds of iron that works out every day. You can find him at The Weight Room on 12th at 5AM. He’s a real nice guy.
Wade, I got travel chow at Turtle Creek during my blog tour in 2014. Good sized store, good inventory. I need to visit Kyle sometime!
Greg, I’m fine with busting meth dealers and pushing fresh produce (growing, selling, eating). We can and must do multiple things.
But there is no practical nexus between meth dealing and public assistance. We have no more reason to suspect TANF/SNAP/WIC/etc recipients of drug use than to suspect members of the general population. Testing recipients of public assistance for drugs will not reduce drug use, it will not save money, and it will not feed, clothe, or house more kids.
Thunder Valley CDC located at Sharps corner just west of Kyle has a healthy food initiative. Helping develop gardens for community and individual use. But also part of their planning is how to network successfully with the private sector vendors to promote and sell more healthy food. To go beyond the ‘farmers market’ and create an opportunity for the local communities to live healthier lives while supporting the private free market.
Smart and professional people at Thunder Valley. Committed to positive change. Director Nick Tilsen is very smart. Building homes, providing financial education, doing workforce development and training. Board members include Tatewin Means, (Stanford engineering degree and University of Minnesota law degree) and Amanda Carlow, an educator whom swims to Alcatraz Island and ran the New York marathon.
I have wondered about the road from Thunder Valley to Kyle and beyond to Highway 73. This road is a ribbon and could be widened to make traffic routes safer and for commerce. I was through there a couple of weeks ago and it gets a little tense. Transportation from the Eastern part of the reservation to Sharp’s Corner for medical treatment at the Dialysis center there, would also be a great reason to upgrade the road. The place is perfect for the location as the water table meets the incredible requirements for pure water. Water is Life.
The building project at Thunder Valley was going pretty good. There is a large structure that is being constructed that must be the commercial portion of the project, with some housing, at the same time. This area around Porcupine, Evergreen and Sharp’s Corner are favorite places of mine. This is a great workable idea for positive change in the area.
Perhaps we ought to be checking the blood-alcohol levels of our legislators each morning too?
Well jerry, we’re soon gonna find out just how good a swimmer you are as Cap’n Donnie is about to make your dreams of glory come true and take the ship down.
Schoenbeck and his ilk are “elitists” at judging Native Americans by what white, conservative Republicans do well but very inept at judging Native Americans by what Native Americans do well.
~ One of the young men told the story of being a young boy and asking his grandfather “Why are white people the way they are?” referring to his experience of white prejudice and racism and indignity at the hands of white citizens and local bureaucrats in his brief life span.
His grandfather answered: “They have lost their drum, they have forgotten the dance, and they do not know where the bones of their ancestors are buried.” – Rev. Vicky Hanjian First Congregational Church ~ United Church of Christ
Lee Schoenbeck provides plenty of philosophy with which to take issue, but his observations about consumer choices in this thread are not faulty.
I believe that Ms. May stocks what sells. As a storeowner that is what I would do. It’s awfully hard to educate consumers once they get to a store, especially about dietary habits that have been formed at home.
Coyote – as is standard practice with “Christians” when confronted with the parables and commands of Christ, refers as a counter argument, to the verses of the old testament. They always seem to forget, Christ’s other words, that he is the fulfillment of “the covenant” (the commands of the old testament), that all we need to do is to have faith in him, that he has fulfilled ALL of the obligations of the old testament on our behalf – so that we no longer need be burdened by them. THAT is the saving grace of Christ. THAT is how one may know someone who truly has accepted Christ in their heart. THAT seems not to be th4e likes of the Coyotes of the world – always abandoning Christ, and embracing the Pharisees when it becomes inconvenient – or unprofitable – for themselves to truly reflect Christian values.
Richard. DUDE. WTF?
Schoenbeck uses a sliver of logic, to give Newland something to grasp, while his overriding point is that liberals are the real racists and we should embrace the Klan because that’s where our true allegiance resides. That’s classic projection of guilt from the right; the racist base of the Republican Party.
Allowing junk food in the name of “free market” is no different then allowing alcohol to be sold to children.
Consumer choices at May’s store are her choice to peddle. In order to qualify for retailing SNAP, May’s store must adhere to the following: As long as she meets these requirements, she can do as she will do.
SNAP recipients cannot purchase the following with their assistance:
All paths are part of the road to enlightenment Bob. I have no enmity against anyone traveling on those paths, but one needs follow them to their convergence to realize same. Failing to do so is an exhibition of spiritual sloth that is not so different to that which Coyote’s verse decries.
Greg Dep, your accusation that some of the people here are jobless and do drugs is both illogical and offensive. Consider apologizing.
Just for your information, according to the Supreme Court, the law makers are the ones responsible and chargeable for not upholding their agreement in their agreed contract. This is We the lawmakers agree we will stop all drugs from getting past our borders and into the communities and be penalized in any failed duty to protect our laboring people. The lawmakers were not to pass their contract duty and penalties to the public. They take a wage for a duty they passed including their own penalty. The claim drugs are an epidemic means they have failed their contracts duty that much more, the more jailed people for drugs and alcohol the more the lawmakers have not taken their own penalties. United States vs Lopez.
