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Ryan Calls Out Trump for Narcissism, Authoritarianism

With the Iowa caucus just one month and one day away, it’s time for real Republicans to do their patriotic duty and tell voters to reject Donald Trump.

Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is helping with this clear indictment of Trump’s character:

“Trump’s not a conservative, he’s an authoritarian narcissist. So I think they basically called him out for that,” Ryan told Teneo Political Risk Advisory Co-President Kevin Kajiwara during a video conference interview when asked about Cheney and Kinzinger.

Ryan said Trump is “a populist authoritarian narcissist.”

“Historically speaking, all of his tendencies are basically where narcissism takes him, which is whatever makes him popular, makes him feel good in any given moment,” he added. “He doesn’t think in classical liberal conservative terms. He thinks in an authoritarian way and he’s been able to get a big chunk of the Republican base to follow him because he’s the culture warrior” [Alexander Bolton, “Former Speaker Ryan: ‘Trump’s Not a Conservative, He’s an Authoritarian Narcissist’,” The Hill, 2023.12.13].

Under normal circumstances, an authoritarian who vowed to act as a dictator even for one day would never advance through the Iowa primary. But Trump’s cult of personality somehow has arguably reasonable Republicans who will vote to tee up impeachment of the sitting Democratic President without any evidence of wrongdoing dismissing the evidence of Trump’s intent to abuse Presidential power, explicit and repeated statements from Trump’s own mouth, as jokes.

Words matter. When a candidate for President says he’ll be a dictator, we should take the candidate at his word and reject him. Republicans, the Iowa primary, which could lock Trump in as your nominee, is only a month away. Now is the time to rediscover your consciences and speak up alongside Paul Ryan against the authoritarian threat your party’s leader poses to both your party’s principles and the nation’s well-being.


  1. larry kurtz 2023-12-14 06:58

    You’re winding me up on purpose, Cory.

  2. sx123 2023-12-14 07:26

    Populism is popular. Rich vs poor. Good vs evil. Noem vs the no nothing elites.

  3. O 2023-12-14 08:38

    Talk is cheap. Endorse someone else — especially from across the aisle — then you are putting some value to your criticism.

  4. Edwin Arndt 2023-12-14 08:38

    Yes Cory, you’re right.

  5. Donald Pay 2023-12-14 09:09

    Paul Ryan, of course, has his own problems, but he’s right about Trump.

    For those of us who are a little older, Trump was always a joke, a very dangerous joke. We knew was a grandstanding blowhard without a core, without morality and without conviction. I always think of Trump as one of the imaginary losers who populate Bob Dylan songs. People “with no direction home.” He was and still is a salesman, and he would be whatever you wanted him to be “after he took from you everything that he could steal. How does it feel?” Well, he’s going to take your freedom, and you’re gonna think he’s a God. Isn’t that how Satan works. “How does it feel?”

  6. Loren 2023-12-14 09:35

    Republicans… patriotic duty? Uh, yah, right. Speaking of patriotic duty, I see that Main Street Johnson voted with all the other Republican “patriots” to start impeachment inquiries into Prez Biden. Main Street really thinks that Hunter’s lap top and a couple of truck payments are more important to the country than say, a budget, medical care, inflation, reproductive rights, gun safety issues… Yah, Main Street, you are looking out for Main Street, all right. What a putz!

  7. ABC 2023-12-14 09:59

    Three Presidents who defeated Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo and got Bin Laden, FDR, Truman and Obama.
    3 smart leaders. Only Republican leader during war time was Lincoln.

    It takes intelligence to be a leader.

    Saying Biden is a communist is just stupid. We have a stupid governess in Pierre. She won by a lot of stupid people voting for her.

  8. All Mammal 2023-12-14 10:12

    Words and actions do matter. Like when Kevin McCarthy wanted to become Speaker and made a joke about stealing Nancy Pelosi’s gavel and made a motion of hitting her with it… he complained, “I was just joking”.
    Then, when someone did go after the Pelosis with a real hammer to one’s head, not one word was mentioned to him about his “joke” and the real power our leaders wield with their words.

