I just listened to Rep. Kristi Noem completely avoid a listener question on SDPB about Medicaid expansion. Some public radio listener (not me, I promise!) asked why Rep. Noem would get rid of the Affordable Care Act when Governor Dennis Daugaard said that the ACA Medicaid expansion would be a net boost to South Dakota’s economy. Noem rambled on about federal mandates and local control and wanting Indian Health Service to cover Indians (which Medicaid expansion would have made possible) and not taking Medicaid away from anyone who has it now (let’s hold Rep. Noem and Speaker Ryan to that!).
But then Rep. Noem meandered into talking about how Congress can’t just repeal the Affordable Care Act. Echoing something Senator Thune said back in November, Rep. Noem admitted Congress can’t just repeal the ACA immediately without creating some “off ramp” that will transition the millions of Americans the ACA newly insured to the magic pony the Republicans still haven’t conjured from their great mounds of anti-Obamacare horse manure.

So wait a minute: Over the past six years, Rep. Kristi Noem has voted 60 times, without hearings, to repeal the Affordable Care Act. There weren’t a lot of “off ramps,” transitions, or comprehensive substitute plans. When Rep. Noem campaigned on the ACA repeals she voted for, she didn’t talk about off ramps and delay; she wanted Obamacare dead and she wanted it dead now.
We know this already, but our Congresswoman’s performance on public radio proves us right: all those ACA repeal votes under President Obama were for show. Senate Democrats were right to stymie most of those bills, and President Obama was right to veto the one repealer that reached his desk, because Noem and the GOP hadn’t offered the replacement plan that they themselves now admit they must develop (what? six years, and Kristi and the GOP haven’t written that plan already?) before they repeal the Affordable Care Act, lest they harm millions of Americans.
I did not hear all of Noem’s blather, but what I did hear was mostly complete nonsense. Her idea of simplifying income tax is to reduce the rates from 7 to 3. Those rates have almost nothing to do with tax complexity and reducing them, increases regressivity. Removing federal funding from 20 million people insured with subsidies will force them to seek charity help which will increase the costs of those of us who do pay for medical care via insurance, cash, or whatever and however.
Ironically, a recent poss shows that something like 60 per cent of the Trump voters expect Democrats to prevent changes which will make their own insurance impossibly expensive or completely unavailable.
I think that I just heard the door open for someone to take Daugaard’s place in Pierre and by calling a liar a liar, that person will be anyone but NOem. Hammer her on her lies, 60 of them for sure and then hammer so more on the rest. Jackley is in on the festivities as well, time for a voice that can change this failed state.
Vox says repealing ACA means 29.8 million Americans lose health coverage, 52 million Americans with pre-existing conditions could end up paying much more for coverage, and while the bottom 3/5 of Americans would pay higher taxes, the top 1% would get an average tax cut of $33,000.
If you were wondering what Kristi thinks of the reworked “Celebrity Apprentice”:
There are several thousand South Dakotan’s that will have the rug jerked out from under them as well. Whatever kind of Democratic party that will rise from the ashes of this years mess here should take heed to what this news actually means. Now is the time to strike with the truth on where the blame belongs, the pockets of the wealthy. Make no mistake, this is not about social injustice this is clearly about the further theft of citizen money into the huge pocket of wealth disparity in this country. It has been in the last 6 years that if you got sick, at least you were not going to go broke. That will now change. You are at the mercy of the credit collection agencies and their ability to take your possessions, all of them. XIN LOI
Call out the wealthiest South Dakotan’s for what they are, robber barons, who suck the marrow from the bones of what is left of the middle class and below.
Here is that anvil NOem, welcome to Trumpcare. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/04/politics/obama-capitol-hill-obamacare/
You are going to hear a common phrase over the next few years. You will hear it from Seniors on Social Security. You will hear it from those who lost their jobs and find themselves using SNAP or welfare for a few months. You’ll hear it from those injured on the job who are either already on disability or are in the process of applying for disability. You will hear it from those who currently have insurance under the ACA but who will lose it when it is repealed. You will hear it from the working poor who have children on Medicaid, and you’ll hear it from many on Medicare.
The phrase? “Well I didn’t think they were serious!”
