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Rocks Draw Angry Gas Station Poster from Anonymous

If Mayor Travis Schaunaman can be persuaded to go back to paying for advertisements and using the free mayoral column in the weekend Aberdeen paper to simply inform us citizens of what’s going on in our community, perhaps he can dedicate his next column to explaining this quizzical flyer posted at my corner gas station:

Anonymous poster, tacked to the board at Cenex C-Stop, 8th Ave and 2nd St, Aberdeen, SD, 2019.08.17.
Anonymous poster, tacked to the board at Cenex C-Stop, 8th Ave and 2nd St, Aberdeen, SD, 2019.08.17.

I generally don’t respond to anonymous posts, and I’ve already exerted a lot of energy chiding people who aren’t exercising their First Amendment rights effectively or civilly, but this poster draws my attention as an oppprtunity for a tutorial in effective civic engagement.

  1. First, if you want to mobilize people, give your name. let us know whom we should contact to learn more and find out action.
  2. Instead of leaving it to some poor clerk at city hall to explain your vague allegation, inform us. Do what reporters do: tell us who, what, where, and when, and if you can, how and why.
    1. Who dumped these rocks? (“These rocks were put…”—come on, that’s passive voice. Be direct: Who did it?)
    2. What… well, you’ve got that: rocks!
    3. Where were the rocks dumped? The picture gives us no idea. Could be a park, could be your backyard, could be the country….
    4. When were the rocks dumped? Is this picture from last year? Did it just happen this week?
    5. How’d the rocks get there? Did the dumper carry them from a farm field? a construction site? With what equipment?
    6. Why did these rocks get dumped? Was the city shoring up the levee along Moccasin Creek? Were dumping rocks to keep idiots in Trump trucks from driving over the softball diamonds? Did Mayor Schaunaman need some big rocks removed from his yard, and did he dispatch city workers to dump them in Mike Levsen’s yard, just to rub it? Why?

The more we know, the more people may be willing to act. But if you just take a picture of a bunch of rocks, make a vague allegation, and tell me to call the city, why should I bother?


  1. Debbo 2019-08-17 18:38

    Odd. Dumber than a box of rocks?

  2. grudznick 2019-08-17 19:10

    You can’t force rocks to be relegated to some barren patch of wasteland.

  3. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-08-18 10:12

    Maybe they are refugee rocks, brought to Aberdeen to change our culture… from country to rock and roll.

    Maybe we could keep those rocks out by building a wall… out of those rocks.

  4. Robert McTaggart 2019-08-18 15:17

    Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got….I’m still, I’m still Jenny from the block…

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-08-18 22:54

    That’s the first Jennifer Lopez citation I’ve noticed in this comment section… but other references may have slipped through without my realizing they were Lopez’s words. Heck, I still can’t even recognize Jennifer Lopez when she’s on TV. She keeps changing her hair, or getting radical make-overs, or sending out modified robot doubles, or something.

    Maybe I’ll contact City Hall and ask them to explain what Jennifer Lopez really looks like.

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