    There are hundreds of examples of the terrible consequences of Trump’s sick jokes, too. I can’t wait until nobody cares what he says anymore.

  9. 96Tears 2023-12-14 10:57

    With Dusty Johnson there’s always a turd in the punchbowl. Classic case was his spineless vote to go along with the Trumpanzees in the House to initiate impeachment hearings without a shred of credibility. Now, here’s the punchbowl. Johnson was named by The Hill as one of Washington’s most influential “power players.”

    I would consider licking Donald Trump’s shoes as a play of powerlessness, and a mark of terrible character on Dusty Johnson’s part. Dusty, it’s time to be the adult in the room and not just another pander bear.

  10. O 2023-12-14 11:18

    Loren, the GOP needs the distraction of the Biden impeachment inquiry to “stay busy” while not doing the nation’s business. Otherwise people, even the MAGA crowd, would notice that they are just sitting around doing nothing all day. Now Congress is still in the headlines “doing things” for their base.

  11. Loren 2023-12-14 11:30

    O, sitting around doing nothing? I mean, with the hot war in Israel, the hot war in Ukraine, a budget coming due, the Congress IS going to act. They are going to adjourn for the holidays. :-) At this point, maybe that’s for the best.

  12. cibvet 2023-12-14 12:48

    Why is the working man/woman judged by their productivity while the congress works at most 3 days a week and does nothing but raise money to fill their pockets. Please don’t insult me with the bulls**t that they are rated at every election. Maybe give all people 2 or 6 years to collect a paycheck without producing anything just even the playing field.

  13. Arlo Blundt 2023-12-14 15:05

    I’m glad Paul Ryan finally hitched up his belt and went on the record about Trump. Maybe Lynn Chaney gave the Conservatives, who really are ideological Conservatives, the courage to call a demigod, a demigod.

  14. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-14 16:25

    Donald Trump is nothing more than a America First Candidate, he is more in line with the Anti-Federalist Group of People to whom uphold, and place over the Federal Government the Right’s of the States aka the People respectively. Being conservative vs liberal has nothing to do with it, the end game is to restrict the Central Government, by limiting its powers, and controlling it’s agenda.

    I am finding more and more each day, as I go out and seek out people, with the cause to organize the counties and precincts of the State, that more and more people across the State of South Dakota are more in line with Donald Trump, than against him. And as I go out and assess all 435 Federal Districts, there are at least 350 districts to which support Donald Trump, which means, its practically a land slide in favor of Donald Trump.

    The problem, is the Democrat and Republican parties have manipulated and schemed their way into convincing “State Legislatures” to adopt the Winner Take All of all Electors, so the statewide popular vote gets 100% of the electors, rather than them being apportioned as they rightfully should be.

    The Left leaning Factions of the Democrat and Republican Party’s are both in bed together, and it is something I have spoke on going on almost 20 years now. the Republican Party lies and covers up who they are, they are a Liberal, Fascist Party, wanting to control businesses, whereas the Democrat Party is a Liberal Socialist Party, choosing to utilize the tax revenues and regulations of Fascists to destroy America.

    Donald Trump is neither of these two concepts, he is America First all the way, and he will fight both the Democrat and Republican platforms for as long as he can, to keep them at bay, to limit their authority, and to stop them form adopting Unconstitutional laws, actions, agendas.

    Both the Democrat and Republicans are Left Wing Platforms, and will do anything they can to remain in power, and to any of us who stand in their way, they will call us liars, insurrectionists, treasonists, cause “WE” have separated ourselves from “their” adopted Oath…

    The Democrat and Republicans both have the Cable Television Networks in their back pocket, from CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, DISNEY, to HOLYWOOD – they are all Socialist and Facsist crappers, and have crapped the bed years ago.

