Governor Kristi Noem is really eager to brag about her being named the best governor for rigging the economy for our corporate overlords. But she’s…
Tag: Kristi Noem
While part-time Governor Kristi Noem runs away to promote herself in Las Vegas and Pennsylvania, the Republican spin blog she sponsors fires some flak at…
Evidently recovering from her big breakup with Corey Lewandowski, part-time Governor Kristi Noem will be out of state again next week campaigning in Pennsylvania: The…
While Kristi Noem was off filling her rodeo fans in Vegas full of bull, killer Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg was back here at home admitting…
Maybe part-time Governor Kristi Noem has been slow to respond to her primary opponent Steven Haugaard’s criticism of her spendy sauna because she was away…
After reading my criticism yesterday of Republican gubernatorial candidate Steven Haugaard’s failure to capitalize on the Noem luxury-rugs-and-sauna story, a friend wrote, with a fiendish…
Governor Kristi Noem and the press hand her primary challenger Steve Haugaard a perfect issue on which to skewer the Governor, her extravagant purchases of…
We know that nepotist Kristi Noem lies like a rug. But if you go to the Governor’s mansion, you may get to see Kristi lie…
Hey, radical conservative Lora Hubbel says she’s running for Governor. Now before we get excited, let’s remember that the last two times Hubbel said she would…
If I were a Republican legislator running for Governor, here’s the statement I would have released Wednesday (and retweeted this coming Monday to get back…