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Noem Agrees with Other Republicans Not Named Trump: No ACA Repeal in Tax Plan

One good thing came out of Rep. Kristi Noem’s mouth yesterday. South Dakota’s lone Congresswoman seconds the motion of other Republicans to keep Donald Trump’s off-the-cuff ACA insurance mandate repeal suggestion out of his already hard-to-pass budget destruction plan:

Noem to Trump on messing with ACA in tax plan.
Noem to Trump on messing with ACA in tax plan.

The idea of repealing the individual mandate has been pushed by Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, but was dismissed by key GOP leaders since it would add political complications to an already difficult task of crafting a tax bill that can pass the House and Senate.

“I think tax reform is complicated enough without adding another layer of complexity,” said No. 2 Senate Republican John Cornyn of Texas. Rep. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., a participant in the talks as a member of the tax-writing panel, said there was insufficient support among committee Republicans to include it in the bill [“House GOP’s Evolving Tax Bill Leaves Retirement Plan Intact,” AP via, 2017.11.01].

Noem apparently remembers how the last few ACA-repeal votes went and knows Republicans had better not poke that bear again if they want to pass anything substantial by year’s end. Nonetheless, give Noem a call today and remind her that now is no time to be pulling any more wires out of the Affordable Care Act.

Related Reading: If you get Kristi on the line, remind her that universal health insurance is good for democracy… although the way her state party leader-man is talking, any talk of boosting democracy might drive her in the opposite direction.


  1. Eve Fisher 2017-11-02 08:56

    Maybe she is smarter than she looks. Oh, wait! There’s a gubernatorial election coming up. That explains it.

  2. Jenny 2017-11-02 10:07

    Eve, I’m wondering if she’ll mention anything, even just some recognition to voters, about Pierre’s lack of oversight (I’ll put it that way instead of corruption) problem they’ve had the last few years with EB-5 and Gear UP. You can’t call it corruption in SD since the GOP gets offended by that. So if Noem acknowledged it as calling it something else, she’d probably gain some voters.
    Also, it would win over female voters especially, if she were to call out the sexual harassment problem the country has and making sure there is the proper follow up and investigation if it happens in Pierre under her watch should she become governor.

  3. mike from iowa 2017-11-02 11:13

    Wall Street is trending down. Most of the movers and shakers don’t see this bill being passed. Too much in-party opposition. Maybe they are out to juke the country into complacency before dropping the hammer for the wealthy.

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-11-02 12:51

    Jenny, you’re right. Noem has the chance to (a) do the right thing and (b) defuse or even flip a potentially critical Democratic issue by tackling the sexist culture of Pierre. She could speak with authority, say that she experienced that sexist culture when she served in the Legislature, and vow to root it out as Governor: “Tell you what: if any woman experiences the kind of crap we’re hearing about, when I’m Governor, she can come to my office on the second floor, and I’ll come down personally and chew the harassers’ asses!” And in a really devious flip, she could even hang the harassment culture on her primary opponent—”Come on, Marty, you’ve been in Pierre, why haven’t you done anything to help these women?”—and maybe even on her general election opponent—”Come on, Billie, you’ve been in the Senate for eight years, Minority Leader and all, why haven’t you done anything to help these women?”

    Noem could go on offense and put her male opponents on defense.

    She’ll need something awesome like that to distract us from her failure to get tax reform, ACA repeal, or anything else she promised done in Washington.

  5. Donald Pay 2017-11-02 13:42

    Noem had a little time in the limelight in the press conference. I saw it on MSNBC this morning. She was blatting the usual talking points about the federal inheritance tax, and how she claimed it affected her family when her father died. Cue violins. Cue tears. Vomit.

    Well, that was too much for Ari Velshi, an economics correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC. He basically called Noem a liar, though he was more professional about it. He did call her “this person” so she didn’t, apparently, raise her name identification. He said he was going to go into the facts about the federal inheritance tax in a later program, so we can all stay tuned to see a take down of Noem’s blatent attempt to extract out-of-state donations from the billionaire class for her run for SD Guv’na.

  6. Jenny 2017-11-02 13:54

    She brings her family tragedy up a lot it seems. We’ve all had tragedies in our lives, she’s not the only one. You would think her team would bring in a SD family that could relate to the estate tax and how it negatively affects them instead of always having to tell that same story.
    Also when tragedies happen there’s a thing called life insurance that will help protect you from financial ruin. Her father did not have it?