    The Republican Party runs on the fact they call themselves the Party of Abraham Lincoln, but what they do not tell you, is that Lincoln expanded the power of the Government over the States more than any President before him, and after him with the exception of Joe Biden himself, who has intentionally expanded its authority by weoponizing it, by manipulating it, scheming to steal our rights, our own self governed powers held in the Republic. Two in the Same.

    You all can attack Trump all day long, we do not care anymore. TRUMP is well protected, and safe where he is, and this is what keeps him on the campaign trail. You are never going to get to him, cause the Military is protecting him night and day.

    Join my movement

    Thank You,

  15. larry kurtz 2023-12-14 16:44

    Some of you know that back in 2018 this interested party declared that Hillary Clinton threw the 2016 election so Donald Trump could destroy the Republican Party. Recall the Clinton campaign didn’t ask for any recounts or file any lawsuits. Why? I believe she knew that had she won, the Republican House would have impeached and removed her before the 2018 midterms, a President Tim Kaine would have met an untimely end before naming a Veep and Paul Ryan would become POTUS. That all ended when the Electoral College installed Donald Trump — until now.

  16. M 2023-12-14 17:11

    To endorse Trump the Grump is to approve of sexual assault, fraud, anti-Christian behaviors, anti-democratic behaviors, racism, and the pathetic overuse of unwarranted victimhood.

    He is a sorry excuse for a human. On a scale of 1 to 10, he doesn’t even register. And if he is the idol of manhood to some of you men, I take my hat off to you so I can puke my guts outs.

  17. Bob Newland 2023-12-14 18:12

    Mikey Lee is a good representative of the knuckle-dragging gaptoothed inbred pieces of meth-tweaking sh*t which populate the Trump-loving racist hordes who will support him in spite of his sexist racist know-nothing policies.

    Keep in mind that I say this while recognizing that he is barely worse than his alternatives. If there is a lord, please save us!

  18. M 2023-12-14 18:46

    I envision Mike Zitt looking like a giant pimple that’s just about ready to pop. He has time to seek professional help, however he’d rather believe Heir Trump will heal pimples like him. Mike, you don’t mean anything to Heir Trump, you lack the right equipment.

    Give up the Bromance.

  19. Mike Zitterich 2023-12-14 18:55

    You Democrats remind me everyday, why people hate the Democrat party, and why it has no support in South Dakota, let alone damn near 36 states.There is a reason why Republicans constantly gain the popular vote in a minimum 350 Federal Districts. The one huge reason whey Democrats support a statewide popular vote, let alone National Popular Vote, it is the only way they can win, or even come close. Keep in mind, prior to 1850, we had 15 Presidents, and 11 of the 15 were all “Conservative” and 4 of them were Anti-Federalists.

    FACT: IF the Districts were still APPORTIONED as they were prior t0 1850, ROSS PEROT takes at least 26 Districts, taking more away from Clinton, meaning George Bush would have gotten a 2nd Term, and be a 2 term president

  20. Dicta 2023-12-14 19:04

    Good thing Cory keeps him the community. Lots of valuable contributions that would sorely be missed. Thanks, Cory!

  21. O 2023-12-14 19:12

    Mike, you remind me every day why you hate democracy.

  22. grudznick 2023-12-14 19:26

    Ross Perot was a swell fellow. He knew more about computers than even friend-of-the-blogging-place Mr. Schriever claims to.
    grudznick voted for Ross Perot.

  23. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-14 20:45

    I do hate Democracy, I love the fact in a REPUBLIC, to which we built, you cannot convict me of a crime based on you and your friends. YOU need to go to a COURT ROOM, in front of JURY, and try to convince them that I committed a crime. BURDEN OF PROOF is on you.

    I love the Fact I live in a Republic, where we DO NOT allow MOB RULE to choose our President, that the people are apportioned by means of 435 Districts of 750,000 Citizens Each, and which each Group of People is equal to each other, getting 1 Vote Each for President.

    I love the fact, that the Candidate does NOT become President if he cannot obtain 50% +1 of those ELectors, protecting MY STATE from your mob rule mentality, that now each State gets 1 Delegate Vote each in order to Choose the Right of Choice for President. And then my “SENATORS” get to vote on behalf of the State Legislators to Choose the Vice President if no one gets 50%+1 of the vote.