@Richard: “Coyote – as is standard practice with “Christians” when confronted with the parables and commands of Christ, refers as a counter argument, to the verses of the old testament.”
FYI, “Christian” doesn’t accurately describe this “fallen Methodist” whose knowledge of the Bible is of an autodidactic nature. If you want to call Buddhism a religion then that is how I lean.
“They always seem to forget, Christ’s other words, that he is the fulfillment of “the covenant” (the commands of the old testament), that all we need to do is to have faith in him, that he has fulfilled ALL of the obligations of the old testament on our behalf.”
But wait. Didn’t Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount tell the masses that he did not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets? Matthew 5:17-19:
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
As a seminary student nearing (finally!) the completion of my studies, who has had the benefit of instruction and mentoring by nationally-renowned biblical and historical scholars, I feel more than qualified to respond to the throwing around of biblical verses in this thread, as well as the subject itself
The “Go to the Ant, you sluggard” verses from the Old Testament must be understood contextually, that is, in the context of the times in which they were written. These verses largely refer not to the “lazy poor” (far from it!), but are primarily addressed to the biblical culture’s versions of our “robber barons”, who earned their fortunes and lived their life of ease at the expense of their exploited, overworked and poorly-paid workers, whose punishing work schedules and grinding poverty despite such hard work made for a very difficult, usually greatly shortened, life. These “sluggards” did not do any work themselves, but gladly took “a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands” while others did the work for them and earned them their profits. Very much like the corporate leaders and trust-fund babies of today, who refuse to pay decent wages to those earning their profits for them and who want to work them harder and harder while giving them less and less, squeezing every bit of profit from them.
And the New Testament verse that is the darling of conservatives today, the I Thessalonians verse advising that “he who will not work will not eat” also has a much different contextual meaning that is usual modern interpretation. Among the first Christians were a group that believed Christ’s coming was imminent within their lifetime and they therefore saw no need to work or do much of anything while waiting for the second coming and thought little of having to live off their fellow Christians who had to pick up their slack. THAT is the specific context that that refers to.
Real, true Christianity is very much on the side of the poor, the weak, the disenfranchised, the exploited, the powerless and voiceless. God has no tolerance for those who earn handsome profits and a life of ease off the work of others whom they exploit and underpay, and God has no tolerance for those who mistreat, exploit, abuse, dishonor, or fail to defend the poor. Both the Old and New Testaments make this crystal clear, as does the early days of Christianity before it was institutionalized and “imperialized” (my own word, for what it’s worth). And before it was twisted and distorted under layers of western cultural captivity and American individualistic conservatism. Early Christianity practiced it very much the way it was supposed and meant to be, and it was actually what we would consider socialistic. But guess what? Biblical culture, and most other world cultures then and now, are not individualistic like we are, but collectivist, community-oriented. And that is the context in which the Bible was written.
I’m white and live on a SD reservation and while fresh produce is available at the grocery store here, it is more expensive than off the reservation and far more expensive than almost anywhere I’ve been in my home state of Ohio, where I just spent the holidays. And this is the large grocery store in the reservation’s main town, most of the smaller outlying towns either have no grocery store or a very small one that doesn’t offer fresh produce or it’s prohibitively expensive. My husband and I can afford the fresh produce here, but so many others who’d like to purchase it cannot and the junk and glop that passes for “food” in so many stores nowadays is what they can realistically afford. And this is the case on the other reservations as well. Ms. May is profiting off of the junk that she’s selling to a population with sky-high rates of diabetes and other health complications, a population that cannot afford healthier alternatives. And I’ve been to Kyle several times due to my previous employment position, and I know that once word gets around there about her mean-spirited racist bill, she will be lucky to get any business at all.
And Brandon Ecoffey has an excellent point. Instead of coming up with yet another way to screw and debase those mired in poverty (something this legislature, and her party, are particularly good at), why isn’t she more concerned with how to get fresh, healthy, food that is AFFORDABLE to the reservation?
And I want to see all legislators drug tested. They are, after all, also paid with tax dollars and their actions greatly affect hundreds of thousands of lives in the state. And it’s a good thing no one ever even considered testing Wall Street brokers, considering the huge quantities of cocaine, heroin and LSD they consume while making financial decisions and actions that can, and often do, have greatly detrimental affects on the lives of Americans. But they’re mostly white and rich, so who cares, they can do what they want. Right?
As good as it gets Laurisa, you made my day! Thanks
Excellent, Laurisa. Your piece about the current relevance and historical context of Old Testament verses is near perfect.
The Rez is a “food desert” and special regulations are needed. In a city, where numerous options for food purchases exist, the market is a legitimate tool. However, when very few options for fresh healthy vegetables and proteins at affordable prices are available it’s wrong to sell over priced junk food and sugar laden items only. Food deserts need federal subsidy to help provide good food to unhealthy people. It’s what USA is all about.