I’ve already been hearing variations of the phrase from Trump voters and Trump hasn’t even been sworn in yet. The GOP is looking to privatize and/or drastically slash social programs over the next few years and those impacted are already starting to complain. The irony is, many of these people are directly responsible for electing a Republican Congress and Republican President. Don’t believe me? Just look at a map of the states which have the highest dependency upon the federal government… rather coincidental that those states tend to be deeply red isn’t it?
Careful what you wish for (or vote for) as you just might get it.
Did she admit that 60 votes were for show, or did she admit that she cast 60 very irresponsible votes?
Where is the leadership of the state democratic party on this? They should be all over print and television media exposing Noem for her lack of a replacement plan. This dog, Noem and the Republicans, have caught the bus and don’t know what to do with it. Also, has anyone in the democratic party asked Noem if she voted in secret to abolish the House ethics commission before rescinding because of public outrage? Democrats should be on the attack every day starting yesterday if you want to start winning elections. Don’t make the mistake of waiting until the next election cycle. It’s already started, and it’s time to expose Noem and her cohorts for the frauds that they really are.
Today congress started the process of dismantling ACA and replacing it with Sarah Palin’s Death Panels.
As Trump campaigned during the last year and a half about repealing the ACA it was recently revealed that he hadn’t actually read it. He did state there was a lot in it he liked.
Makes me wonder if Noem and her shallowness has actually read it.
I think the SDDP is completely aware of this Ed. I think the sirens are blaring in their tent right now. I think they realize that if there ever was a time to bring out what hammer they have, this is it. Now, the questions should be, what are we all intending to do about this? Maybe Cory has an idea of how we can directly fund ideas without a candidate, to get the word out. A fireside chat, so to speak, with our neighbors to make them fully aware of what the legislature has been allowing. Make them aware of what Daugaard has been doing, what NOem has been doing and Jackley. The whole motley crew. Make the Independents, moderate Republicans, and stay at home Democrats, come to the party that can save what little is left.
Wingnuts griped that Dems had to read it to know what they were voting for, like the Patriot Act which did more harm to Americans than providing them with insurance, but a wingnut believes whatever lie he/she/it is told on any given day.
Follow the $. 1st gut ethics. Then gut ACA. Then clear out Cannon Ball. Russians/Chinese/puppet Trump. Big Insurance. Big AG. Big Pharma. Big Defense. Politicians for.001%. Noem Is just another puppet.
Before the repeal process begins it’ll be helpful to define the positions of the opponents. Look over the list and decide which of the worthy benefits should be repealed? Q-“If all the provisions remain in the replacement plan and only the name is changed, has it really been repealed?
Why do Republicans hate Obamacare?
1. It will become so popular that voters will vote Democrat just to keep the program from being repealed.
2. It forces voters to buy something they don’t want to buy or pay a fine.
3. It supposedly increases the National deficit. (http://www.forbes.com/sites/stancollender/2015/06/22/cbo-obamacare-report-shows-deficit-and-debt-are-phony-issues/#4be83dfbbe54)
Why do Democrats favor Obamacare?
-Prohibiting Discrimination Due to Pre-Existing Conditions or Gender.
-Putting Information for Consumers Online. (consumers can compare policies before purchasing)
-Prohibiting Denying Coverage of Children Based on Pre-Existing Conditions.
-Prohibiting Insurance Companies from Rescinding Coverage.
-Eliminating Lifetime Limits on Insurance Coverage.
-Eliminating Annual Payout Limits on Insurance Coverage.
-Allows Appealing Insurance Company Decisions.
-Establishing Consumer Assistance Programs in the States.
-Ensuring Coverage for Individuals Participating in Clinical Trials.
-Providing Small Business Health Insurance Tax Credits.
-Offering Relief for 4 Million Seniors Who Hit the Medicare Prescription Drug “Donut Hole.
-Providing Free Preventive Care.
-Preventing Disease and Illness. (prevention and public health programs that can help keep Americans healthy – from smoking cessation to combating obesity)
-Cracking Down on Health Care Fraud.
-Offering Prescription Drug Discounts for Seniors
-Improving Care for Seniors After They Leave the Hospital.
-Reducing Paperwork and Administrative Costs.
-Paying Physicians Based on Value Not Volume.
-Providing Access to Insurance for Uninsured Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions.
-Extending Coverage for Young Adults.
-Expanding Coverage for Early Retirees.
-Rebuilding the Primary Care Workforce.