    I am glad that we get to CHOOSE our At-Large Representatives at the State level by a CONVENTION where the voters send their Precinct Committees, County Committees, and Legislative delegates to vote for who we want by “Convention”.

    The only means we have “democracy” is allowing the Voters to Elect their U.S House Rep, State Legislators, County sheriffs, Local Judges, Mayors, City Councils, Precinct committeemen, County Commiteemen, and Electors for President.

    Yes, our system works very well…where the Democrats do not try to cheat.

  24. larry kurtz 2023-12-14 20:48

    The Republican Party is dead.

  25. DaveFN 2023-12-14 22:33

    Far from being pejorative, “narcissism” has increasingly become elevated as a badge of honor by those who brazenly wear it.

    The term is so overused as to be nothing but descriptive of anything other than each and everyone of us at some level.

  26. M 2023-12-15 07:37

    I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. I’m just party free so I can be me.

    I vote for Democrats because they are saving our country from people like M Z Pimple.

  27. Richard Schriever 2023-12-15 08:59

    Mikey – “There is a reason why Republicans constantly gain the popular vote…..” Facts – the last time the Republicans actually gained the majority of the popular vote for Pres was 2004 – “W” in the wake of 9/11. Prior to that the last time was 1988. Of the 41 presidential elections since 1860, Democrats have won 21 and Republicans 20. The worst/lowest percentage was the 23% won by incumbent Republican candidate William Howard Taft in 1912.

  28. Richard Schriever 2023-12-15 09:02

    grudz – Perot was a FINANCE guy, not a computer/programming guy. As is typical with the “conservatives” you misunderstand the difference between owning a company and actually doing the work of the company. BTW – I too voted for Perot.

  29. Richard Schriever 2023-12-15 09:06

    PS – Perot got his start SELLING IBM services and systems – not actually providing them, just selling – much like Trump never actually did any hands-on real estate/property development work, he just bought/sold it.

  30. Eve Fisher 2023-12-15 09:21

    Mr. Z. leaves out the little facts of the pre-1850 districting of the United States:
    there were only 31 states, and in those states there were only 23 million people as opposed to 330 million today, and, of course, no women or slaves could vote. If that’s what he wants to return to, he will find himself in a lonely United States of his own imagination – which is apparently where he is today.

  31. e platypus onion 2023-12-15 10:24

    South Duhkota barely has 750k people and one district and yet, has three votes for potus.

  32. e platypus onion 2023-12-15 10:30

    I love the fact, that the Candidate does NOT become President if he cannot obtain 50% +1 of those ELectors, protecting MY STATE from your mob rule mentality,

    That is accurate description of what drumpf and mobbing magats attempted on jan 6th, 2020 and you have no evidence whatsoever that drumpf won. You SOBS are the cheaters and we will remind you every day you cheat, lie and steal to get what you want. Including rig the courts to favor your brand of fascism.Loser!

  33. Mike Lee Zitterich 2023-12-15 10:35

    WOMEN COULD VOTE PRIOR to 1900, that is a lie, this is how America was prior to 1850
    If the “Electoral System” worked as it was originally intended, All Men and Women have always had the Right to Vote dating back to 1777, the first year that we became the United States of America.

    Yes, I did say, even back then “Women” had the Right to Vote the entire time even prior to the 20th Amendment was ratified.

    Remember, in the early years before all the Political Parties had manipulated, schemed, and changed things, the process worked very well.

    All American Citizens of the State, both Men and Women voted in common elections to elect the following persons:

    U.S Representatives, State Legislators, County Commissioners, County Sheriffs, Local Judges, District Attorneys, County Treasurers, Auditors, Mayors, City Councils, Legislative Delegates, County Committeemen and Women, and Precinct Men and Women.

    From that “common core group of elected persons” the State Government is put in place at the State, County, and Local levels.
    *State Legislature’s choose, and appoint the U.S Senators to whom represents the best interest of the State ensuring that no Group of People is unequal to another Group of People aka State’s.