Winner has two grocery stores, and we also have a high number of Native Americans living in the area. The two grocery stores have a good selection of fresh produce and meat. They also have small sections dedicated to organic foods and other products that aren’t made from artificial ingredients or other fillers. They tend to be more expensive than their non-organic counterparts.
I also have seen a lot of name brand boxed/canned foods boast on the package that they don’t have GMOs or don’t contain high fructose corn syrup, along with having vitamins and minerals. They also state how they are made from “real dairy’ along with other kinds of claims. How truthful these claims are depends on what can be seen on the Nutrition Facts labels and ingredient lists.
One of the reasons why I think people buy unhealthy foods instead of fresh produce isn’t limited to food deserts. It’s advertising. The Super Bowl is coming up, and while I was at ShopKo, I noticed a fancy display made out of Pepsi 12 packs. Flyers are pushing the junk food in advance of the big game. Even long after the big game is over, TV and online ads push junk food and quick-to-prepare meals that are high in sodium. Many of these junk food brands have lots of loyalty on their Facebook and Twitter pages. People like how quickly these meals can be prepared, especially if they live busy lives and don’t have time to cook. They also don’t seem to realize just how much sodium and other harmful ingredients are in these foods.
Coyote – “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (John 19:30) It is finished. I.E. I have done what I came to do – the laws are all fulfilled; “….everything is accomplished.” As in “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” The separation between heaven and earth – is disappeared” If, that is, you believe.
That is the theology of it Coyote – the laws of the old testament are fulfilled in Christ. Who so ever believes it – is SAVED from those burdens. That is the “good news” of “Christ’s” message. At least, this is what I was taught by the theologians I studied with.
And from that point – having “gotten” that message, I moved on. Maybe you didn’t really get it before you moved on – as evidenced by your reference to Buddhism. Maybe you’ll get it there – as the Buddha’s message is pretty much the same one – on-so-far as the story of his life goes. He is a Christ-like figure – what Joseph Campbell correctly identifies as a HERO in a story. So I would say you are still at the same stage of discovery, but looking at the hero from a slightly different perspective. Buddhist adherents’ orientation toward the heroic figure is more centered on emulation of the hero, vs. Christianity’s orientation toward elevation of and dependency on the hero.
IMO – the world would be better served by Christianity’s being more concerned with emulating Christ’s life of self-sacrifice, rather to framing their lives as dependent on Christ.
Hey – being a Buddhist – can you quote me some Buddhist scriptures relevant to this topic (our responsibilities toward out fellow humans)? Or aren’t you so familiar with them?
I think there is a lot in what you are saying Mr. Brandis regarding time to prepare meals and having the power energy to do just that. Costs are high for energy on the reservation, be it electric or gas as they are off reservation. In the winter, the costs are even higher for fuel. It does take a lot to cook up a pot of beans or broccoli, carrots and the like. So that is even more expense on someone who needs assistance to even qualify for the SNAP. Here is how many thousands of dollars you receive monthly for SNAP for the income stated.
Excellent points Wade. That was part of my beliefs. That in places of poverty the vendors can become involved in community education and positive change. Without losing money (unless they consider it part of their responsibility and an investment, like some do).
Healthy food convenience packaging and front line advertising has never been very well done on the rez, but I see changes happening.
Laurisa thank you for the insight. And thank you for your time and effort on the rez.
For Mr Schoenbeck and Mr. Newland to agree that we and Brandon are ignorantly advocating for Klan like oversight on Pine Ridge is hilarious.
Newland, Fyi if you don’t know, Brandon Ecoffey supports marijuana legalization. You of all people, with your education efforts on marijuana legalization, should know change can happen. Looks to me like consumer education is a big part of the legalized marijuana market in Colorado. If vendors there can teach people how to eat and smoke pot, vendors here can help educate and support healthy eating habits.
The solution to all of this is not to humiliate the people any further than they already are by making them pee in a bottle to get food. That humiliation is much like a circus animal made to perform for a peanut or a morsel of food for a reward of doing a trick. The incidents that caused the uprising in Minnesota that led to the greatest mass execution in the history of the United States of 38 Dakota Indian men, was of the same kind of insult that Ms. May and her republicans want to perpetuate against the Indians in Kyle and on all South Dakotan’s. Veterans, disabled, elderly and children who need to eat to live are all inclusive in her hate for the needy and poor. South Dakota legislators offer no solutions to feeding those in need, only cruelty of a master to their wards. To conveniently blame the meth on Indians is really a stretch as that is what the sales pitch for this piece of crap is all about. Racism fits more into the real deal of it all.
I would like to see liz may’s legislation to include folks who receive SBA loan subsidies, USDA subsidies, etc.
if I’m not mistaken, a recipient ( a GOP contributor and Oglala Lakota county resident) of a large USDA farm subsidy ($750K) was also neck deep in a meth and grand theft conspiracy.
This operation received additional scrutiny when the convicted drug dealer was released from prison 2 years into an 8-year sentence by the sentencing federal judge (GOP appointed), who mysteriously died several days after his order to release the convicted perp.
Meanwhile, tribal members convicted of distribution in federal court routinely serve 80% of their sentence provided they serve their sentence with distinction!!
liz you listening?