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No Fooling: Anti-Trump/Anti-Gorsuch Rally in Sioux Falls Saturday

NARAL South Dakota and Planned Parenthood are joining folks nationwide alarmed about the Trumpist threat to women’s rights in a protest tomorrow called The People’s Filibuster. Concerned citizens will rally Saturday at Prairie Berry Eastbank, 322 E. 8th Street, from 9:30 a.m. to noon.

The event is timed to rally opposition to the impending confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court seat that should have been filled a year ago, but there’s a lot more than the Court weighing on organizers’ minds:

On Saturday, April 1st, two days before the Senate Judiciary Committee votes on the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch, Americans will rally in Sioux Falls and cities across the country to call on their senators to oppose President Trump’s dangerous agenda, including his pick for the Supreme Court.

This event, organized by the People’s Defense campaign, will take place in Sioux Falls and will feature everyday Americans speaking about why they object to President Trump’s radical, out-of-touch agenda, his desire to overturn Roe v. Wade, his unconstitutional travel ban, and his selection of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court [NARAL SD, press release, 2017.03.31].

Celebrate your April Fools’ Day by joining your fellow Americans in protest against the fool in the White House.


  1. mike from iowa 2017-03-31 19:15

    39 Dems say they will vote against GoSuck. Manchin and Heitkamp say they will vote to confirm. Dems need at least 2 more firm commitments to show the world they have a spine imho.

  2. John 2017-03-31 19:27

    Dems need to primary Heitkamp & Manchin. They are sheep, not sheep dogs.
    Yet even more than Gorsuch’s and Trump’s anti- one half of the US population bias – it’s Gorsuch’s 93% judging to support corporations that is alarmist. Corporations can hardly do any wrong. This is not a justice with a 50-50 or 40-60 or 60-40 decision rate that one would expect from a mainstream justice. Rather Gorsuch’s finger on the scale decidedly rules for corporations over the people.

  3. John 2017-03-31 19:47

    About 100 years ago similar rabid xenophobia drove my family and millions or hundreds of thousands of others, to deny their forebears and heritage.

    I discovered in my 50s and shared with my father in his late 70s irrefutable evidence via lineage and ship manifests that his grandmother’s forebears were Germanic – having left a principality 150 years before Germany became a nation, arriving here 60 years prior to Independence. Yet 200 years later, the 1910s irrational xenophobia was so strong, violent, pervasive, that our family and millions of others, denied or masked their Germanic heritage, anglicizing a name. I give no quarter for such xenophobia. None. 45th and his 1930s-ish judges must be stopped in their tracks.

  4. grudznick 2017-03-31 20:03

    Xenophobia is bad. It is bad. But people from other states need to mind the business in their own states, I say. BAH!

  5. Roger Cornelius 2017-03-31 20:52

    South Dakota republicans are quick to say that other states should mind their own business and stay out of ours.
    Yet, mention California and conservatives start falling over themselves criticizing progressive California.

  6. grudznick 2017-03-31 21:05

    You should not be so global in your criticisms, Mr. C. You should say “some” or “most” SD Republicans, not label all with a blanket statement. If you or I, tall enough fellows by most accounts, made such a statement about short people we would be criticized for showing heightism.

    You may make such criticisms of me, as you have been welcome to and have before at breakfast, but you should not blanket statement a whole group of people, many of whom you do not know as well as you know me.

    I’m just sayin…

  7. Roger Cornelius 2017-03-31 21:21

    Never ever choose my words for me, I mean every word I write whether you agree with them or not.
    You also imply that I had breakfast with you which is absolutely false.

  8. grudznick 2017-03-31 21:23

    I do not imply anything, Mr. C. I state that you criticized me at breakfast. I stand by my words.

  9. Roger Cornelius 2017-03-31 21:26

    You live in lala land grudz’s. I repeat, I have never had breakfast with you and like most here don’t even know who in the hell you are.

  10. grudznick 2017-03-31 21:43

    Mr. C, again, I did not say you had breakfast with me. This is a simple thing. Although, if you would care to, would you prefer Campbell Street Cafe or should we splurge at Talleys? It is nearly nice enough to sit outside most of these days now.

  11. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2017-03-31 21:46

    I don’t care who has breakfast with whom or where; I am curious as to how many people will come after breakfast to join NARAL and Planned Parenthood in protesting tomorrow!

  12. grudznick 2017-03-31 22:03

    Mr. H, I am sure that unless Mr. C picks me up about 4am tomorrow morning and buys me a decent first breakfast before we drive across the state together I cannot come to the NARAL second breakfasting in Sioux Falls. Although we both would very much enjoy it.

  13. mike from iowa 2017-04-01 07:49

    But people from other states need to mind the business in their own states, I say. BAH!

    You mispelled Baaa, Grudz and it is too damn bad that a lot of the misery in my state for the poors and Gays and elderly comes from votes of the korporate owned pigs in your DC contingent. So shove your elitist state opinions where the sun don’t shine. Have a nice day. I hope you choke on it.

  14. barry freed 2017-04-01 08:57

    Democrats are being played and America will be the loser.

    Gorsuch is a Judge the Republican elite don’t want, but was put up to be fodder for revenge over Obama’s failed pick. Garland should have had a vote, and Americans are justified in anger, but seeking revenge with the Gorsuch appointment is shooting one’s self in the foot. No one here, nor will anyone at the Fool’s get together, present a good reason for rejecting Gorsuch. Citing scary percentages without a citation, where no one can judge the validity of the claims based on the source, will be the rule of the day. So they will protest, they will filibuster, they will harass his family until he declines the offer and then get ready for the next pick to be a Right-wing, activist Judge like the Court has never seen. The ground swell of Republican anger over the attack on Gorsuch will make the next pick easy to approve. That pick will be everything, and more, that people who have not done the research, attribute to Gorsuch.

  15. barry freed 2017-04-01 09:10

    NARAL: “Gorsuch won’t answer simple questions”. No Judge will answer how they will vote in the future. If they would, we don’t want them as they haven’t yet heard the arguments. That is the very definition of an Activist Judge.

    We must be aware of agent provocateurs who will present themselves as something they are not to sway opinion and make the sheep run in all directions. The Russians did not act alone and they are not yet gone.

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