    **The the County Committees, Precinct Committees, and Legislative Delegates meet once every 2 or 4 years to choose, and vote for our choice for Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Land Commissioner, School Commissioner, and National Committee Man or Woman.

    ***The Qualified Voters and/or State Legislators have the right to choose their Electors for President depending on State Laws. Remember the People are broken down as 1 Elector Per Federal District, currently there are 435 Electors, and then the Stats are broken down further in Senate Districts (east, west) giving us 535 Electors Total…

    As the Men and Women go to the General Election for President, they are voting in their “Districts” to which they are instructing the “Electors” who to vote for their “District Vote”.

    As the Presidential Electors meet in their National Convention of Electors aka Electoral College, they get to cast two votes –
    1 Vote must be bound to the way their fellow citizens voted within their district;
    1 Vote must be of a Presidential Candidate from Outside the State known as the Alternate Choice for President.

    Then, Your State Legislators confirm the Electoral Votes, then on behalf of the “State’s Interest” – Certify the “State of Electors” they so choose to codify, and finally, the Governor seals them, and sends off to the United States Congress.

    Yes, that means, the “State Legislatures” can legally certify the “Alternate Slate of Electors” given to Congress.

    Once in a Joint Congress, with the Senators protecting the States – the U.S House led by the Vice President, opens up the Certificates.

    The Candidate who receives 50%+1 of the Total # of Electors becomes President, the Runner Up becomes Vice President.

    IF no one obtains that quota, then the Congress in front of the Senators, have to take the Top Three Candidates, and give back to the State Legislatures to discuss further. This allows the “States” to appoint, choose 1 Delegate Per Each State, which this process could take 30 days.

    Once the States Make this Appointment, you need at least 2/3 of the States (34 Delegates), to Cast their Vote for President.

    **Note: During this Extended Electoral Season, the Current President has to step down, and the Current Vice President “Acts” as a Temporary President in the mean time.

    ***The Delegates of Each State then casts their Choice for President, which confirms the “Right of Choice” to be President.

    The U.S Senate then Chooses who they wish for Vice President.

    After the 12th Amendment, the President and Vice President Choices were split into two separate Elections.

    Do you really know why the 20th Amendment was Adopted by the States to seemingly give WOMEN the Right to Vote?

    Because prior to 1900, MEN were conspiring to vote twice in our elections, they would vote once as a MAN, then they would show up pretending to be WOMEN to cast a second vote in elections. This meant, they were stealing the Women Vote, or canceling the Women vote out by conspiring to subvert the total vote counts.

    You also had Companies such as the DAKOTA LAND COMPANY aka they established Sioux Falls City in 1862, they would create make belief towns and precincts, creating fake voters, to cast additional ballots, thus conspiring to manipulate, scheming their way to get “Democrats” into Elected Offices. I say Democrat in this case, cause Dakota Land Company was mostly Democrat..But even Republicans were conspiring to manipulate votes…

    That is the true reason for the 20th Amendment, protecting the Women’s Right to Vote, blocking Men from dressing as women, stealing or canceling their votes out.

    So, in order to stop this gross manipulation from occuring, States were adopting measures between 1800 to 1900, that a Qualified Voter has to own “property” with property defined as Land, Real Property, a Business, etc. This seemingly disqualified women, mainly thanks to them not owning property, and men becoming Head of the House-Hold the Bread Earner. That seemed to fix the manipulation of ballots, but for most women, who chose to be housewives, it disqualified them. Unless they owned property, they could not vote in public elections.

    Susan B Anthony knew all this was occurring, and wanted to put a stop to it, and pushed for an Amendment, which would from that day forward, protect the Women’s Right to Vote, cause their votes had been canceled out by MEN pretending to be Women.
    Ironically, today, We now have the TRANS-MOVEMENT that allows for Men to become women, and Women to become Men. Do you see vote manipulation as part of this movement? Eerily scary, and resembles what was occuring during the 1800’s This is how the 20th Amendment came to be, because of all the manipulation, interference, and vote canceling going on.