-Holding Insurance Companies Accountable for Unreasonable Rate Hikes (requires that at least 85% of all premium dollars collected by insurance companies for large employer plans are spent on health care services and health care quality improvement. For plans sold to individuals and small employers, at least 80% of the premium must be spent on benefits and quality improvement.)
-Allowing States to Cover More People on Medicaid.
-Increasing Payments for Rural Health Care Providers.
-Strengthening Community Health Centers.
-Increasing Medicaid Payments for Primary Care Doctors.
-Open Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace
addendum to above … A valid complaint from the insured under ACA is that even though policies are reasonably priced, deductibles have risen to unaffordable numbers. No kidding. If your deductible went from $1700 to $4500 that’s unacceptable. Deductibles skyrocketed because more older, unhealthy people are insured than younger, healthy people.
*There’s a tweak that could quickly reverse this trend.
Must horse laugh when NOem whinnies about ‘federal mandates’. NOem’s only bill, the Black Hills Cemetery Act is an unfunded federal mandate. Only 1 of the 9 cemeteries are transferred. Local cemetery associations, and the Forest Service, often lack the means to finance the transfers. The incoming administration proposes a hiring freeze – slowing the pace of the transfers. NOem lacks legitimacy to advance her own bill — must less the broader health care bill for the nation. NEom does nothing for South Dakota.
But if its a bill with farm subsidies she will be all over it.
amazinzG a state that gets 40 percent from the gov for budget.Cant wait to see the farm program go.
You guys should be supporting Noem, not attacking her. She has issues for sure but she will be 1000x better than Jackley, and the Dems won’t have a viable alternative. She’s about the best you can hope for.
NOem and Jackley, are like choosing between Influenza A or B, both are not really a viable alternative. Dems have the opportunity to go for the big chair with these two losers going at one another. Each day that goes by brings more baggage for both of them to try to shuck and hide from one another. Wait until they try to explain their theft of Social Security and Medicare. A Tom Berry is out there waiting for the call, Dems will be there to answer.
The Obama stock market rise has been due to one thing and one thing only, former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s quantitative easing programs. Because of the trillions of $$$ pumped into the economy by the Fed with no place to invest it and expect any kind of return, the stock market became the option of last resort and stock prices soared.
Who knows if the Trump Bump is irrational exuberance or just US business finally demonstrating hope that the over regulation of the Obama regime will soon be over. Any hoot, my wife’s and my IRA’s are loving it. My gold reserves, not so much.
Kristi Noem is a definition of nonsense; in the game solely for her own pathetic ego and $$$. She never had public interest as one of her interests. SD Repub’s supported her only because of party ideology and knowing that she was expected to be ineffective, harmless to them, and close the seat to alternatives. Her ACA and other votes follow gym-buddy Ryan’s preferences. Maybe did not want her involvement with ethics violations exposed. Her only success is in becoming a career politician feeding at the public trough. Though not appealing himself, at least Jackley makes public comments about dealing with political and fiscal corruption; SD could use a thorough cleaning on this matter.
The Democratic Party in the state needs to present a universal candidate that will appeal across the aisle. You need some name recognition to attract the voting population as well. Even if Jackley and Noem go toe to toe in their primaries, they will of course endorse the winner.
If Huether runs, he will leach votes from the Democratic side, and after his terrible fiscal policies, I would say a third place finish is all he can expect.
For Democrats, the candidate can not be a grass root person again. We have had a couple the last few elections and it isn’t working. There are a few viable Democrat choices, but the message they present, from the onset has to be able to combat the two biggest single voter issues in the state, abortion and gun control.
Talking to the single issue voters, they don’t care what their candidate stands for outside of these issues. Often times they just assume the R means they agree with them.
Teddy, the reason Jackley makes public comments on corruption is because he is mostly at the center of the corruption. Who else can speak about EB5 unless it is the guy who knows its secrets. How about Gear up the Platte fiasco, all of these Jackley should know all about as those are his personally.
Hang the corruption and lies around Jackley’s neck and the corruption and lies around the dainty little neck of NOem with a big ol anvil 64 times at least. They only cost taxpayers money, they solve nothing.
Great post Madman
The Blindman
and it is not something wingnuts have come up with.
You’re on a roll today, Mike. Two quite proper articles in a row.
Your insurance has been cancelled and replaced by tweets calling us losers. Hillaryous.
More funnybone stuff.
The hits just keep coming.