The funding mechanism for teacher pay raises is on its way to Governor Dennis Daugaard’s desk; now we just have to make sure the House…
Tag: state legislature
The Anti-Ridiculousness Caucus grows… and has cause to cheer! For Immediate Release: South Dakota Legislative Candidates Praise Veto of Transgender Bathroom Bill Wednesday, March 2, 2016…
As she promised in committee last week, Senator Phyllis Heineman (R-13/Sioux Falls) voted yesterday against House Bill 1182, the funding for historic 20% pay raises for…
The South Dakota Senate voted 25–10 this afternoon to pass House Bill 1182, Governor Dennis Daugaard’s proposal to raise our state sales tax from 4% to 4.5%…
Glen Woods, host of the conservative Bold Republic radio program, interviewed me on February 19 about House Bill 1008, the costly and scientifically untenable paranoid potty bill…
In another move to take away South Dakotans’ rights in favor of capitalists’ pigs, Senate State Affairs yesterday approved House Bill 1140, Rep. Mark Mickelson’s proposal to reduce citizens’…
Rep. Lana Greenfield (R-2/Doland) continues to falsely assert that Governor Dennis Daugaard’s teacher pay plan does not direct the money toward teachers: The money generated by the…
The federal government has approved Governor Dennis Daugaard’s suggestion that Indian Health Service pick up the tab for American Indian patients who seek additional care at non-IHS…
Rep. Lee Schoenbeck (R-5/Watertown) isn’t letting the illegitimi carborund him. Bob Mercer reports that Rep. Schoenbeck has rescinded his resignation promise and will see out the remainder of the 2016 Session: Before…