  34. larry kurtz 2023-12-15 10:45

    Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that reproduces in cat species, whether domestic, feral or wild. Infected mice lose the fear of cat urine and are more likely to be preyed upon spreading the parasite even more.

    Virtually all hogs in confinement are infected and so are at least a third of Americans. The effects on the gene pool are catastrophic often leading to neuropsychiatric diseases including paranoia, especially in men. Toxoplasmosis is linked to Gender Identity Disorder, too.

    More recently, toxoplasmosis has been linked to risky behavior in wolves after they ingested cougar scat while living in and around Yellowstone National Park. Toxoplasmosis has been linked to depressed mood, feelings of guilt and even suicide in humans. If you’ve lived with a cat litter box in your house you are probably already infected with toxoplasma gondii.

    Recall Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling or MCOOL was repealed during the second Obama term to shield American commodities from scrutiny because every ag product, meats both wild and domestic not grown organically in the United States is contaminated with atrazine, neonicotinoids, glyphosate, dicamba, DDT, mercury, lead, PFAS, E. coli, Imazalil plus other toxins and pathogens.

    Tampons, menstrual pads and even some sunscreens contain gender bending endocrine disruptors. Phthalate-laden bottled water alone makes up 1.5 million tons of plastic each year.

    The blood-brain barrier is the network of blood vessels and tissue made up of closely spaced cells that helps keep harmful substances from reaching the brain. The herbicide dicamba (3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid) penetrates the blood-brain barrier as do other hormone disruptors that affect gender identity especially in children and adolescents.

  35. larry kurtz 2023-12-15 10:51

    $20 says Zitterich is suffering from toxoplasmosis.

  36. e platypus onion 2023-12-15 10:51

    Zit’s full of odorous gas again….

    after election polls show had Perot not run, 38% of his voters would have voted for Hitler Weasel Bush, 38% of Perot voters would have voted for the :Comeback Kid” and 24% would not have voted. Zit lies again.

  37. Dicta 2023-12-15 10:53

    Now Mike goes after trans people as part of a conspiracy theory. GOOD THING HE IS STILL HERE! THANKS FOR KEEPING THE DISCUSSION REASONABLE, CORY!

  38. e platypus onion 2023-12-15 11:06

    Which states granted women full voting rights before 1900?
    The first state to grant women the right to vote had been Wyoming, in 1869, followed by Utahin 1870, Colorado in 1893, Idaho in 1896, Washington in 1910, California in 1911, Oregon and Arizona in 1912, Montana in 1914, North Dakota, New York, and Rhode Island in 1917, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Michigan in 1918.

    4 states allowed women full suffrage rights before 1900.

  39. e platypus onion 2023-12-15 11:13

    Hitler Weasel Bush as potus in 1989 had an approval rating of 89% and still lost the 82 election to WJ Clinton.

  40. All Mammal 2023-12-15 11:13

    People who want to tell other people what to do are low-life bums. If you do not believe in the truth that some ladies and gentlemen feel like they need to have surgery or take prescriptions to express who they feel they are, then why aren’t you going after bottle blondes? God didn’t appoint most blondes that way at birth. Or why aren’t you attacking people with obesity who feel trapped in their body and are seeking gastric surgery to lose the weight that is endangering their health and even their very lives? God obviously made them the way he intended for them to have to endure forever. A friend of mine had her leg amputated to save her life. What gave the doctors the audacity to think she shouldn’t drag her unviable limb around forever, like God wanted?

    That is really just proof that people who want to harass doctors and women and trans people and write laws to tell them what to do because what they interpret their God’s innuendo tells them are all buttholes and should mind their own butthole. They probably bleach it too.

  41. e platypus onion 2023-12-15 11:14

    Bush lost the 1992 presidential election to Clinton.