  7. mike from iowa 2017-11-02 16:09

    Kevin Brady brought it up today as being harmful for family farmers and small businesses. He wants to double the amounts before it kicks in and then phase it out in 6 years. Experts say the estate tax rate is 40% but most never see more than 15% rate.

    Korporate taxcuts are to be permanent.

  8. jerry 2017-11-02 17:42

    Medicare, student loans, agriculture subsidies are a few of the programs getting massive cuts so Rounds, Thune and NOem can get more money in their pockets. Life is good in South Dakota when you can screw over old folks, students and those pesky ranchers and farmers.

  9. Adam 2017-11-02 19:14

    I think so little of Kristi Noem that to err on the side of caution is to be extra careful to avoid ‘misoverestimating’ her.

  10. mike from iowa 2017-11-02 19:17

    Wingnuts inserted personhood into tax deform. They claim a fetus is eligible for a college savings plan in utero.They come right out and say a fetus is a person.

  11. leslie 2017-11-02 19:35

    George Bush, like big brained Kristie, was sore about SH threatening his dad’s life,…so big brained Bush Jr said “bring it on!” and they are still doing it 16-17 years later. But boy, taxpayers and patriotic soldiers are still paying for his, cheney’s, Rove’s ect. grudge against the government. We are about to allow cynical Trump (today: “USA legal system is a JOKE” or something) to do the same thing in, you choose, starting with Iran, N. Korea (never mind 25 mil S. Koreans on the other side of the DMZ) or anywhere else in the world to protect our billionaires’ “assets”! :)

    However, “The White House on Wednesday signaled support for a bill, … IPAB repeal was part of President Trump’s budget request.
    The bill has bipartisan co-sponsors; the ACA Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). but Democrats said during the bill’s committee markup that they wished Republicans were focusing on other priorities.
    Democrats are also angry that Republicans are not seeking to offset the repeal, which is estimated to cost $17 billion but are requiring offsets to fund the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
    Still, 76 Democrats backed abolishing the board despite the objections of leadership.” wtf? “The panel’s proponents say the board is necessary to address Medicare’s runaway spending and keep the program fiscally solvent for future enrollees.” today,

  12. jerry 2017-11-03 09:57

    The cut cut cut is really gut gut gut tax bullpuckey

    “Under the current law, parents may claim personal exemptions on their tax forms for themselves, their spouses and their children. The new bill would replace those exemptions with an expanded child tax credit and a $300 personal credit for each parent. For some families, the value of the new package appears to be less than the value of the old package, so their taxes would go up. Also, the $300 credit is set to expire after five years.

    Other workers will see tax increases by losing access to deductions they currently make heavy use of. Most notably, that includes workers with high out-of-pocket medical costs, who would no longer be able to deduct them under the Republican bill.”

    Teachers that find themselves without supplies to educate children, tough luck, you cannot write off your expenses anymore. Give the children some rocks and some sticks and thank NOem for this.

  13. jerry 2017-11-03 12:34

    NOem/Jackley supports trump’s efforts to kill NAFTA. This will also bring more pain to South Dakota agriculture. South Dakota is a right to work (starve) state, so that is one more thing they will do to bring us down. Here is what a real leader discusses and leads with:

    “Canada believes that lax labor standards in America — including right-to-work laws — and Mexico give those countries an unfair advantage in attracting jobs.

    Right-to-work — now active in 27 U.S. states — allows employees in unionized shops to refuse to pay dues even if they benefit from union protection, ultimately draining labor groups of resources.

    Jerry Dias, the leader of Unifor, Canada’s largest private-sector trade union, has praised his government for making right-to-work and other labor reforms a central tenet of the ongoing NAFTA overhaul.

    But he’s also said it’s clear the U.S. does not want a deal.

    “The comedy show is unfolding in Washington, there is no question about it,” he said. “That is exactly what this NAFTA renegotiation is.”

    Billie Sutton and those like him are the only way our state can survive. Sell off your farm/ranch and everything so you can vote republican NOem/Jackley, or keep them and vote Democratic for Billie. That is your choice.

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