  42. Donald Pay 2023-12-15 14:11

    Mike Z. needs a course in American history because he’s vastly simplifying what happened. Yes, some states and some localities allowed women to vote in some elections at some points in history, generally before the early 1800s. Most women, however, did not vote, and their turnout was considerably lower than male voters. Generally, although women were allowed to vote, they did not have “the right to vote.” In a striking resemblance to today’s Republican Party efforts to restrict voting, the largely male elites claimed “fraud,” based partly on women voting, and were able to restrict voting through amendments to state constitutions to free, white males. Some states did allow free black males to vote, but female voting was considerably restricted. Voting would be a controversy in states, and restrictions to voting were alternately loosened and restricted voting for blacks and for women up until today (even though most state constitutions have provided a right to vote for everyone over 18). A right provided can be taken away or nullified by, for example making it more difficult for people to vote. . Vigilance is always required against the anti-democratic forces who seek to restrict voting.

  43. O 2023-12-15 14:38

    Donald, as our schools are seeing now, what is “history?” It is written as conservative politicians see it needed in the moment to suit their political need. We live in Orwellian times. Objective truth is set aside for momentary need. Lessons need not be learned.

  44. Mike Zitterich 2023-12-15 15:20

    No where in United Constitution, nor State Contitutions does it say WOMEN had no right to vote. VOTING RIGHTS were alwas boud to 21 Year Olds and Older, 90 Days Citizenship Status, and Property Rights. Women had the right to vote before the 1920 as we as after 1920. It was cause of the restrictions placed on voting rights that became the main cause for most women choosing NOT to vote prior 1870, and it was cauase of MEN identifying as their wives, or other women votign twice, to manipulate vote counts and other reasons I spoke on prior, was why some States formed laws that banned Women from voting permanently. THE RIGHT TO VOTE was never taken away from women except for where States became to tyrannnical, and the Federal Courts instructed Congress to adopt an Amendent to fix the issues playing out between 1830 to 1890. YOU do not lose a right, but human nature can strip themselves of those rights it becomes corrupted. The AMENDMENT put an end to the political games for good.

  45. O 2023-12-15 15:48

    Unfortunately, a glaring omission from the Constitution is a direct reference to a right to vote. There are later prohibitions on restrictions, but not a fundamental initial expressed guarantee.

  46. larry kurtz 2023-12-15 15:58

    Since Traitor Trump is toast Paul Ryan would be a good Veep choice for Nikki Haley since Wisconsin is a swing state.

  47. Donald Pay 2023-12-15 16:09

    Mike Z., Thanks for your comment, but there was quite a commotion at the time of ratification of the about a Bill of Rights. That’s because a lot of people were concerned about the government having a lot of power, and individuals not having a lot protection. So we got the Bill of Rights. It did not however, include a “right to vote.” Elections and their regulation were left to the states. You are correct that amendments after the civil war partly rectified that, but having a partly rectified right and actually being allowed in multiple jurisdictions to vote are two different things. There are always the malevolent forces (today those are the Republican Party) that work against the right to vote of certain parts of the electorate, or the dilution of their vote through various ways. We can rectify all this, if you have the courage to push a clearly written federal right to vote into the Constitution. And we can ban gerrymandering and the electoral college.

  48. e platypus onion 2023-12-15 17:11

    just for the halibut, Screwdy Rudy ordered to pay Georgia election workers 148 million bucks in defamation he apparently didn’t bother to show up and contest.

  49. Mike Zitterich 2023-12-15 19:49

    The United States Constitution states who is responsible to vote for U.S Reps, who is responsible to appoint U.S Senators, and who is responsible to vote for Electors for President. It leaves it up to the PEOPLE to create qualifications per each State. Cause YOU and your NEighbors know whether or not your CITIZENS of the State. We want all the power held by the People making up the States. WE ARE THE STATE.

  50. M 2023-12-15 19:59

    Hey Mr. Pimple give it a rest, get a life, and spend some time with your family.

  51. Lucy M 2023-12-16 01:27

    Loren’s comment about Congress “doing something” being noticeable when they take a holiday break. We used to say the people of South Dakota were safe so long as the legislature was not in session.

  52. e platypus onion 2023-12-16 09:21

    Witch constitution are you belleing about, Zit? The articles of conglomeration? The holy book full of lies? Or. our constitution we have sworn to protect and defend against enemies like you and drumpf?

  53. e platypus onion 2023-12-16 09:23

    Witch constitution are you bellering about, Zit?

  54. grudznick 2023-12-16 09:23

    Mr. Zitterich, you are INCOHERENT.

  55. Arlo Blundt 2023-12-16 16:43

    Mr. are lying. Incidences of women voting (except in a few states in school board elections) was extremely rare, if it occurred at all. No woman in any state ever voted for Governor or US Representative (Senators were elected by legislators), much less President or Mayor.

  56. Mike Zitterich 2023-12-16 17:46

    I never Lie. I do my research. WOMEN always had the RIGHT TO VOTE in America. Just cause they were disqualified under the old rules prior to 1920, does NOT mean they did NOT have the RIGHT TO VOTE. Plenty of Women voted before 1920, but only where they owned property. When you read the history of Laura Ingalls, she often speaks on women voting in their state and local elections. SO, no I, did NOT LIE.

  57. Arlo Blundt 2023-12-16 17:52

    Zitterich…Local, maybe, for a short period during territorial days…after statehood NEVER…South Dakota conformed to national law as an incentive for Congress to vote for admission. Only Wyoming allowed Women to vote.

  58. Bob Newland 2023-12-16 18:18

    Mikey Lee, there apparently is no argument so absurd as to disqualify itself if it supports your position?

  59. Arlo Blundt 2023-12-16 18:47

    Mr. Zitterich-Allow me to refer you to “The South Dakota Political Almanac”, Alan L. Clem, (a Government Professor at USD), Government Research Bureau, State University of South Dakota (as USD was then known), Vermillion, South Dakota, 1962. Report #47, page 35, Constitutional Amendments and Referred Laws, Table 10, Results of Elections Concerning State Constitutional Amendments and Initiated and Referred Laws, 1889-1960.

    Women’s Suffrage through the adoption of a Constitutional Amendment was on the state wide ballot 7 times between 1890 and 1918, being defeated 6 times before being passed in 1918 (during WWI)…The results were
    1890-Lost-22,972 for 45,682 against.
    1894-A CA to allow women to vote in local school elections
    Lost-17,010 for 22,682 against
    1898-Women’s Suffrage
    Lost-19,698 for 22,983 against
    Women’s Suffrage did not appear on the ballot for a decade until 1910
    1910-Lost 35,290 for 57,709 against
    1914-Lost 39,605 for 51,509 against
    1916-Lost 53,432 for 58,360 against
    1918- WON 49,218 for 28,934 against
    You have been lying about women voting in elections. If you have not been lying, you have been babbling nonsense. Perhaps both.

  60. Dicta 2023-12-16 19:00

    Wow, good thing Mike’s allowed to continue making false statement after false statement with Cory’s tacit approval. Thanks again, Cory!

  61. M 2023-12-16 19:17

    I come to this site to get away from the Pimples of the World. This M Z is turning me elsewhere. Guess you got what you wanted Mr Pimple. Chase the women away with your lies and disgusting input. See ya later folks.

  62. Arlo Blundt 2023-12-16 20:48

    M-stick around..Mr. Z is a flash in the pan.

  63. Jenny 2023-12-17 09:37

    Wake up call to Biden and the democrats…….

    Are you waking up?
    No president has ever come back to win reelection with such disastrous sinking poll numbers. Biden is in big trouble.

  64. ds 2023-12-18 09:20

    d.trump spews fear and hate of immigrants claiming that they
    “poison the blood of Americans”. So does Melania’s son Barron have poison blood? My wife is a Philippines immigrant so does our 13-year old daughter have poisoned blood? I guess i could ask our Governor Noem since she endorses trump the sex offender and insurrectionists and future felon; no matter what he says or does.

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